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Two wolves within

Two wolves within

5 Chapters
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Freak of nature or special gift, one girl born with two wolves. For years Jessica has been outcast as odd, strange and down right crazy. No werewolf, dead or alive, has ever been blessed or cursed with the power or presence of two wolves. How and why are mysteries that nobody will help her discover.

Chapter 1 Alone.

10 years ago....

Sarah POV

"Oh , my goddess!! Child!! Are you okay!?! I screamed as I spotted her. A small, frail little girl, no older than 9 or 10 years old, with long light brown hair, that fell down to her lower back. Her face was gaunt and pale and covered in blood. Still in her nightie and bare feet, vacantly looking around at the gruesome scene before her. Ambling slowly forward towards us.

My team and I were volunteer fire fighters who had been called to a house fire just on the outer suburbs of our pack. We had arrived to the scene, our siren blaring and hustled out quickly to ready our hoses towards the house that had been burning for some time now. Rushing towards the house, that was well ablaze, we froze as we saw the dead bodies strewn all over the front yard of men, women and pups. There were at least a dozen or more....We were not expecting THIS!!!

That is when I saw the young girl.... I swallowed the lump of sadness in my throat and ran to her, dropping to my knees to scoop her up and race her to one of the waiting ambulances that had arrived with us.

She smelled slightly off. The smell of blood and smoke from the burning building was choking the air but she smelled strange.... Sour and metallic, possibly from the blood she was covered in.

"Are you okay?" I calmly asked her as I sat her down on the stretcher, scanning her gently for any obvious injuries. Trying to remain calm in my demeanour to her, in an attempt to help soothe and comfort her, despite my stomach lurching from the scene around me.

"What is your name? Are you okay? Where are your parents?" She looked up at me sadly and answered my questions with a slow shake of her head before her tears began to slide down her pale blood stained cheeks.

I closed the distance between us and embraced her protectively. I am slightly overweight, or curvy, as I like to think of myself, and nothing special to look at with brown eyes and chestnut brown hair and generally a very generic look as far as an Omega goes, I'd like to think my ample bosom and cuddly demeanour would give me the overall presence of a homely wife and mother, even though the moon goddess never saw fit to grant me pups of my own.

I held her close and stroked her hair, feeling something cold and slimey on the back of her head, I lifted my hand and glanced at what had stuck to me. A piece of flesh. I gagged and flicked my hand in disgust. It flicked off my hand and landed on the shoe of the dark haired, tall and lanky guy next to me.

"Ewww gross!! Sarah!! Yuck!!!" Nathanial shrieked. Hopping around like his foot was on fire. Nathanial, or Nate as we called him, was thin but very tall, well over 6 foot (nearly as tall as our alpha) with short back and sides in nearly jet black hair, with pale complexion, glasses and a sharp jawline. I have admired his good looks for many years but would never say anything. He was a not a very manly type, always impeccably dressed but had very dainty tendencies. He was never one for blood or gore, which was weird for us. Being werewolves, and especially our warriors, it was a way of life.

I stifled a giggle and turned back to the little girl before me.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt? What is your name? Where are your parents?" I asked again. Still scanning her and wiping her face with a wipe from the medical kit the paramedic had set down next to us as they too were assessing the child for injuries.

Her eyes, a green hazel colour flashed a luminous lilac hue and glazed over for a brief second. If I hadn't been staring at her face, I would have missed it.

She nodded slowly, "My name is Jessica, I'm sore but otherwise uninjured." She spoke softly. "My parents are dead, the bad men killed them and my family...." She looked down as she spoke but up again to point to the various dead in the front yard. "That is my father, there....and my older brother, there. It is sad he is dead, Alex only got his wolf last full moon. They tried to stop the bad smelly men from coming inside. My mother and sisters and I were in the kitchen having leftover cookies and warm milk before bed. Mother baked a cake and some sugar cookies for Lizzie's birthday today. That's my baby sister. She is dead too now."

My heart broke for this little girl. 'Bad smelly men? Was this a rogue attack? This far into our territory? How did they get here? What happened? Why? Oh dear....Had she watched the whole family be gruesomely slaughtered?' I thought to myself. I choked back my tears and continued my questions.

"How are you still alive? Did you hide? Are there others? Are the bad men still here or nearby?" I asked, looking back to the house and then glancing around the nearby houses.

"No." She replied. "They are all dead. They got what they deserved." She spoke coldly with a hint of anger and then lowered her head and whispered softly... "Memphis killed them all".

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