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Cursed Are The Blessed

Cursed Are The Blessed

5 Chapters
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Just after the Demon Lord's forces decimated the Shadow Hunter Pack, the last known Acrilian werewolf pack, the luna's daughter was secretly whisked away to the Rainier Pack, along with the grandniece of the current Matriarch of the Clan of the Old Order. Unfortunately, for all those who took it upon themselves to get involved, they soon become targeted by the Demon Lord, because one of the main objectives of the demons' assault on the Shadow Hunter Pack was to exterminate the luna's daughter...who is destined to become the demons' greatest threat.

Chapter 1 A Meeting with the Luna


My sincerest apologies to those readers who have already

invested an interest...or were about to start reading... "Cursed

Are The Blessed", but under the advisement of editorial opinions

from several platforms it is posted on...and of my own volition...due

to the slow progression of the book it is currently under a major

revision. This will hopefully streamline the story and help move it

along. The revision will start to be reposted after the holiday

season sometime in early January 2025. Once again, I'm sorry for any

inconvenience this may have caused anyone. I hope that once the

rewrite is out, you will give the new...and hopefully improved...

"Cursed Are The Blessed" a chance. Until then, please take care

and stay safe and healthy.

About 24 years ago...

Romania...a secluded ravine near the base of the Carpathian Mountains chain...

Meera, a witch from the Starfall Coven, gives another quick scan of her surroundings as she anxiously awaits the luna of the Shadow Hunter Pack; although she doesn't believe that she was followed she realizes that one can never be too careful ... especially taking into account the current situation.

It's been a little over five months since she started having random prophetic visions of an impending assault. Meera is renowned for her seer ability among the witch community throughout the entire Balkan and Slavic regions. In fact, Meera was the first witch to first receive these visions; even the so-called more powerful witches and wizards with seer abilities serving at the Supreme Covenant didn't start reporting having visions involving the impending assault until two months after her.

Almost a half hour has passed, and finally Meera gets her first glimpse of the luna, who is swiftly ascending the mountainous terrain in her wolf-form. Once reaching Meera, the luna transforms into her human-form, and Meera reaches into her knapsack and pulls out a blanket; already aware that the luna would be naked after the transformation, having met her prior to this on several different occasions.

"Here, this is for you." Feeling somewhat embarrassed, Meera reaches out to hand the luna the blanket, keeping her head turned away to the side and eyes averted to the ground. Her cheeks are a bit flushed.

"Thank you." Quickly noticing how Meera is avoiding looking at her unclothed body, the luna decides to have a bit of fun and tease her. "My, you are a shy one; aren't you? ... Or maybe it's because you find my body unappealing; hmm?"

Meera becomes a bit flustered as she quickly responds so as not to offend the luna...

"Oh no, not at all. I think your body is very appealing; so, it would be difficult for me to concentrate talking to you while you're naked." It instantly dawns on Meera what she's just said, causing her cheeks to turn an even darker shade of red. "No ... uh ... what I meant to say was..."

The luna lets her off the hook. She chuckles, "It's fine, I know what you meant; I was just joking with you. ... Sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable."

"No, it's okay, you didn't at all." Meera unconvincingly replies while still flushed in the cheeks.

A brief moment of silence passes, giving Meera the chance to compose herself. The time for awkwardness and levity is over; it's time to discuss more serious matters. Meera hesitantly begins, speaking in a somber manner...

"Shakira ... I'm sorry ... our coven was just notified by the Supreme Covenant that the Great World Council decided not to intervene and assist the Shadow Hunter Pack." Meera slowly looks down to the ground, as a shameful expression gradually overtakes her countenance. "Again, I am so sorry."

Shakira reassuringly places her hand upon Meera's shoulder and conveys a comforting smile...

"Meera, it's fine; don't feel bad. It isn't your fault. After all, you were the one who first warned us when you started having your visions. Heck, you even got in trouble with your own Supreme Covenant because you informed us about the visions before them."

The guilt she's feeling ... even though unwarranted ... still makes Meera unable to look up at Shakira.

"But still, it isn't right. The Shadow Hunter Pack has been guarding this area from the demons for centuries. And, now when all of you need our help, we're being ordered to turn our backs on you and your pack." A sudden wave of frustration surges through Meera, and she immediately balls up her hands into fists and tightly clenches them. "This is so wrong! How can they do this!"

Shakira takes hold of Meera's clenched fists in each of her hands and tenderly massages them until they relax and loosen up. She then lets go of them and gently places her hands upon Meera's cheeks and carefully guides her head up to look at her. Once again, Shakira conveys a comforting smile to Meera while speaking soothingly...

"Hey, I said it wasn't your fault; so please, stop feeling bad and blaming yourself. It's fine."


"Shh..." Shakira gently guides Meera's head into the crook of her neck, then tenderly strokes her hair. She continues speaking in a soothing manner, "It's alright. Please, don't be upset over this. ... Honestly, we were expecting this to be their response. And quite frankly, I really can't blame them. No one wants to confront the demons in battle."

Tears are beginning to build up in the corner of Meera's eyes and trickle out, slowly running down her cheeks. She sniffles.

"But the Shadow Hunter Pack always fights the demons when they cross over here."

"True; but that is the fate of being an Acrilian werewolf. But you already know that; just like the members seated on the Great World Council. It's inherently instilled in us ... we were born to kill demons, plain and simple. And this is why demons target us; and why the Great World Council is under no obligation to intervene and send others in to help us fight them."

Meera gently breaks away from Shakira's cradling hold and wipes the tears from her face. She beseechingly gazes into Shakira's eyes...

"Shakira, please, my visions ... the Shadow Hunter Pack doesn't stand a chance against the Demon Lord's forces this time; their numbers are going to be too overwhelming ... they're going to wipe out the pack. So please, don't fight them; just run away."

Shakira smiles. "I appreciate your concern for us Meera, I truly do, but honestly there's no point in us running; they'll just follow us wherever we go. ... Like I said before, this is our fate as Acrilian werewolves."

Again, tears begin to form in Meera's eyes. "So, you're just going to stay there and die?"

Shakira slowly reaches out and gently wipes away Meera's tears. She smiles. "No ... I'm going to fight them with everything I've got and die."

There's a moment of silence between the two as they stand there motionless gazing upon each other. Then Shakira breaks the silence...

"Meera, I know the Great World Council ordered all of you not to get involved; but can I ask you to do me a favor? ... Actually, full disclosure, this is going to be a pretty big favor."

"Of course, I'll do anything for you, no matter how big the favor. Screw the Great World Council and their high and mighty pretenses; just ask and I'll do it."

"Thank you, Meera. I truly appreciate it. If I somehow get through this alive, I'll be indebted to you for the rest of my life."

"No, Shakira ... no ... you will never be indebted to me. It is I who is indebted to you ... indebted to you and the entire Shadow Hunter Pack for all that you have done for us all these years."

There's another brief moment of silence before Shakira informs Meera of the favor.

"Meera, I don't know if you heard yet, or not; but, a couple of weeks ago, the Holy Guardians of the Realm contacted us and offered to take all of our children and half of our breeders to Vatican City and keep them there under the church's protection."

Upon hearing this news, Meera immediately rolls her eyes as she lets out a huff...

"Right; you mean they want to recruit them into their organization to fight for them in the future when they grow up."


"You didn't agree to their offer, did you?"

"Of course I didn't agree to it."


"But I didn't reject it either."

Meera's a bit taken aback by that response. "Shakira, you can't be serious. Are you really going to give it some thought?"

"I'm going to leave that decision up to the pack. This is something I can't decide by myself, even if I am the luna. This decision will determine the future livelihood of the pack."

"I suppose."

"That said ... Meera, I don't want to subject my daughter to that future ... to live today, only to fight the demons tomorrow. I know I said that this is the fate of being an Acrilian werewolf ... a fate that I know I can't even keep my daughter away from ... but if she's going to have to fight demons, I want her to fight them for herself; and not fight them on behalf of someone else. ... And I really don't want her conscripted into the Holy Guardians of the Realm." There's a brief moment of silence, then, "Tell me, Meera, honestly, am I being too selfish for wanting that?"

Meera takes hold of Shakira's hands and gently squeezes them. "No; not at all. I totally understand."

Shakira gently squeezes Meera's hands back. "Thank you. ... So, about that favor?"


"Meera ... I need for you to get my daughter out of here. Get her far away ... as far away as possible. ... And it goes without saying that no one can know about this ... well, at least as few people as possible. And, they have to be totally trustworthy. Only people that you would trust your own life with. ... So, do you think you can do that for me?"

"Of course."

Still holding hands, Shakira brings Meera's hands up to her lips and gently kisses them. "Thank you." She releases Meera's hands and speaks in a low, somber voice, "Now ... there's something else we need to discuss."

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