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That Billionaire is My Husband

That Billionaire is My Husband

5 Chapters
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Corry has a fiancé, his name is Wilson. She broke off her engagement to Corry after learning that Corry's family business had gone bankrupt. Corry was looking for entertainment in a bar, until finally he met the richest man in the country, who happened to be Wilson's uncle. Corry's meeting with Uncle Wilson was not just an ordinary meeting, but led to both of them sleeping in a hotel room. Wilson's uncle is named Brown. Initially, Brown insisted that it was all a mistake and had no intention of continuing his relationship with Corry any further. However, Brown couldn't help himself whenever Corry needed financial help or faced humiliation from Wilson and his mistresses. Corry also tricked Brown by pretending to be pregnant, with the aim of getting revenge on Wilson. However, Corry continues to be afraid that one day his secret will be revealed. Until finally one day Corry confessed and said, "I'm sorry, I tricked you by pretending to be pregnant. If you can't accept it, it's better if we just divorce." Brown hugged Corry and replied, "Honey, none of that matters to me. To compensate for my losses, let's have a baby now!" Will Corry comply with Brown's wishes to have a baby?

Chapter 1 Fate Has Its Own Plan

This luxurious and elegant bar is located in one part of America, precisely located in a hotel.

At that time, Corry was sitting with an extraordinarily handsome man. Her red lips seemed to shimmer under the moonlight. very tempting.

The man asked with a faint smile, "Do you want to kiss me? Don't you know who I am?"

At that time, Corry was drunk. He almost lost his words properly, his speech faltering, "Wh-who are you?"

Even though he was drunk, Corry knew that the man was very handsome. You could say the man was no different from a Greek god.

"This guy is so hot," Corry thought as he grabbed her face again to kiss her.

Of course Brown didn't let it happen. he caught Corry's wrist and whispered in a low voice, "I'm your fiancé's Uncle, Wilson. You should call me Uncle Brown!"

Does Corry really not know him? But Corry actually remembered meeting the man at a family event before.

When Wilson's name was mentioned, Corry's pretty face wrinkled, "My fiancé is a bastard. Your nephew is a cheat and a liar. He's a useless man!"

Brown really doesn't like people who openly insult his family members in front of him. everyone knows that Brown is the richest man in the country.

Corry smiled and leaned closer to Brown, "Wilson has cheated on me. So why can't I cheat on his Uncle?"

Brown narrowed his eyes at Corry, "This is your final warning!"

Corry ignored him and instead leaned in to kiss Brown, his eyes closed and something snapped inside Brown.

"You asked for it?" This time Brown couldn't resist.

Brown's hotel room is just a few floors below the bar, in an executive-level suite. However, the elevator ride felt so long.

After entering the room, Brown and Corry engage in bed madness. Both of their clothes were scattered randomly on the floor.

The two turned out to be perfect for each other, the only problem was when Corry felt a knife scar on Brown's shoulder. Corry wanted to ask how Brown had been stabbed, but he was so deep inside himself that Corry's question turned into a sigh.

They did it for hours, Corry didn't know how many times they did it, but he was in excruciating pain the next day. Because of all this, Corry's first time.

Red spots were visible on the bed sheets. Brown was awake and looking at Corry. His eyes glanced at the red spot, but he immediately looked away and went to the bathroom.

When he came out, he had already showered and dressed.

Brown sees that Corry has to shower in a hotel bathrobe because her dress is torn and messy.

Brown asked seriously, "Wilson broke off his engagement with you? So, are you planning to become his aunt-in-law for revenge?"

After a moment of silence, Corry replied in a joking tone, "If I can't be Wilson's wife, being his aunt seems like the right choice! But, I don't know if Mr. Brown will give me this opportunity?"

"Don't think like that!" Brown smiled, but there was not the slightest humor in his tone.

Corry also understood what he meant. That this is just one sleep and there will be no more.

Corry was of course not surprised by Brown's answer. Brown has always been known as a cold man. a serious relationship is impossible.

"Last night was so exciting! Thank you!" He smiled and thought everything was so trivial.

Yesterday Corry was decided by Wilson. Fate then brought him together with Brown when he went to a bar to drink.

"I have some business to attend to. I'm leaving. I've ordered a car to take you home. So, go downstairs when you're ready!"

"Thank you, Mr. Brown!"

The two of them didn't say anything until they met each other again. because Brown had clearly said that they would never meet again.

However, fate and destiny always have their own plans.


After Corry goes home that day, he checks his mailbox and gets a letter from the hospital.

Her mother's medical bills were already running late again.

This time, Corry couldn't pay it on time. They will force him to send it to a debt collection company and may destroy his credit.

Due to that fact, Corry had no choice but to go to Wilson's house.

"Wilson, can I borrow 150 dollars? I know I shouldn't ask you but my family is broke and my mom is in the hospital. This is important."

Wilson felt guilty because he had cheated and now saw Corry asking for help so pitifully, he felt sorry too.

"Come on in, Corry! I'll write you a check and have a drink while you wait!"

"Thank you. I promise I'll return it."

As soon as Corry followed Wilson into the house, he saw Brown standing in the living room with Wilson's mother.

Maybe Brown heard the sound of Corry's footsteps, because a moment later he turned and their eyes met...


Brown was silent. he just glanced at Corry with a cold gaze. A hint of mockery could be seen in his eyes, but his facial expression soon returned to normal.

The two of them had sex about 24 hours ago, with the plan not to meet again.

Corry understood why Brown was looking at him with ridicule, he must have thought of her as a treasure hunter. However, Corry didn't care what Brown thought, but his heart still felt cut.

Wilson's mother also witnessed all this and went ahead to speak, "Brown, please sit down first! I'll come right away after dealing with this matter!"

Wilson's mother rushed over with a sullen face. He spoke slowly, but his tone contained anger.

"Wilson, why did you bring him here again?"

"Mama, the hospital is urging him to pay the medical fees. Corry has no choice but to borrow money from me."

Wilson honestly told his mother everything that happened.

"Borrowing money? "You're no longer Corry's fiancé, he just uses money as an excuse to bother you."

Wilson's mother glanced upstairs. He felt anxious about Corry being here.

"Quickly tell him to leave! Seeing him makes me sick!"

Corry really hopes that Wilson's mother can be cool and doesn't expect that woman to be mean. Back when Corry's family was still very rich, Wilson's mother treated him very well.

"Auntie, didn't you always say you really hoped I would be your childSo, just because my family is poor now, your attitude has changed like this?"

Corry clenched his fists tightly, he still couldn't control his emotions.

In fact, Corry was very aware of why Wilson and his family broke off the engagement.

However, Wilson's mother's 180 degree change in attitude still cuts Corry's heart. Corry used to think that they would be a family.

"Stop talking about the past! Your family went bankrupt because your father was a terrible businessman! he always chooses the easiest way and your brother is also in prison for financial fraud. Your mother is going crazy. You are a big burden!"

Wilson's mother continued, "But Wilson's career was taking off, and he needed someone who could help him."

Corry tried not to shake his head, "Auntie, I didn't come here not to reconcile with Wilson. I just wanted to borrow money."

Before Wilson's mother could answer, a voice came from upstairs, "Wilson, who is there?"

When Corry saw Merry and was confused. Corry knows, Wilson found someone else.


"Corry? I thought you must be crying somewhere. Your father committed suicide, what are you doing here?"

Merry grinned and approached Wilson, as if she was the queen of this house. He even clung to Wilson's arm.

Wilson wanted to withdraw his hand, but Merry stopped him. He couldn't help but peek at Corry.

He knew Corry's family could help him a lot, but this didn't mean Wilson wanted Corry to know that Merry was his new woman.

Because Merry is not only ugly and fat, but she's also not very pleasant as a person.

Unfortunately, there was no point in Wilson hiding any of that anymore. Even blind people can see Wilson and Merry's relationship.

The sight made Corry sick and his initial desire to borrow money turned into an urge to vomit.

Corry would rather be a beggar on the street than have to borrow money from Wilson again.

So Corry let it all out.

"Hey Wilson, didn't you say earlier that Merry reminded you of a clown character? Now you're dating him? This is great!"

"What?" Merry's face turned red and looked at Wilson sharply.

Before Wilson could answer, Corry added, "When Merry asked you out on a date on campus, you told me you would rather die than date him. What made you change your mind?"

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