Two Families Different Families They are the two most dangerous Mafias in the whole of Italy, from History and even till now. First Family. Name: Frost Clan Name: Morning Stars Godmother, Jadaline,the head of the clan,a woman who is feared even by powerful men. She's well know for being a crazy witch that nobody wants to mess with. Bianca, 23 years old, the first daughter, another witch who took after their mother without any single difference,she follows whatever their mother says without bothering to think about it,killing is her hobby and the most fun thing in the world. Scylla, 21 years old. Second daughter and the craziest 21 years old girl you might ever encounter. You can never understand her mood,one minute she's smiling the next second she's something else, history says her brain is split into three different parts, just rumors but she sure act like it. She's a drug addict and a sex addict too,she craves for sex every hour. Liliana, 21 years old as well but came out about five minutes after Scylla was born,they are twins but no single similarities between them. Liliana is what you can refer to as a silent devil, she doesn't talk,she believes in action speaks louder than words. Rather than arguing,she prefer doing whatever is on her mind. * Second Family. Name: Blackwood. Clan Name: Red Vipers Godfather, Vincenzo. The only one who's not scared of Jadaline,instead he's also feared by everyone, except Jadaline though. Oscar, First Son, 23 years old. A playboy, bully, dangerous killer, their father trust him more than anyone in the world. Kenzo, 22 Years old, fun fact. Can fuck ten girls at the same time, always searching for preys,hobby, fighting. And then we have, Zero Kian, yes Zero. 20 years old. He was named Kian,meaning,King but then his father named him Zero and warned everyone never to call him Kian for he sees him as just nothing but dirt. He's the most hated one in the family and clan, even though he's one of them,he's the outcast, He's the only one who wasn't trained,not even for defence,no skills,nothing, he's the one who gets beaten up even when his older brothers makes the mistakes,he's the one who has countless bruises all over his body,he's the one who doesn't talk, he's the one who's always alone,he's the one who has a separate suite far and isolated from everyone in the clan, he's the one who doesn't have guards or maids who work for him,he's the weirdo, he's the nothing, he's Zero and in his own universe,ALONE. * In the history, The Vipers and Morning Stars have both won 100 battles each and still counting. It's all about competition to them. Both families are sworn enemies from the beginning and was passed on to their children,,the children hates each other with everything within them. In a single word,they are bloody enemies and there's even a rule guiding that. Anyone among the two families who try to ever make peace one way or the other would be killed without remorse or repentant. ~~~~ Now let's move on to the school they attend. Name: Pinnacles University. Watch Word: Fight Or Become The Loser ( Created by the students) A school where their bullying is more popular than their education systems. Only the rich and mafias family attends but even among the rich,there are levels. Among the Mafias, there are ranks. Students bully the ones in lower classes than them. Let's stop here.... You can't miss this book for anything, follow up to read further. Revenge? Action? Where the dark forbidden romance comes from? Find outđđ€đ„ ****
Vincenzo was sitting on his favorite seat in his private room,he held a tobacco stick between his fingers, smoke swirling in zigzag. Five men in black stood behind him,guns drawn, their faces expressionless.
The door opened and another one came in.
"Don, they are back" He bowed.
"Let them in" Vincenzo replied and blew the tobacco smoke into the air once more before dropping it in the ash tray.
A minute later, Oscar and Kenzo entered,each holding a briefcase in their hands. Oscar was in front and Kenzo followed.
"Here, Father," Oscar said, dropping his briefcase. He opened it, revealing shiny gold bars inside. Vincenzo chuckled, then burst into loud laughter.
Kenzo opened his own briefcase, also filled with gold bars. "This is what I'm talking about!" Vincenzo exclaimed, taking a bar and laughing. "You're truly my son, my own blood!" He laughed again.
A grin appeared on Oscar face,Kenzo also smiled.
"What's the blood on your hands?" Vincenzo suddenly asked with a glare when he saw Kenzo's hands.
"They aren't my blood father" Kenzo immediately stated.
"Good one" Vincenzo nodded.
He took four gold bars and threw two for Oscar and two for Kenzo.
"Use then wisely" He gave them a nod.
"Thank you father" The two sons bowed.
"Ahhhgghhhhhhh!!!!!!" A loud cry of agony came from a far distance,but doesn't seem to move anyone.
"Jeez,that bastard" Vincenzo groaned.
"It's been how many hours?" He asked his men.
"About five hours Don" They responded.
Everyone bowed as soon as he got up and took his walk stick,they followed him as well.
They kept walking until they reached the Tree of Death, a notorious landmark in the clan's center. The tree was barren, with no fruits or flowers, its only purpose seemed to be death.
Zero was tied to the tree, half-naked and covered in blood. His body was scarred, with fresh wounds oozing blood. Blood dripped from his face, down his jaw, and onto the ground.
The blood covered the root of the tree,Just his blood.
The men holding different whips held back as soon as they sighted Vincenzo.
Oscar and Kenzo stood by their father's sides.
"" Zero stuttered,barely able to speak up,his eyes were totally red.
"How many times have I warned you never to show your face or visible anywhere in my clan unless I call for you or you are going back to your fucking place?! How many times!!!!" Vincenzo yelled.
"I'm sorry father....please....I was....was.........."
"Incredible Insolence!!!!" he shouted, striking Zero with his walking stick. Zero screamed in agony as the blows kept coming.
The stick broke into pieces, its metal casing shattering under the force. Finally, he stopped, leaving Zero gasping for air.
"Take him and throw him in his suite" Vincenzo muttered.
"Yes Don!!" They chorused.
Another walking stick was immediately given to him and he left with Oscar and Kenzo.
"Good evening mother" Bianca and Liliana immediately stood up to bow as Jada entered with her men behind her,they shifted back her seat for her at the table head and she sat down,her face totally blank and cold.
"You can leave" she told her men.
"Yes godmother" They bowed and walked out of the room.
"Sit down" She told the girls and sat down.
The meals already dished out so everyone started eating until Jada suddenly dropped her cutlery.
Bianca stopped eating too but Liliana said nothing and continue.
"Where's Scylla?" Jada asked.
"I'm sure she's aware about our dinner together mother" Bianca answered.
"That bitch always acting crazy,go get her right away" Jadaline said with a pissed off look on her face.
Bianca stood up.
"Sit down" Jada snapped and Bianca did.
"Liana,go get your sister!! Now!!!" Jada yelled and Liliana flinched,her spoon fell from her hand.
She immediately pushed her chair backward and stood up.
"Do I have to keep reminding you forever?! Your twin sister is your responsibility not Bianca's, you bitch!"
"I'm...sorry mother" Liliana bowed and walked out of the room.
"Gosh,where did I get those stupid twins,none of them is good for me,ohh goodness" Jadaline groaned.
Bianca smiled and poured water into a glass cup.
"Here mother" She dropped it in front of her.
Jada took the cup and drank up the water.
Inside Scylla's room, she's busy riding on a guy's d**k,some remains of drugs white all over her nose as she grinned like a maniac.
The guy was moaning under her as she rode him crazily.
"F**k" He cursed underneath her.
Scylla stopped for a minute and took the white substance in a paper,she sniffs in about three times and groaned.
"Sweet" She chuckled and dropped it again.
"How about I come up and we change position?" The guy asked and Scylla glared.
"What did you just say?"
"No....nothing" The guy immediately denied.
"How dare you!! You want to f**k me?! You want to be on top?! How many times have I told you no guy can ever f**k me? I do the f**king you bastard! You think I can allow any son of a b*tch control me? Never,I do the f**king and you do the moaning,do you get?" She poked his chest aggressively.
"Now moan for me son of a b*tch" She snapped and started riding his co*k again,gaining the moaning she wants.
Then a knock came on the door.
"Gosh! What's that" Scylla groaned.
"Mother is waiting for you to join the dinner" Liliana said from outside.
"What the h**k" Scylla gasped and immediately got up.
"Get out" She yelled at the guy who stood up and immediately put on his clothes and went out.
Liana came in instead and sighed.
"Must you do this everytime?" She asked staring at Scylla and her naked self.
"I'm not ready to listen to your lecture,wait here,I will take a quick shower" She rolled her eyes and went into the bathroom.
Liliana looked around the room and it's all messy as usual.
She picked her phone and dialed the servants line phone.
"Come clean up Scylla's room" She said into the phone and hung up immediately without waiting for answer.
Scylla came into the room naked again.
"Can't you use towel at least?!" Liana yelled.
"Are you a lesbian?" Scylla scoffed and ignored her.
She quickly put on a bum short and a shirt,which was big enough to cover her short,she didn't even bother arranging her rough hair.
"F**k" Liana adjusted her glasses in her eyes and shook her head.
Another difference between them is that, Liliana is the type who cares about her appearance and looks,she can spend hours putting on makeup even though she's naturally pretty,she can use another hour in styling her hair and getting outfits.
But Scylla isn't like that,she can put on even the most random outfit and still look hot in them,she simply doesn't give a f**k.
"Let's go,I'm done" Scylla said after wearing some light sneakers.
They bumped into the maids coming to clean Scylla's room.
"Thanks twinny,what will I do without you?" Scylla grinned.
Liana rolled her eyes and ignored her.
They got back to the dinning room and joined.
"Sorry I'm late,mother" Scylla said after shoving a big piece of meat into her mouth,,yes after.
Jada glared at her but she only kept eating as if the food might be taken away.
"Slow down girl" Bianca said.
"I'm hungry,what do you mean" Scylla scoffed.
"Maybe if you stop sniffing those rubbish,you might start eating like a human" Jadaline snapped.
"I never said I want to be human,come on mother" Scylla chuckled and continue eating.
The table was silent after that.
"We have a case by the way" Jada said.
Bianca and Liliana looked up.
Scylla also did,her cheeks big from the food inside her mouth.
"What case?" Bianca asked.
"A bastard that we should teach a lesson for others to learn,,after school,go straight to Doom Land,I and others will be waiting" Jada said.
As soon as she mentioned Doom Land,the girls understood.
"Okay mother" They all said and the table became silent again.
Zero's limp form sprawled across the floor. Elena, her eyes brimming with tears, tended to him with gentle care. Her silent sobs mingled with the soft scrubbing sounds as she cleansed his battered body, exposing the raw, gaping wounds.
She wiped her tears as she put the towel in her hand into the bowl of water again and continue cleaning his body.
She's the daughter of one of the oldest maids in the clan,she doesn't exactly live there but since the school is currently on break,she came to help her mom out,and also to see Zero as well,they've been friends right since they were young.
Zero groaned all of a sudden and opened his eyes.
"You're awake" Elena said and wiped her remaining tears.
"What,are you crying again?" Zero asked.
"No..I'm not" Elena looked away.
"You're lying" Zero sighed.
"How do you expect me not to cry?! Look at your body,all gone bad,are you going to keep on holding in until they kill you? What about your skin? What about...." She couldn't continue because her tears came rolling and she moved away from Zero.
"Did you sneak in here again? You want to get caught and get into trouble? Do you want to get beaten in my place?" Zero asked.
"Don't talk to me" Elena mumbled.
Zero sat up properly and sighed.
"You know my wounds always close up easily,I won't have any scars,okay? So stop crying" Zero glanced at her.
"Why did you leave your suite? You should have waited for me to come over and do whatever you want" she snapped.
"That doesn't change the fact that you shouldn't be here right now,if father's men catch you,you're dead" Zero shook his head.
"Who cares,I'm not leaving you this way" Elena scoffed.
Zero sighed.
"I'm starving" He muttered.
"I got you big portions and five chicken laps....."
"What? Five?" Zero's eyes widened.
"I stole them" Elena whispered with a grin on her face.
"Are you crazy? Is trouble your second name?" Zero snapped.
"You are only allowed to eat once a day,I should at least give you plenty,you can keep the rest in the freezer and...."
"Don't do things like this again Lena,it's dangerous" Zero muttered.
"I don't care getting punished,as long as you're fine" Elena told him.
"No,I care,you're still young and should live long,get old,and have kids...I don't want father to cut that short,all because of me" Zero said.
"I'm going to take my bath and eat" Zero stood up and left the room.
Elena bit her lip.
She's the only close person to Zero,they are age mates,maybe that's why.
They are more like siblings,at least that's what Zero takes her as. She would cry when he's in pain,she would smile with him when he's happy,she has been there when nobody was,and she doesn't want that to end,never.
Minutes later,Zero came back into the room,now dressed up.
"Come here" Elena called him from the small dinning table where he eats alone.
"Have you eaten?" He asked as he sat down.
"Liar" Zero cut her off and she sighed.
"Sit down,eat and return quietly to your room." He said.
Elena smiled and quickly joined him.
"School resumes tomorrow,,aren't you packing your things yet? I can't find any bags" She looked around.
"No,I didn't really bring clothes here,because I see no reason why father always want me to spend the vacation here when he doesn't even want to see me" Zero sighed.
"Then I don't need to help you pack,I honestly can't wait. Finally we will be free from the hell for at least four months again" She exhaled and Zero smiled.
Just like his brothers,Zero has his own apartment where he stays alone,but his brother lives together though. But...nobody knows the exact apartment Zero stays in,they simply don't care.
"But why don't you ever invite me to your place?" Elena suddenly asked.
"Because we don't know if father is watching us,you know he would be furious if he knows how close we are,and that might be dangerous for your mom,she needs the job" Zero said.
"That's true,Well at least you can come to mine" She smiled and Zero nods.
When you step into the grounds of PINNACLES University, the grandeur hits you like a tidal wave.
The name "PINNACLES" blazes on the video billboard, a bold declaration of excellence right before you approach the school main gates. The buildings tower above, their sleek designs and modern architecture a testament to the institution's wealth. No wonder it is Italy's most expensive school.
Inside, the lecture halls are technological marvels,. The sports facilities are world-class: football pitches, basketball courts, swimming pools, and baseball fields, though empty today,since its the first day of resumption.
The parking lots are a luxury car showroom, with sleek vehicles gleaming in the sunlight. Each students have their own cars,it's not a new thing,some possess four to five in their names,depending on how rich and how high your rank is in the mafia world.
Two Ferraris glide into the parking lot, sending the student body into a frenzy,murmurs and screams started even before Oscar and Kenzo emerged, their chiseled frames and chiseled faces making the girls swoon. They are the most popular,most feared and most hottest guys in the whole school,the students worship them like gods,the girls are ever ready for their panties to be taken off by them anywhere,anytime.
* Oh My F**k.
* Can Kenzo be less hot please? He's killing me!!
* Oscar!!
The students got their iPhones camera ready,taking different shots of them,but without taking a single step close to them,that would mean just one thing,death.
Before they take a step, three more luxury cars arrive. Bianca steps out first, her tomboy-chic outfit â complete with distressed denim, a black crop top, and aviators â Her expression is icy and damn cold, her eyes hidden behind sunglasses.
Liliana emerges next, her curves accentuated by a fitted red short gown, She was chewing gum as her gaze scanned the crowd.
Last, Scylla steps out, her aura even electrifying,her ever green smirk remain on her face,as if daring anyone to try shit,she's always ready for trouble,even when she doesn't see one,then she will search for it.
Different flashes of cameras followed them.
Oscar let out a smirk and gazed at Bianca.
"I will advice you to take your eyes off me,to avoid blindness" Bianca mumbled icely and adjusted her glasses.
Kenzo chuckled.
"You must be craving for my stares" Oscar said in a husky voice.
"It's gonna be a sin if someone's more dumber than you" Bianca muttered and run her fingers through her hair before walking away.
Liliana glared at the two brother before following Bianca.
Scylla rolled her eyes and also left.
Just five minutes after that and everyone cleared off, Zero Kian arrived in his sleek power bike,it's as if he's the only only who comes to school with power bike in the whole school which stands out among sea of cars,he expertly parked and swung off.
He was completely unrecognizable, dressed in a hoodie with the hood pulled up, topped with a face cap and finished off with a facemask. His extensive coverage made it impossible to identify him, it's actually safe to say the students doesn't even know if he exists in the school.
He's always dressed that way,he's got countless hoodies and facecap in his wardrobe,he's always invisible to everyone,with his headphones matching his outfits everyday,he has different colors of headphones and would always pick the right color with his outfit.
After hanging his bag on his shoulder he started walking,unknown to him,the students were staring at him,some even took his pictures and they were murmuring among themselves.
* It's the guy that was posted by anonymous last week.
* I'm so sure of it.
* Okay without even seeing his face,I know he's hot.
* His height is enough for me.
* Oh my heart.
Zero didn't hear a thing anyway,not when the music playing in his headphones is louder than bomb.
He entered the class and tried not to gain attention,which he succeeded in,as usual,he sat down on the last seat in the hall and brought out his laptop,he already opened it when a random guy sat on the seat next to him,Zero expected him to just ignore but that wasn't the case.
"Hey dude" The guy waved in his hand and Zero looked up.
"Thank God,you see me" He grinned.
Zero said nothing.
"I think we are in the same department,I always see you in every lecture I attend,what's your name?" He asked.
Zero sighed and remain quiet.
"Okay,my name is Knox what about yours?" He asked.
Zero looked up at him blankly.
"Oh....I guess you don't like talking" Knox mumbled cautiously and stopped talking.
A professor came in soon after and whole hall was silent,after his two hours lecture,Zero was the first to close his laptop and carried his bag.
"Bye" Knox waved,and raised his brows when Zero walked out without a single turn.
"Whoa" He mumbled.
"You're trying to be friends with that weirdo?" A guy asked him from the back and he turned.
"Weirdo?" He asked.
"Of course,which normal person always cover his face up and doesn't interact with anyone at all? I don't even know his name,nobody knows actually" The guy said.
"I like weirdos" Knox smiled.
"I like weirdos" He repeated and also walked out of the hall.
The doom land is like a wilderness,surrounded by just sand,and tall trees,it's a land of destruction and death,a land built with blood.
About three cars arrive at a time,they are the morning stars, Jadaline,Scylla,Bianca and Liliana all came down from one car and other mobsters came out of the two,just a minute interval and the red vipers arrived as well.
Jadaline's men stood in front of them with their cold faces and blood ready.
Vicenzo stepped down from the car and his hair was blown by the air and he puffed out the tobacco smoke,he was accompanied by Oscar and Kenzo.
The breeze became colder and the weather darker as they approached where their prey was already tied on the tree,with blood covering him up.
"Remove the clothes on his face" Vicenzo commanded.
Scylla was leaning on a tree,sniffing in some cocaine and slapping her head at regular interval,she wasn't really interested in whoever was dying anyway,just why would anyone try to preach peace between the two clans? When it's been like that for years?
She stood there watching as the slutterer brought out his axe.
"This is the fate that awaits anyone who dares to bridge the gap between our clans," Jadaline declared coldly.
Vincenzo chuckled.
"Please have mercy!" the man begged, his voice trembling.
Kenzo spat in disgust. "Coward."
"Finish him," Vincenzo ordered, his voice devoid of emotion.
The man's desperate cry was cut short as his head severed from his neck, his body crumpling to the ground.
Jadaline's gaze swept the ground.
"Let this serve as a warning, anyone who betrays our clan by forming an attachment with someone from the rival clan will meet the same end."
"Even if you are my daughter" she added.
"This is the rule, Morning Stars and Red Vipers will never make peace" Vincenzo said in a dark voice.
"We don't even need to be reminded right?" Bianca scoffed.
"They are not my type to begin with,those ugly twats" Liliana hissed as she glared at Oscar and Kenzo.
"Can we get out of here already? I need some good sÂŁx right now" Scylla rolled her eyes.
â Meet The Orlov family, the most hardcore crime family in Russia. They're a significant part of the Russian Mafia, otherwise known as "The Bratva" They're a family of seven villains. Erik Orlov___The father who's the leader of The Bratva Klara Orlov___ His wife. Then their five children... Maya ___ The first child, a female psychopath. She's 32. Igor ___ The second child. He's a killing machine, also a doctor. Madden ___ The third child who's a cruel emotionless trainer. Sin ___ The fourth child. He's the skilled hacker. Trixie ___ the last child. She's a swimmer and a archer. These people are the total epitome of ruthlessness, they're brutal and never forgive anyone who bounces into their world without an invite. Adeline Wilson didn't plan to get involved with them or get twisted with their rules, but for the sake of her parents and her wasted years in jail, she had to take the risk. She's just a wounded girl who wants nothing but the blood of the devils who made her this way. Getting into the clan, her life took a rough twist. The Orlov family took her on a journey of thorns and nails. She must get used Maya's psychopathy She must bear the wickedness of Igor. And finally, she must survive the cruelty of her trainer, but how is that even possible when he's a vivid definition of hell? Madden Orlov won't stop at anything till she breaks to uncountable pieces. And her? She's not so soft either. Are you ready for the exciting ride? Also.... What's Adeline's story? Why was she in jail? What'd be her fate in the clan? Why did she enter the clan in the first place? Join the ride now to find out. Don't dare miss out! â â
â Ava Huang, a pretty hard-working girl who has been fending for herself since she lost her dad. She's the kind type who can even give her last cash to a street beggar. She's a crazy dancer, a trainee at the popular Gilmore Girls Dance Campus where only girls are trained to dance. In the campus, Monica Hawkins is the queen bee, a mean manipulative bĂźtch feared by every trainee. The girls tremble at the sight of Monica, well except Ava and her friends. They're the type who doesn't care if she's the daughter of the most high, they go against her every damn time. Monica hates their guts madly, but it got to the brink one day when Ava mistakenly pulled out her hair. With the help of her rich grandpa, she was able to send a thorn into Ava's life. A destroy her completely. Ava who's in need of money that period decided to rent out the two empty rooms in her house... What happens when two sinfully handsome rich guys showed up at her doorstep, ready to rent the rooms Aren't you curious to find out who Monica's agent is between the two?? Who owns Ava's heart? Will she be able to wriggle out of Monica's evil plan? Or will she get destroyed like Monica wants? Who exactly are the two guys? And are you in for some spicy housemates drama and sweet romance? Then join the ride! Don't fûçking miss out on this!
Killian Alpha Zade Alpha Hardin Alpha Jordan Alpha Four unhinged boys who came out of their mother at once as quadruplets. Born into the great Alpha family, the most toxic royal-mafia family in Italy. Their father... Malachi Alpha is the Overlord of every mafia clan in the country. There are numerous mafia clans in Italy, and each clan has a boss, but every single boss is still under Malachi... He's the boss of all bosses, they submit to him. He controls the Italian mafia organization. His wife ... Aurora Alpha is the complete opposite of him. The mother of the quadruplets... She's as soft as a feather. Now back to our four hot boys. They might be mafia heirs, but they're also gangsters themselves. They call themselves Alpha Boys, and anywhere they storm, blood flows. As ruthless as they are, they're teens, students of the biggest school in Italy.... Royal Pride High. It's a mafia school, made for kids whose parents are in the mafia organization. Students bow anytime the boys show up, they're the school kings. Their words are law and they're free to kill and torment anyone who fûcks up on the school grounds. Then there's our girl.... Zinnia Holt. Her parents aren't in the mafia... She lost her mum already, and she stays with her dad who's an insane drunkard. She's just an ordinary girl who luckily got into the school. Luckily? That changed to unfortunately when she made the mistake of letting the leader of Alpha Boys notice her on her first day. She can't escape, she's trapped. The devil inserted himself deep into her world. She became his pretty little prey, and he became her predator who hunts her. "He won't let go of her till she bows to his lust and satisfies his cravings" Aren't you curious about what this means? Where will the hunt lead to? Is she gonna bow? And are you ready to enter the student-mafia world of deep secrets and hot dramas ? Just hop on this ride with me, don't dare miss out! ***
Traversing back to the ancient Prime Martial World from modern age, Austin finds himself in a younger body as he wakes up. Yet, the young man he possesses was a miserable dimwit, what a bummer! But it doesnât matter as his mind is sound and clear. Possessing this younger and stronger body, he will fight his way to become the God of martial arts, and rule the whole Martial World!
Ethan always viewed Nyla as a compulsive liar, while she saw him as aloof and insensitive. Nyla had cherished the notion that she was dear to Ethan, yet she felt coldly rejected when she realized her place in his heart was insignificant. No longer trying to break through his coldness, she stepped back, only for him to alter his approach unexpectedly. She challenged him, "If you trust me so little, why keep me around?" Ethan, who had once carried himself with pride, now stood before her with a humble plea. "Nyla, I've made mistakes. Please don't walk away from me."
After three secretive years of marriage, Eliana never met her enigmatic husband until she was served with divorce papers and learned of his extravagant pursuit of another. She snapped back to reality and secured a divorce. Thereafter, Eliana unveiled her various personas: an esteemed doctor, legendary secret agent, master hacker, celebrated designer, adept race car driver, and distinguished scientist. As her diverse talents became known, her ex-husband was consumed by remorse. Desperately, he pleaded, "Eliana, give me another chance! All my properties, even my life, are yours."
Kallie, a mute who had been ignored by her husband for five years since their wedding, also suffered the loss of her pregnancy due to her cruel mother-in-law. After the divorce, she learned that her ex-husband had quickly gotten engaged to the woman he truly loved. Holding her slightly rounded belly, she realized that he had never really cared for her. Determined, she left him behind, treating him as a stranger. Yet, after she left, he scoured the globe in search of her. When their paths crossed once more, Kallie had already found new happiness. For the first time, he pleaded humbly, "Please don't leave me..."Â But Kallie's response was firm and dismissive, cutting through any lingering ties. "Get lost!"
Corinne devoted three years of her life to her boyfriend, only for it to all go to waste. He saw her as nothing more than a country bumpkin and left her at the altar to be with his true love. After getting jilted, Corinne reclaimed her identity as the granddaughter of the townâs richest man, inherited a billion-dollar fortune, and ultimately rose to the top. But her success attracted the envy of others, and people constantly tried to bring her down. As she dealt with these troublemakers one by one, Mr. Hopkins, notorious for his ruthlessness, stood by and cheered her on. âWay to go, honey!â
Life was perfect until she met her boyfriend's big brother. There was a forbidden law in the Night Shade Pack that if the head Alpha rejected his mate, he would be stripped of his position. Sophia's life would get connected with the law. She was an Omega who was dating the head Alpha's younger brother. Bryan Morrison, the head Alpha, was not only a cold-blooded man but also a charming business tycoon. His name was enough to cause other packs to tremble. He was known as a ruthless man. What if, by some twist of destiny, Sophia's path were to intertwine with his?