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The fireheart is a legend,the king of all planets,the one who is blessed by the Gods and loved by his people...he should have found his mate a thousand years ago on his hundred equinox,a thousand years later he is to be crowned king,has a daughter but refuses to marry...Tristan Octavius Mon-el Pentagast stopped believing in the Gods a thousand years ago but now on his one thousand equinox the Gods has sent him a gift... What is the gift from the Gods? Will he accepts the gift? Kiara Mirajane Strauss, a supe with the ability to bend and control any material, she's gentle but also feisty, a great hacker of the Gen V. She has a brother who loves her to the earth and back. Her first mission since graduation and she's with her brother's team, going out to rescue the astronauts stranded in space, the mission was suppose to be fail-proof but what happens when Kiara decides to go in the damaged spaceship to keep it together while her team get the astronauts out??? What happens when she finds a tattoo of a flaming bird on her back?? What happens when she begins to see a man who nobody sees except her? What will she do when the man comes for her?


The multitude gathered around to hear the decree of their beloved king, King Duncan Ra-el Pengast from his messenger "The decree of his Majesty; kneel all ye who hears and sees, receive the decree of your king my brethrens", the multitude knelt on the bare floor and bow their heads in respect.The messenger began to read the message "All maidens born in the year of the Phoenix should assemble at the king's palace on the crown prince's one thousand equinox, all maidens should be on their best attire and must endeavor to be on time".As he completes the message he continued on his way.

"The crown prince's equinox?,has he began looking for his mate after so long?"

"Yh, I know right, never thought he'd bother to search for his mate after the death of his chosen".

"This is unbelievable..a girl squeal, I hope am his mate"

"Wait, what are we still doing here, we should start getting ready, his one thousand equinox is in three days".The whispers and murmurs of the crowd filled the air, some were excited, some anxious, and some with mixed feelings,who didn't know that it has been a long time since the planet Zypher ever had any celebrations.Slowly, slowly, the crowd began to disperse, going to their various homes.

The Prime Minister's Home

Noise could be heard coming from a room, the shattering of glasses, the tearing of fabrics, the breaking of furnitures, all who heard the noise knew that the lady was angry, the servants stood outside the room cowering in fear, then like a gentle breeze the prime minister, Lord El-Naggar approaches his daughter's room, on stepping inside a large vase was flying towards daughter then he said "Pumpkin, the apple of my eyes,Anika talk to papa,what got you so worked up?who made you angry?who hurt you my world?tell me and I shall see justice done,for you my dear daughter are my world".Anika burst into tears and cried really hard then she said"The Gods are the ones who hurt me papa, they're trying to take Mon-el away from me, bringing back that stupid prophecy of theirs.He is mine papa, Mon-el be longs to me,those damned Gods.."

"Blasphemy,stop it Anika,do not soil the names of the Gods anymore,I can give you anything you want but do not take which does not belong to you,His highness has a mate already,the Gods has given him a mate, mates are sacred and you know that", El-Naggar cuts her short.

El-Naggar pov

I had to stop her before she soiled the names of the Gods,and brings their wrath on our family,my daughter Anika has always gotten anything she wanted,making her grow up to be a spoiled little brat something she took from her mother. Always wanting what is not hers,but this time she won't be getting it,cause the crown prince already has a mate.

"But papa....papa you've got to help me,you said you will give me anything I want,I want Mon-El, please papa,I am very certain that old hag of a priestess is lying".she said with a tear filled eyes, clutching onto her father's sleeves.

"That's enough Nika,you need to grow,if you're meant to be then fate will take it's course,now wipe your tears,hold your head high and be strong, you are beautiful Nika,men will kill to have you as a wife and I can't wait for that day",I said to her,assuring her that everything will be fine,then I left her room.

Mon-el pov

"So what are you going to do Mon-el?"my best friend and special advisor Patek said,I kept looking out through my window marveling at the land that will soon be mine,stuck in my reverie Patek repeated his question then I turned to look at him"what do you want me to do?the Gods said they're sending her to me,I should accept after all she's a gift from the Gods which means she will strong.she will be another weapon in my arsenal to winning the war against the Martians",I said ,smirking at the reaction on Patek's face,I turned my back on him and continue staring out the window enjoying the beautiful scenery and gentle breeze.


The sound of the alarm could be heard every where in the organization,which meant it's a level 95 monster or a dark supe with unimaginable powers.

"Get Max's team ready,we don't have all day people",That my aunt z , she's the vice director of Gen V.

"Hey ,Aunt Z , please let me go on this mission with Max,I can help, besides I've gotten really stronger please,if I can't handle it I will fall back".I said ,Max is my older brother but he is such a pain in the ass,I graduated Superhero school three freaking years ago and I haven't been on any mission.Hi I'm Kiara Mirajane Strauss and my life is a mess.

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