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Life for Aurian Harris takes a complete turn when she stubbornly goes to the festival at the capital and the king sets eyes on her She is forced to stay in the palace as the King's woman. However at the palace secrets she never knew are being revealed. What kind of secrets are revealed? Will she finally fall for the king?



Dark clouds covered the sky in the village of East Carswell. The traders in the market were hurriedly gathering up their stuffs to go home before the heavens opened. Amongst them was a dark haired green eyed girl. She put the leftover fruit in a basket and hastily moved away from the market.

She had just left the market when the rain began falling She hastened her footsteps but the fog that covered the area made it very difficult for her to see. She kept on walking and after some minutes she saw the familiar outline of her home. With a sigh of relief she hastily moved towards it and knocked the door loudly

"Aurian there you are ". The elderly woman who opened the door said with a sigh of relief. She pulled the girl in and shut the door. "Aurora get your sister a towel". She said and the blonde blue eyed girl moved upstairs.

"Angel where were you? You got everyone so worried ". Her father James Harris asked as Aurora returned and the towels to Aurian.

"I'm sorry I got caught up in the rain". Aurian replied and stood up. " I'll go get changed ".

She climbed the stairs and moved to the room she shared with her sister. She took a warm bath and put on a new set of clothes. She was braiding her hair when Aurora came in and laid on the bed.

"Oh my God! I've never been so happy in my entire life". She said excitedly promoting her sister to look at her confused.

"What's got you so excited?" Aurian asked curiosity gaining the better part of her as she stared at her sister through the mirror.

"Oh Aurian. The king has invited the whole of Devon to the castle to celebrate the festival of Halo ". Aurian informed and screamed with excitement. Aurian shook her head and couldn't escape the laugh that escaped her lips

"You sound as if the king is ask for your hand in marriage at the festival"

" Oh that's never going to happen. But I'm sure one rich young handsome noble man will notice me. You might also get a suitor". Aurora suggested with renewed excitement. She would be interested if she sees her sister with someone.

"As if mother would let me". Aurian scuffed. Her mother had always restricted her movements. As such she has few friends and never really went anywhere .

"You could ask her".

"You think she'll allow it?" Aurian asked a bit skeptical

"Is the festival of Halo. She has no reason to stop you from going". Aurora pointed out and her sister sighed

Later the family sat at the table enjoying their dinner in silence. Everyone was lost in thought. Aurian'mind was occupied with the best way to approach her mother about the festival. A way which will not make her angry

"Aurora darling do you have your dress ready?" Ellen asked breaking the silence.

"Oh yes mother I do".

" Remember this is your opportunity to secure a good man for yourself". Ellen reminded. Aurora was a really stunning and beautiful girl as such she wanted her to secure a good marriage

"Mother can I go to the festival?" Aurian asked asked and Ellen's countenance changed.

"No. I thought we were over this Aurian ". Ellen replied and Aurian sighed.

"Ellen this is the festival of Halo. Allow her to attend this one James pleaded with his wife but Ellen stood up angrily .

"No and that's final ". Ellen yelled before moving away. Aurian sighed. Of course she would act like that


"It's okay father. I'm okay with not going". She interrupted her father.

Next morning Aurian went about her morning chores as cheerfully as ever.

Aurora had rushed off to work. When she was done with her chores she picked up her purse and rushed out of the

She headed to a dress and got in. There were so many beautiful dresses on display with vibrant colour.


". An excited voice called and Aurian looked to the direction. She saw her only two friends. Astrid and Tessa stood some distance from her checking out some dresses.

"What in the world are you doing here?" Tessa asked confused.

"I came to get a dress. But that should be obvious ".

"So that means you are going to the festival?" Astrid asked hopefully.

"No. My mother blantly refused. You know how she gets

Aurian said as she observed the dresses. "I'm here to get a dress for Aurora. She needs to get a handsome someone and for that she'll need to look good ".

Time went by really fast and soon it was noon. Aurora and her parents were getting ready for the ball. Aurian moved up to the room and met her sister leaving the bathroom

"I got you a new dress". Aurian said placing the bag on the bed. Aurora walked to the bed, pulled out the dress from the bag and gasped.

"Aurian you didn't have to do this. I have plenty of dresses". Aurora complained. The dressed looked really expensive and she didn't want Aurian to spend on her

"Shut up and get ready". Aurian said before leaving the room. She moved out made her dinner and began eating. Her parents came downstairs already dressed for the ball.

"Aurian be alert or better still leave the back

". Ellen said. She knew they would be back very late and Aurian would be asleep by then.

"I'll spend the night at Hazel's place mother. I'll keep the key at the usual spot".

Just then Aurora came downstairs. She wore a bright red gown with a single sleeve and some designs. Her blonde hair was held in a bun . She had on a set of jewelry and her lips were painted bright red.

"You look breathtaking. I bet you'll sweep those men off their feet". Aurian

r sister blushed.

"Your sisters right. You are gorgeous ". Ellen said with a proud smile.

"Thank you Mom and you too Aurian".

"Okay let's get going. Starla is far from here". James said before moving to Aurian. " Look after yourself my angel"

"I will father. Have fun ". Aurian said. She watched her family leave for the capital and sighed. She rounded up with her lunch and made her way to Hazel's place.

When she got there she met a woman hanging in clothes on the drying line. She moved to the woman with folded arms.

"Hazel don't tell me you did the laundry.". Aurian said and sighed. " You should have let me do it".

"Stop making feel old. I can do my own laundry. I'm done anyways ". Hazel said. She had green eyes and dark hair like Aurian. She was a stunning beauty. She set the bucket aside and they both went inside. " Should I get you something to eat?"

""No I'm fine. I ate before leaving home ". Aurian said. Hazel noticed she was a bit sad.

"What is bothering you Heaven? Talk to me?" Hazel urged sitting on the arms of the sofa and placing her hands on her shiulder. Aurian turned to look at her

"Why is mother so strict with me? She restricts me from going anywhere or making friends".

"Do you really want to go to the festival?" She asked and Aurian nodded. " Then you should "

"Oh no. Mother would kill me if she finds out I went as far as Riverrun ". Aurian said standing up and walking to the window. She clearly recalled the last time she disobeyed her mother and left the village. Her mother had betean her up severely.

Hazel sighed and stood up. Aurian was a free child but her mother restricted her from a lot of things. She knew Ellen wanted to protect her daughter but then no one could stop destiny. She moved to the hearth and added wood to the fire .

"If she finds out. Which means if she doesn't you are saved. Take my horse and go to the festival if that's what you really want". Hazel encouraged. She straightened up and stared at Aurian with a smile. Aurian rushed to hug her.

""Aw thanks Hazel "

"Now go get dressed. Starla is far ". Hazel Said and Aurian disappeared down the hallway.

She entered her room and moved to the bathroom. She had a room and clothes at Hazel's since she spent quality time there. After taking a refreshing bath she put on her dress. It was a white dress with transparent sleeves and a low neckline. She had no make up and did her hair in a braid.

"She looked at her reflection in the mirror and sighed. She wished she could be as attractive as her sister. Aurora was a center of attraction in their village. Many men would worship the gshe walked on. She on the other hand was rather plain. Not like she cared. She grabbed her shawl and moved to the living room.

"Enjoy yourself". Hazel Said. She nodded. Wrapping the shawl around her neck she rushed out, climbed the horse and rode off.

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1 Chapter 1 INVITATION
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