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Synopsis A once-powerful werewolf named Gideon Gray battles with his estranged daughter, Victoria, in the centre of a world where the paranormal is thriving. Their history together has been tarnished by Gideon's spectacular fall from grace and his overbearing protectiveness. Dreaming of escaping her father's shadow, Victoria is tormented by the weight of an old prophecy and her hidden abilities. When Victoria is abducted by the rival faction, the Vargens, under the ambitious leadership of Deba Blackthorn, their already precarious world comes crashing down. The Vargens want to use her abilities to fulfil a sinister prophecy that has the potential to change their world. Motivated by remorse and a strong sense of duty, Gideon embarks on a risky mission to save Victoria. The adventures of Gideon's group of allies-honoursena, a cunning spy with a shadowy past; Alexander, a werewolf renegade with insightful knowledge; and Owie, a formidable witch-unfold the intricate nature of Victoria's part in the prophecy. As they battle the Vargens and learn the dark secrets of their plot, the group encounters many difficulties, internal struggles, and moral quandaries. The narrative culminates in a grand confrontation between Gideon and his allies and Deba Blackthorn. Victoria has to make a crucial decision that will determine the fate of the prophecy and their world, and she must do so by accepting her true potential. As the characters mend their relationships and reconstruct their lives, the battle's aftermath brings both victory and sorrow. In the end, new alliances are formed, old conflicts are resolved, and Gideon and Victoria start to mend their broken relationship. In addition to changing their paths, their adventure opens the door to a shared future in which sacrifice and love. Story Setting Contemporary Supernatural World: - Period: Modern-day, with elements of magic and ancient prophecies interwoven into the present. - Location: The story is set in a world where supernaturals, including werewolves, witches, and rival factions, exist alongside humans. This world is rich with hidden realms and ancient secrets that influence the lives of its inhabitants. 2. Gideon's Home and Pack Territory: - Description: A secluded forest area serving as the home base for Gideon and his pack. The territory is marked by its rugged terrain, dense woods, and a large, ancestral house that has witnessed many generations of werewolf history. - Atmosphere: The setting reflects a sense of isolation and tradition, with an emphasis on the pack's strong ties to nature and the land. 3. The Vargens' Stronghold: - Description: The Vargens' fortress is a foreboding and dark place, located in a remote and treacherous region. It features ancient, crumbling architecture, shadowy corridors, and a sense of malevolence that pervades the environment. - Atmosphere: The stronghold is depicted as a place of dark rituals and secretive plotting, with a haunting and oppressive ambience that underscores the danger and mystery surrounding Deba Blackthorn's plans. 4. Hidden Sanctuary: - Description: A concealed and mystical refuge where Gideon and his allies find temporary safety. The sanctuary is hidden within an enchanted forest, characterized by its ethereal beauty and magical protections. - Atmosphere: The setting provides a stark contrast to the Vargens' stronghold, offering a sense of tranquillity and hope amidst the ongoing conflict. It serves as a place of refuge, healing, and strategic planning. 5. Cityscapes and Modern Settings: - Description: Various urban locations are briefly featured, showing the interaction between the supernatural world and human society. These settings provide a backdrop for key scenes involving informants, allies, and the integration of supernatural elements into modern life. - Atmosphere: These scenes blend contemporary life with the hidden supernatural aspects, highlighting the juxtaposition between the ordinary and the extraordinary. Characterization Protagonist: Gideon Gray - Age: 45 - Occupation: Former leader of his werewolf pack - Appearance: Gideon is a powerful, brooding werewolf with a muscular build, deep scars from past battles, and a mane of greying hair. His piercing blue eyes represent turmoil and determination. - Personality: Stoic, determined, and fiercely loyal to those he loves. Gideon struggles with vulnerability and showing his emotions but is deeply compassionate beneath his hardened exterior. - Background: Once a respected leader of his pack, Gideon's life took a dark turn after his wife's death and his subsequent estrangement from his daughter, Victoria. His protective nature and guilt over his past mistakes drive him to save Victoria and redeem himself. - Motivations: His primary motivation is to rescue Victoria and protect her from harm. He also seeks to atone for his past failures and rebuild his relationship with his daughter.

Chapter 1 The Estranged Alpha

The Enstranged Alpha

Gideon Gray

The moon hung low in the sky, its silvery glow illuminating the dense forest that surrounded Gideon's cabin. As usual, he stood on the porch and scanned the horizon with his eyes, acutely aware of everything. Even after he had given up leading his pack, he had always had the instincts of a protector and guardian. They were ingrained in his very being, as much a part of him as his lupine nature. His thoughts were not focused on the forest or the pack this time. His daughter Victoria was the center of his attention. Since their last conversation, which was quite some time ago, the distance between them had grown like a chasm. He worried about her safety, whereabouts, and activities on a regular basis. The physical and emotional distance between them weighed heavily on his heart.

Gideon Gray was a formidable opponent to be avoided. Everyone in his path respected his unmatched power, not just his werewolf pack. As the previous leader of the pack, Gideon was well known for his power, guile, and unwavering loyalty to his family. However, he had displayed a different side over the preceding few years. a side that is depressed, estranged, and filled with regret. a side that contributed to Gideon's decline from grace and his tendency to shield Victoria.

Gideon's decline from power had been abrupt and severe. It is due to the passing of Liana, his wife, who was the source of all of his happiness. He had been left reeling by her death, and it was during his grief that he made mistakes that cost him both his leadership and his relationship with Victoria. Sensing his instability, the pack had selected a new leader, forcing Gideon to withdraw into solitude.

But Gideon never stopped thinking about Victoria, not even in his lowest points. Since Liana had died when she was so young, he had done everything in his power to protect her from the harsh realities of their world. They had become strained as a result of his overprotectiveness. Gideon had been too terrified of losing Victoria to pursue her desire to learn more about her abilities and her role in the world. He had shoved her away, trying to protect her.

Thoughts on the Past: The Relationship Between Gideon and Victoria

Gideon's mind replayed the scene of their most recent argument. Victoria had been fiery with a determination that echoed her father's, her eyes blazing. That was when he saw her strength, her spirit. However, his worries had impair his judgment, causing him to say things that he now regrets greatly.

"Papa, I am not a kid!" Victoria's voice resounded throughout the forest as she let out a shout. "I need to discover my own path and understand my powers!"Is it truly your belief that you will be welcomed with open arms by everyone? Gideon had answered with a hint of fear tinged with rage. The dangers that exist beyond our borders are unknown to you. My aim is to ensure your safety."

"Keep me safe?" Victoria had laughed with a sly sneer. You are the reason I can not breathe! You do not think I am capable of living my own life and choosing for myself." Victoria had turned away, unable to look up at him, and his voice had stung with finality. "You have already lost me, Father," she had whispered, her voice breaking. You just have not noticed it yet.

She had left that evening with a heart heavy with grief and anger. The moonlight and the stillness of the trees had brought her comfort as she had strolled through the forest. Still, she could not escape the effect of her father's words, or the pain and fear that had driven him to such extremes.

The Counsel of Philomena

The creaky opening of the cabin door startled Gideon out of his reverie. His old friend and ally Philomena came out to examine him closely. Gideon sighed and raked a hand through his receding hair. "Philomena, I am always having problems. especially with reference to Victoria." Philomena nodded, her expression thoughtful. "Gideon, it is been way too long since we last spoke. We now have an apology to make.

A howl rang out in the distance before Gideon could respond, sending shivers down his spine. He recognized the howl, which was full of urgency and distress. His heart began racing as he turned to face Philomena.

He said, "Something is wrong," with a low and tense voice. "I sense it."

Philomena's eyes widened with understanding. "That is Victoria.

Victoria is Kidnapped by the Vargens!

Gideon said nothing more before transforming into a werewolf, his body lengthening and changing with graceful fluidity. As his perception sharpened, he ventured out into the darkness, followed closely by Philomena.

They ran at a pace that no human could match, the forest fading into blurry memory. Gideon was constantly thinking about Victoria. She had always been strong, despite her youth and lack of experience. He would never be able to forgive himself if something happened to her.

They followed the howls, which were becoming increasingly desperate by the second. It led them to a clearing with obvious signs of a struggle. The trees were splintered, the ground was torn up, and there was a strong odor of blood.

When Gideon noticed a ripped piece of clothing-Victoria's clothes-his heart dropped. He returned to human form, trembling as he picked up the cloth.

He shouted, "Victoria!" as his voice echoed through the darkness.

Philomena placed a hand on his shoulder, her expression solemn. "Gideon, she has been kidnapped." By the Vargens.

Introduction of the Vargens

Rival werewolf pack The Vargens were notorious for their violent tactics and lust for power. Under the sly and vicious leadership of Deba Blackthorn, they had been a pain in the side of the Gray pack for years. Gideon's mind raced with the implications of having Victoria in their possession.

What made them decide to take her? Gideon asked, hardly raising his voice above a whisper.

Philomena's eyes darkened. "Due to the prophecy. They believe she holds the key to their rise to prominence."

Gideon's Relentless Determination to Save Victoria

Gideon's fists clenched and his resolve hardened. I will then retrieve her. regardless of the circumstances." Philomena nodded, her expression determined. "You are not going to be alone, Gideon. Together, we will find her."

Gideon and Philomena came up with a plan after finding a new direction. They knew that to overcome the Vargens, they would need the support of old friends and allies. But Gideon remained steadfast. He had lost so much already; he was not going to lose Victoria either.

As they walked back to the cabin, Gideon's mind was preoccupied with thoughts of his daughter. He had disappointed her once, but he swore he would never let her down again. He would rescue her and put their relationship back together. For Victoria, and in remembrance of Liana.

Thoughts on the Demise of Liana

Gideon's mind wandered back to the day Liana had died. By that day, he was utterly shattered, and the wound never fully recovered. Liana was the heart and soul of their family; her gentle nature was a beacon of hope in their often depressing circumstances. Gideon had found it difficult to fill the void left by her passing, and he had made costly errors out of sorrow.

He remembered being there to hold her hand as life left her eyes and she took her last breath. She had whispered his name in a weak but loving voice. "Take care of Victoria," she would said with a final entreaty. "Keep her safe, Gideon. She is special."

Those words had followed him around ever since. He had tried to protect Victoria from the threats that killed her mother. But he would managed to push her away, and that is what made her turn against him. She no longer trusted him, and now she was in the hands of their enemies.

The Guilt of a Father

Gideon's mind was filled with guilt and resolve. He had failed Liana and Victoria by not protecting their only daughter, and he had allowed Victoria to use her abilities without demonstrating enough trust in her. However, he was adamant about setting things right. He would find her, preserve her, and bring her back. He would earn back her trust, and they would conquer all the challenges that lay ahead.

Philomena's voice cut him off in his thoughts. "We will have to gather up our erstwhile allies, Gideon. We cannot defeat the Vargens on our own; we are not strong enough. Gideon nodded, his resolve growing stronger. Let us start with Alexander. He has the required skills and is obligated to us."

Introducing Alexander and Philomena, the Supporting Characters

Philomena had been Gideon's constant ally and friend for a long time. Her healing skills were a perfect match for Gideon's power. She had been there when Liana passed away and had helped Gideon through his darkest days. Gideon was grateful to have her by his side because of her invaluable devotion and advice.

Alexander was a special person. Having never been a member of a pack, he was an outlaw werewolf.

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Latest Release: Chapter 1 The Estranged Alpha   08-01 19:14
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