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The Long Lost Goddess Reincarnation

The Long Lost Goddess Reincarnation

16 Chapters
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Third person. She was inside her car when someone caught her attention. He quickly got off the car and quickly approached the old man. "Grandma, are you okay? I'll help you." Yesha's present while worried. She noticed that she was struggling and seemed to be tired of intense sunshine. The old man looked at her and was slightly surprised, but eventually smiled. "I'm fine, alright. Please help me take me to the forest, 'because I live." It also teaches its fruit. It nodded and took the old man away. As it said they didn't go. A silent forest where birds are chipping in solitude silence. That's all he could hear in that very quiet forest. "Thanks, Hera." He wondered what he had said. "It's okay, Grandma, and you're fine. You look sick." The old man smiled as he smiled back. "Dear, Hera. It's time to go back to your real world as to Yoυr real body," said the old man with a face. Her forehead creased, 'wow, infareness. Grandma's great English. That amaze me to what he says is a real world! ' It sailed to the thought. She stopped her as her cellphone rang. Someone texted her. He looked at it and it was very tight. It was written in the phone, message from unknown. Unknown: Queen, come here to the underground of the mafia. He just sighed and the old man looked back. Her forehead browsed for the second time. "Where's the grandmother? Maybe that was a joke. She didn't even say goodbye." He pocketed the CP before going out of the way. She then saw her car not in a meter away. He approached it and quickly took it. She's wearing a black o eyfit while driving the car. He began to wear a mask from white and black. It has a mark named, 'ℓα∂у ∂ємσn'. All of his staff or opponents have never seen his true face, except for his gang mates. Another reason for this is because of the willingness of his mother-in-law to adopt him. He also didn't know the real reason for why. Also, someone killed it but didn't know what kind of creature they were. They are unique and have a strange look. She lived with Furios for what happened to her Mom. He pushed the nail on the steering wheel in remembrance. Her Mom is the only one left who with her. It treated her as a real child and felt her important. But she did not expect that even her considered mother had lost her. She gritted her teeth. She promised to her self to get revenge. Although, he will know and know who those monsters are. He was driving even more driving. Her car speed increases. He had just raised himself. That time, she changed. It was cold and scared of everyone, but still ... Someone still received her and considered her a real friend. She sigh. She didn't notice that she had reached the Underground Mafia's. He got off the car while a mask was wrapped around his face. Her eyes became emotionless. He felt strange and seemed to be wrong. He feels more and more. "Get out. It's worthless!" He shouted. The culprits immediately went out. They're wearing a ninja attire while holding a ninja blade. They quickly hit him and attacked him. She then jump highly reason that they hit the wall. She's Lady Demon. He has nothing to fear. She smirked in a second thought that no one even hitted her. She quickly grabbed her and released her dagger at her feet. She starts to cut the counted head of every enemy when she nearby close to them. Some are shaking their heads, others open their stomachs and the reason to exposed almost her brutality. He regretted demonic while looking at those blood from those fre*king bastards suffering. He continued entering the headquarters as if nothing had happened. She almost stopped her steps when she saw the build of the man who's holding a dagger. It barely approaches it to his friends' neck as his chest slides into the twitter and stopped. This is it, her weaknesses! "Oh? What are you doing all of a sudden? Huh, are they your weakness? Tsk, tsk, tsk." Haze. The unlucky Mafia King Rank no. 2. The intestine is to seize her place as a mafia queen, rank no. 1. "Let go of them if you dont want to meet your friend Satan as much as early!" He said it. He saw it swallowed. 'Well, that's it. Fear you fool! ' He was saddened by the bump. "All right, but before that you give up on yourself first or they'll kill me. Dear friends, or your life? Go shopping." It even emphasized a dagger on his friend's neck. Her smirk changed into a bloodshot stares. "Q-queen ... what are you doing? One of his friends had difficulty. *Cough *Cough *Cough "Q-Queen u-you're leaving ..." said the other companions. Her heart almost filled with worries. But they wanted him to leave. But h*ll no! He doesn't want to! He can't! She built a fist on her palm tighter and harder. He couldn't hold back, he quickly rushed. Before he could even step on, he immediately came out of Haze's staff who had been looking forward to her. The number of them was over and because of his rush and in anger his black eyes suddenly came red. She's

Chapter 1 Real identity

It quickly sank and flew into the woods. Due to the force of the kick, he slipped into the next woods and broke them at the same time as he moved to the ground.

"Who are you?" The unknown man asked started to stand. It doesn't seem to have any pain. She even stared at Yesha's gaze.

Yesha smiled. "Your nightmare."

The man was so impressed with him and he quickly grabbed him, at this time he was now using the sword that was blazing in white.

As the man approached, Yesha was able to notice her appearance.

She looks strange because of her clothes. He's different to the royalties and to the others students in this Enchant School Godesses Academy. If so, who is he? It was as if he had the strength to fight.

"Argh!" He was suddenly shocked and turned back. She could feel the blood helping her own shoulder.

She angrily look at the man that's now looking at her innocently.

"What?" He missed as his another attack made yesha move.

Yesha quickly avoided it as if they were lightning at the speed.

Suddenly Yesha felt a strong energy flowing through her whole body. She feels so powerful, confident, and energetic. She pressed hard before something appeared in her hand.

"Dagger, my favorite!" He said the man stopped the man. He turned it over to hear his thundering laugh.

"Your humble creature. Dagger? While I'm a sword." He teased while laughing.

Yesha just smiled evilly before she raised the dagger to the air. The moon then covered with dark clouds and made the surroundings darken as the stars was hidden and gone like a scared rabbit. The thunders roared like a tiger as it was hitted the dagger she's holding.

The man's eyes widened and stopped laughing. In just a blink of his eyes, the dagger became a lightning sword. They were both shocked and briefly stared at it.

Yesha can't believe it. She has a power?

Yesha grabbed the sword tightly and then threw it into the man's behavior. Suddenly, Yesha's swelling of her sword was her sword. It knelt down and returned to the judgment.

The man looks at her badly. He gritted his teeth. It gathered strength and quickly stood up and then killed Yesha, but he failed. By the use of Yesha's power teleportation. She quickly disappeared in front of her and immediately teleported behind her.

"Argh!" She moaned again as Yesha hit her in the back. He quickly turned before retreating to the next one that could be used.

Yesha giggled and it made him insulted for the first time. "So, Dagger is weak? Is it still now?" Yesha said. It holds the foot wound that the man had hit earlier. She beamed that she won but her lips were able to slowly silence the man's wound and return to his former form.

The man smiled evilly to her like saying he was still the winner and no one can defeat him.

It immediately ran over to Yesha's behavior, and as well as YESHA did not hesitate to meet each of her.

When every swords spank each other, it created a loud sound and a light spark. The sounds covered the whole silence of forest while it is echoing.

Each of their fights is fast, aggressive and fierce as well as their sword. Because of the speed it created a strange light.

Just avoid each other's work with each other. At the end, the man jump for a distance. It attacked its own two palms to the ground and said something strange.

Yesha Gasp and jump automatically when the ground that she was standing suddenly cracking like an earthquake. She looks at the man. Now it was once again a surprise to her. Amazement is visible in his eyes. Yesha is now floating in the air.

Once again Yesha felt the hot energy flowing into her sword. "Fire sword!" The lightning sword started to burn, changing into fire. On the second time, he discovered a new power.

The man steps backward. This astonishment was replaced by shock and wonder. How? How could he have been able to use two elements? The lightning, and the fire ...

Most of all, the two elements power she attacked to him is not just a simple powers. For h*ll, it's the fire and lightning! That power is so powerful! He couldn't beat it even though he was powerful too.

In unreasonable reason, yesha smiled evilly. He was still floating in the air. He grabbed the sword tightly. He wiped it off with full of her strength, then a monster ball fire was created as it was going to the man direction that's now still stagger to what he just witnesses.

Yesha was even more sorry as she went to the man's whereabouts. Suddenly it was realized and it was right that it was likely to be realized. The fire was so close to his whereabouts.

His surprise eyes made more even wider. The fire sudden hitted to his direction. Everyone shone because of the force of the explosion from its whereabouts, but before the end. Yesha saw the gradual melting of the barrier in conjunction with Yesha's attack.

Yesha quickly came down to the ground and looked at the man. Unexpectedly, he could still see it standing there and still alive but at this time it was just a little worse.

Yesha's forehead knelt down to see a woman she didn't know. The girl with a white long dress and with a white long feather wings, she's like in a form of angel. It was still looking at him and smiling slightly.

Who are they?

Third person.

Her forehead crease after seeing the woman while smiling at her with her angel wings beside the man that she fight earlier.

"Forgive me dear Hera for our expense." The woman bowed.

"What are you saying?" Yesha's mind is full of questions now in the series of wonders that are happening to her.

Who are they? What Hera? The sword and the powers, where it came from? How much do I have the power? Is it normal?

The woman would have answered right when her fighter man started her.

"P-how did you do that? I mean, how did you get the powers of the two elements together? The lightning sword that turned out to be fire? You were the only one who could find the barrier of a goddess Leah. P-how?"

Yesha's eyebrows intersect. She was confused, and now the man asks her questions. The H*CK! Her brain even is in a big question mark!

"Because she is the long lost goddess of all," said Leah.

Yesha pause for a while, but she wants to swear because of the man's sudden expense.

Suddenly she stooped to him and knelt in front of him. His sword is on the ground that he was holding supporting his balance.

"M-Dear Hera, I'm sorry for my expense and the sudden start to you. I'll accept whatever punishment you give me." It was a significant anas that made him even more confused.

She sigh. She recently wanted to kill it, but now seeing someone kneeling her front made her uncomfortable. He is not a God for granted.

"Tsk, its nothing." He was just fine.

The man releases his sweetest smile to her. He sigh before it was sailed. "I can't believe this ... The long lost Goddess is infront of me, the most, I still fight. I feel so proud ..."

"You know, Haeus, if I didn't come I would sure your bodies would be widespread. Is it because you got it here?" The Goddess Leah said.

Haeus was very upset. "It was just a shower, and then I saw the dear Hera I didn't even know. It's been a long time tho. I don't think he's in front of me. So it's surprising to see the mark near your neck."

Yesha look at him with her pestered eyes and it made Haeus chuckled.

"I'm not Hera for you to know the guy who named Haeus, I'm Yesha."

He shrug his head. "Just Haeus, dear Hera."

Yesha just rolled her eyes. "And I'm not Hera."

Goddess Leah smiled while looking at Yesha. "Haeus is right. God and Goddeses never lied. You are The Choosen One. The former Goddess of All and his companions died. They died while fighting the bad king lifiros. But before he lost and died, he promised To everyone who has a new one who has chosen him for a long time and you are the one who can save the whole enchanted kingdom and the mortal world . "

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Latest Release: Chapter 16 guidance   07-30 15:54
3 Chapter 3 overwhelmed
5 Chapter 5 Conference
7 Chapter 7 blood
8 Chapter 8 Assistant
9 Chapter 9 Vacant Seat
10 Chapter 10 Darkanians
12 Chapter 12 grandchild
13 Chapter 13 anullment
14 Chapter 14 restaurant
15 Chapter 15 deserve
16 Chapter 16 guidance
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