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Word Count: 1041    |    Released on: 18/11/2017


ench jentleman, of about my master's age and good looks, but not possest of half my master's impidince. Not that that quallaty is uncommon in France; but few, very few, had it to such a degree as my exlent employer, Mr. Deuceace. Besides De L'Orge was reglarly and reely in love with Lady Griffin, and master only pretending: he had, of coars, an advantitch, which the poor Frentchman never could git. He was all smiles and gaty, while Delorge was ockward and melumcolly. My master had said twenty pretty things to Lady Griffin, b

rench swarries, bying gloves, and O de Colong, writing French noats, and such like. Always let me recommend an English famly, going to Paris, to have at least one young man of the sort about them. Never mind how old your ladyship is, he will make love to you; never mind what errints you send him upon, he'll trot off and do them. Besides, he's always quite and well-dresst, an

ted his fallen anymy with every respect and consideration. Poar modist, down-hearted little Ferdinand adoured my lady as a goddice! and so he was very po

somblay, as the Frentch say. His only pint was to discover how the money was disposed off, which evidently belonged to one or other, or


took place, which in a good deal

soop, sammy-deperdrow, and shampang glassy (which means eyced), at their house

o me (for he was in an exlent humer), "w

never paid me any. But, what then? Law bless us! things would be at a pretty pass

ould I, of my own accord, part from such an exlent master. By the time these two spitches had been made - my spitch and his - we arrived at the "Hotel Mirabeu;" which, us every bo

ang bottle roalin on the floar, another on the table; near which the sofy was drawn,

raige against the genlmn, whom he could hardly see for the smoak; and, with a

his seagar, began a ror of laffin, and sa

the writer requested a loan of five hundred pound from Mr. Algernon Deuceace, and which boar the respected signatur of th

lowing; whose hand, praps, trembled a little; and whose thy and legg was not quite so full or as steddy as they had been in former days. But he was a respecktabble, fine

ship, advancing and seasing master by th

nexpected pleasure - of seeing you in Paris. The fact is, sir, said he," recovering himself a little; "the fact is, there was such a

nasty, idle pastime, unfitting a man as well for mental exertion as for respectable society; sacrificing, at once, the vigor of the intellect and the graces of the person. By-the-by, what inferna

esh tumbler of shampang. Very sulkily, master

establisht myself in the ante-room; where, as it happened by a singler coinstdints

king of all other compnies in which he moved, seamed here but to play secknd fiddill, and went

apt his hand to his forehead, and suttnly seamed as uneezy as a genlmn could be. But it was of

" says master; "but really,

nk. No bad nights, no headachs - eh? Quite cool and collected for your law studies in the morning?

e cat. He didn't anser a word. His exlent pa went on, warming as h

lks of your industry and perseverance: you're not merely a philosopher, man; hang it! you'

er, "that you mean the two hun

wo hundred a year, and you keep all this state up upon nothing. Give me your secret, O you young Trismegistus! Tell your o

the goodness to tell me what this visit means? You leave me to starve, for all you care;

other, or your family, ever get from you a single affectionate feeling? Did we, or any other of your friends or intimates, ever know you to be guilty of a single honest or generous action? Did we ever pretend any love for you, or you for us? Algernon Deuceace, you don't want a father to tell you that you are a swindler and a spendthrift! I have paid thousands for the debts of yourself and your

the sean, and liked to see this venrabble and virtuous old man a-nocking his son about the hed; just as Deuceace had done with Mr. Richard Blewitt, as I've before shown. Master'

I perceive, added drunkenness to the list of your accomplishments, and, I suppose, under the influence of that gentlemanly excitement, has come to make these preposterous propositions to me. When you are sober, you will, perhaps, be wise

ith the most complete good-humor; "well, well, if you will resist, tant pis pour toi. I've no desire to ruin you, recollect, and am not in the

be equally candid. I would not giv

touching my hat, said, "I have been to the Ca

eep the five francs. And now, get m

t do it, when your son is in the room? Ah, par exemple, my dear father," said he,

y dear boy," s

ays he. "Are you wrappe

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