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After Divorce: Loved By The Secret Billionaire CEO

After Divorce: Loved By The Secret Billionaire CEO

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After a devastating divorce with the man she had been married to for over three years, Rachel thought her life was over. Her family disowned her, they wanted nothing to do with her anymore and she couldn't blame them. She had just divorced David Hart, one of the top successful bachelors in the country and heir to the Hart industries. But they would never understand that she didn't divorce him, he divorced her after she caught him cheating on her with her god-damned best friend! Rachel was just about to end everything by jumping off a bridge when she was saved by the most unexpected person. The boy she once bullied severally in highschool because he always wore ugly glass and was from a poor background, how come that glass make him so hot now? Why was he helping her get revenge on ex-husband who is trying to make her life even more miserable? And most important how did he get so handsome? What exactly does he want from her? ... No, you must want something, anything. If you can really help me get revenge on David and Lana, I can't just let you do it for free". Ethan went quiet for a while. I held my breath waiting for what his request might be. If it was something money could buy, I'll try my best to get it for him even though I was somehow broke right now. "You're right I do want something". He said after thinking for few minutes "What?" I asked slowly. " Until you get your revenge on David, Lana and every other person you want, you will live here". Live here as in...?  " Wha... What are you saying? ". I stammered hoping he wasn't saying what I thought he was saying. I tried to step back but I missed a step and almost fell on the bed but Ethan caught me holding me in his muscular arms.  Ethan moved his face closer to mine be was so close, our nose almost touched. " I want you to be with me! ".

Chapter 1 Waiting for him

Rachel's POV

"I'll be seeing him after a very long time; I have to make everything perfect". I told my best friend, Lana over the phone.

Today was the day David and I were finally going to consummate their marriage. We had been married for three years, three fucking years yet that man had never touched me.

As surprising as it sounds, it's true. Starting from the day David and I got married, he had begun to act strange. On our wedding night, he just left and came back the next day; we didn't even have a honeymoon.

Well, all that was going to change today. He would be coming back after his long business trip that took almost six months and I was ready.

" Just don't stress yourself out. I know how much you want today to turn out perfect but..." Lana tried to say, but I'm not hearing any of it.

" Lana, if everything goes well, you'll be a godmother in nine months, isn't that exciting? ".

" Shelly... " I could feel the way Lana would be shaking her head right now at my overexcited attitude.

As in who gets this excited just because they want to sleep with their husband? Well, that would be me.

In the past few years of marriage, I had been tormented several times by David's family asking for an heir. None of them would believe that it wasn't my fault; David never touched me!

But today, today is the day I have been waiting for. It's David and I 3rd marriage anniversary, and I'm ready to make it a blissful one.

"Oh, I got to go; I need to inspect everything; love you, Ana." I ended the call.

Yes, today was the day.

Taking a deep breath, I headed over to the bedroom where I had meticulously arranged. There were rose petals on the bed arranged in a beautiful big love sign, and by every corner of the room, candles which I would light later so they don't burn out. The windows were draped in black linen giving the room a romantic vibe.

Everything was set for my evening with David, my husband.

Just as I was about to leave the room to check on other things, I felt my phone ring. Checking the ID caller, it was my husband, David.

"Hello honey" I called out shyly immediately I answered the phone.

Despite the fact that we have been married for years now, I still find it strange to call him sweet endearment, but I did anyways.

"Rachel, I'm sorry but I can't come back home to uhm tonight. ".

What was that?

My heart became heavy for two reasons. One, after all my preparations, David won't be coming home and secondly, David was with someone.

I could hear the moan from the other side of the phone clearly.

Was he cheating on me?

"Rachel... Yes uhm... I mean Rachel are you still there? " David called out his voice a bit low pitched because of how aroused he was.

I froze completely, David was cheating on me and had the guts to call me so I could hear the mistress voice.

Before I knew it, the phone went off but not after several moaning from both individuals in the room.

My eyes filled up with tears.

This was not happening, I shook my head. I was still trying to recover from what had just happened when I received a text message from an unknown number.

' Come to Gold ville hotel, room 167 ' it read.

What was this? Who was this?

I couldn't think properly anymore. I picked up my bag and went to the car.

If I was in my normal senses, I would have questioned the text probably text back to find out who texted me. I would have thought maybe it was a trap or something like that, but my head was scrambled to the point I didn't care.

Arriving at the hotel, I went straight to the counter and showed them the text.

"Oh... You're the one. ". The lady at the counter looked at me suspiciously, before giving me the keys to the room.

Again, if I was in my right mind I would've wondered why the lady said ' Oh, you're the one ' as if she was expecting me.

I arrived at the room door. Reluctantly I opened the door with the keys the receptionist gave me. The room was dark, but I could still make out two figures on the huge bed naked.

"Da... David?" My voice shook. No only my voice, my whole body shook when my eyes adjusted to the dark and I could make out the woman's face.


Lana quickly hid behind David.

"Rachel, what... What are you doing here?" David asked trying to hide Lana from my view, but I already saw her.

My legs couldn't take it anymore and I fell to my knees.

"Lana? Of all the people you could cheat on me with, you picked my best friend?" I cried.

My heart felt like it was being shredded to tiny pieces.

My husband and the woman who I could trust my life to were sleeping together.

"Rachel, it's... This... This is not what it looks like" David said trying to explain.

Lana who still trying to stay hidden behind David also spoke up.

"Yes, it's not... It's not what it looks like".

"Ok, then what is it? Let me tell you what it looks like, My best friend and my husband were having sex together in an hotel room". I shouted frightening Lana.

She should be scared.

I got up from the floor and launched myself towards Lana to rip her apart, but David stopped me just in time and flung me to a wall.

"How dare you try to lay your filthy hands on her!" He shouted at me.

My body was sore from the way I was thrown to the wall, but the pain in my heart from David's words hurt even more.

I looked up at him, clenching my hands to a fist to stop myself from crying.

"I'm your wife!" I shouted back.

"You may be his wife, but I'm the one he truly loves". I heard Lana say from behind David.

My body shook furiously.

"What did you just say?"

"You heard her, she's the one I love. I was going to have you sign the divorce papers today".

My head began to spin.


"No... No... We can't divorce, we've been together for 10 years, 10 years David. We only go married three years ago and you're choosing her over me". The tears I've been trying hard to keep inside me began rolling down my eyes like a damn water fountain.

David got up from the bed wearing only his briefs and went to a table by the corner to pick up some papers which he threw at me.

"Now that you're here, it only makes this more easy, Sign this and we're over".

"No... " I shook my head. "We can't divorce, we... We can fix this the both of us". I crawled to David holding his knees as I begged.

I loved him enough to endure my ex best friend's humiliating laughter.

Lana laughed getting down from the bed holding the bedsheet close to her to cover her nakedness.

"Look here, Shelly. David loves me, he's only with you because of his family. But sooner or later he's going to divorce you and marry me, so just sign the damn papers. "

I looked up at my best friend, no, ex best friend in tears.

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