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Mated to the Notorious Alpha

Mated to the Notorious Alpha

54 Chapters
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"I, Nash Dawson, future Alpha of Nascent Moon Pack, reject you, Kate Harris as my mate and future Luna." he declared, stabbing my heart with his words. I controlled my tears for a moment, lifting my head to meet his cold eyes and nodded, "I, Kate Harris, accept your rejection, Nash Dawson." ...... In a world of werewolves, Kate's lack of a wolf marked her as an outcast in the Shadow Moon Pack. Hoping for salvation from Nash, her boyfriend and future Alpha of the Nascent Moon Pack, Kate's dreams crumbled when she discovered him cheating on her with her own cousin. Rejected and deemed a burden, Kate was sent to Umbra Academy, a school for elite shifters and witches. With plans to escape the power-hungry world, Kate unexpectedly crosses paths with Deimon, the notorious future Alpha of Umbra Pack. What will happen when Kate finds out that not only the notorious Alpha is her mate but he also harbours sick intentions for her?

Chapter 1 1

Chapter 1- A Brutal Betrayal

Kate's POV:

I tapped my feet, waiting for my boyfriend Nash on my 17th birthday. Even though it was my special day, I felt ignored. People gave me fake birthday wishes and treated me like I wasn't there.

After those wishes, I was pushed to the side of the room at the packhouse where the party was happening. It hurt, but I wasn't surprised because this was a normal thing in my life. As a werewolf without a wolf, I was seen as weak and useless by the entire pack. They reminded me of it every day.

The only reason they didn't mistreat me further was because I'm the granddaughter of James Vincent, the Alpha of Shadow Moon Pack.

If only they knew how much my grandfather tortured and abused me for the very same reason, they all hated me.

I could cry everyday but it did not matter to my grandfather. I was nothing but a waste of space for him.

The party he threw for me was nothing more than just a show to the Alpha Families of other packs.

However, none of that mattered to me anymore. I anticipated the promise that my boyfriend, Nash kept to me where he would propose to me in front of the entire pack.

He was the one I loved and I couldn't be any happier knowing he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me.

"Where is he?" I thought as I failed to find Nash anywhere in the hall.

I took a glance at the main clock and fidgeted with my fingers, knowing that it had been a long time since the party had begun.

I slid my hand inside my purse to fetch my phone and call Nash up. I soon realized that my phone was nowhere inside my purse, making me sigh in defeat.

At that moment, I remembered leaving my phone on my bed before leaving for the party.

As I strolled past the long hallways and retrieved my phone, my feet stopped along the way when my ears caught some strange noise emitting from the guest room nearby.

When I approached the room, the sounds became clearer. I covered my mouth with my hand, knowing it was pleasurable moans of a man and woman escaping the room.

I could not believe that guests would use the guest room of the packhouse to sleep with each other during a teen's birthday party. I felt gross just thinking about it.

Just as I was about to walk away and let them do their thing, my heart sank when I heard the woman's voice.

"Yes, Nash. I want it! I want it so bad!" She yelled in desperation before she let out a scream.

I watched in horror from the slightly open door as Nash, my boyfriend, obeyed her requests, inserting himself inside of her and pushing deeply after smacking her hard.

"Yes! Harder! Harder!" she shouted as sweat began to drip out.

My entire body shivered and my mouth was left agape. I was unable to react with the sheer shock hitting me harder than I could comprehend it.

Tears began to stream down my cheek when I heard my boyfriend's deep husky voice, "Oh baby, you're so hot when you're on your knees."

"Ahh. What about your little girlfriend, Kate?" Cynthia, my cousin moaned with delight.

"Who the hell cares about that b*tch? Just focus on me, baby." he moaned, slapping her behind once again as she rode on top of him.

My heart shattered completely into a million pieces. I was unable to breathe properly with the horror I was witnessing.

My skin turned pale. I couldn't believe that the man whom I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, would betray me by sleeping my own cousin behind my back.

I was not able to think straight as my mind felt heavy with every passing second.

"Nash!" I called out his name, sobbing profusely as I wacked the door open.

"What the f*ck?!" Nash growled as he quickly took himself out of Cynthia and put on his black boxers while she covered her body with the thick white sheets.

"What the hell are you doing here, Kate?" Nash lashed out with anger as he stood right in front of me.

My eyes could not help catch sight of the various lipstick marks sticking all over his muscular frame.

"N-nash. W-why?" I whimpered, holding onto myself as I struggled to even stand straight in front of him.

"Why, what? Are you surprised by what you see?" He asked with a deep loud tone, locking his piercing blue eyes at me without a hint of shame or regret.

"Y-you promised y-you were going to p-propose to me tonight." I stammered.

Cynthia under the sheets gave out an obvious giggle alongside Nash who shook his head at me.

He approached me, towing his body next to me, "Did you really believe that, I, the future alpha of my pack would ever marry a pathetic wolfless she-wolf like you?"

"Come on, baby, you can't be that dense." He remarked, with a smirk, as he caressed my hair that I straightened for him.

I turned my head away and pushed his hand away from me. His mere touch made me feel disgusted knowing what he did to Cynthia with those very same hands.

I could not believe that Nash would speak that way to me. Throughout our 3 year relationship, he had always treated me with love and care.

What has changed? How could he be just like the others?

A sense of security and peace shattered within me, knowing that my own boyfriend loathed me because I did not have a wolf.

"You lied to me." I sniffled meekly as my cheeks stained with my own tears.

Hearing my accusation, Nash advanced towards me, pinning me against the wall.

"I didn't lie to anyone. You were the only one foolish to believe that I would throw away my dignity and potential over a weakling like you." he said, holding my chin in place with his strong grasp.

"That's enough of you, now you have to listen to me."

"I, Nash Dawson, future Alpha of Nascent Moon Pack, reject you, Kate Harris as my mate and future Luna." he declared, stabbing my heart with his words.

Though I did not have a wolf, I could still feel the pain and betrayal that came with his rejection.

I controlled my tears for a moment, lifting my head to meet his cold eyes and nodded, "I, Kate Harris, accept your rejection, Nash Dawson."

I lowered my head to the floor, crying continuously as he got himself nestling under the sheets next to Cynthia.

He ignored every bit of pain that I was going through as his lust filled eyes focused on my cousin's body. The way he moved on easily from me seemed like he never loved me.

"Now leave us alone, so we can finish." he spat out, putting his arm around her as she snuggled her head in his chest.

"Cynthia... y-you were like a s-sister to me. How could you?" I asked with a stutter as I gripped on the handle of the door.

"My dear Kate, you never stood a chance. Now leave!" She spat before covering themselves in the sheets, continuing to kiss each other.

I slammed the door shut and ran away to my room, locking myself in.

Curling myself up, I buried myself in my arms, sobbing silently.

My mind kept replaying the bitter moments of his rejection, making me hurt even more.

Though grandfather was the one who paired the two of us together when we were 15, hoping that we would develop a natural bond with each other and that he could get a strong Alpha son-in-law, I thought that Nash truly loved me.

I was such a fool to believe him. He was just like everyone else.

Resting my head against the wall behind me, I struggled to figure out what I was going to do once grandfather found out about my rejection.

I feared the wrath I would have to face.

I quickly rubbed away my tears and fixed the pink glittery dress I wore to the party before forcing myself to stand up.

Taking a deep sigh, I unlocked the door, only to be relieved to see my nanny, Hilda, standing before me.

"Kate, what happened? I heard you crying in your room. Are you okay?" She asked me with a concerned tone.

"Hilda." I sobbed, enveloped my arms around her old body.

I was able to find a lot of comfort in her arms as she was the only one in the pack who loved and cared for me.

"Don't cry dear. Everything will be okay. I'm always here for you, you know that right? You can tell me anything." She said gently as she stroked my hair.

After calming down, I explained everything that happened to me and Hilda pulled me in for another hug.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry this happened to you." she exclaimed with sadness, wiping away the tears that refused to stop flowing down my face.

"Sorry about what?" I heard grandfather's voice emit from the entrance of my room.

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