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Micah Clarke

Micah Clarke

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Chapter 1 Of Cornet Joseph Clarke of the Ironsides

Word Count: 3800    |    Released on: 18/11/2017

other, at least, I know that none of them are unfamiliar. Yet when I consider that time wears on, and that a grey head is apt to contain a failing memory, I am prompted to use the

ss easy for you every year to understand how men felt when Englishmen were in arms against Englishmen, and when he who should ha

quicken into life for your behoof, and to call back out of the mists of the past those scenes which were brisk enough in the acting, though they read so dully and so heavily in the pages of the worthy men who have set themselves to record them. Perchance my words, too, might, in the ears of strangers, seem to be but an old man's gossip. To you, however, who know that these eyes which are looking at you looked also at the things which I d

eather-blotched face. On the outskirts the Presbyterians had their chapel; but when the Act of Uniformity was passed, their good minister, Master Breckinridge, whose discourses had often crowded his rude benches while the comfortable pews of the church were empty, was cast into gaol, and his flock dispersed. As to the Independents, of whom my father was one, they also were under the ban of the law, but they attended conventicle at Emsworth, whither we would trudge, rain or shine, on every Sabbath morning. These meetings were br

ote my father across the face, a favour which he returned by a thrust from his broadsword, which sent his adversary to test in person the truth of his beliefs. In most armies it would have been conceded that my father was within his rights in punishing promptly so rank an act of mutiny, but the soldiers of Cromwell had so high a notion of their own importance and privileges, that they resented this summary justice upon their companion. A court-martial sat upon my father, and it is likely that he would have been offered up as a

he Hundredth Psalm as he rode down among the blue bonnets at Dunbar, the sound of him rose above the blare of trumpets and the crash of guns, like the deep roll of a breaking wave. Yet though he possessed every quality which was needed to raise him to distinction as an officer, he had thrown off his military habits when he returned to civil life. As he prospered and grew rich he might well have worn a sword, but instead he would ever bear a small copy of the Scriptures bound to his girdle, where other men hung their weapons. He was sobe

must be confessed that this piety was prone to take a fierce and fiery shape. As I look back, one or two instances of that stand out so hard and clear in my recollection that

sleek prancing steeds, the steel morions, the plumed hats of the officers, the scarfs and bandoliers. Never, I thought, had such a gallant company assembled, and I clapped my hands and cried out in my delight. My father smiled gravely, and took me from my mother's arms. 'Nay, lad,' he said, 'thou art a soldier's son, and should have more judgment than to commend such a rabble as this. Canst thou not, child as thou art, see that their arms are ill-found, their stirrup-irons rusted, and their ranks without order or cohesion? Neither have they thrown out a troop in advance, as should even in times of peace be done, and their rear is stra

before the Almighty should go out of their way to insult Him, hath ever been a mystery to me. My father in a rough stern voice bade him speak with more reverence of sacred things, on which the pair of them gave tongue together, swearing tenfold worse than before, and calling my father a canting rogue and a smug-faced Presbytery Jack. What more they might have said I know not, for my father picked up the great roller wherewith he smoothed the leather, and dashing at them he brought it down on the side of one of their heads with such a swashing blow, that had it not been for his stiff hat the man would never have uttered oath again. As it was, he dropped like a log upon the stones of the yard, while his companion whipped out his rapier and made a vicious thrust; but my father, who was as active as he was strong

n and commendable, for they rigidly adhered themselves to those laws which they would gladly have forced at the sword's point upon others. It is true that among so many there were some whose piety was a shell for their ambition, and others who practised in secret what they denounced in public, but no cause however good is free from such hypocritical parasites. That the greater part of the saints, as they termed

hraim were respectively nine and seven, while little Ruth could scarce have been more than four. It chanced that a few days before a wandering preacher of the Independents had put up at our house, and his religious ministrations had left my father moody and excitable.

the Lord is at hand-oh, be ye ready to receive Him! This very night, my loved ones, ye shall see Him in His splendour, with the angels

ing thyself and the children to no avail. If the Son of Man b

upon Thy right hand this night!' Thus he prayed on in a wild rush of burning, pleading words, writhing prostrate upon the floor in the vehemence of his supplication, while we, poor trembling mites, huddled round our mother's skirts and gazed with terror at the contorted figure seen by the dim light of the simple oil lamp. On a sudden the clang of the new church clock told that the hour had come. My father sprang from the floor, and rushing to the casement, stared up with wild expectant eyes at the starry heavens. Whether he conjured up some vision in his excited brain, or whether the rush of feeling on finding that his expectations were in vain, was too much for him, it is certain that he threw his long arms upwards, uttered a hoarse scream, and tumbled backwards with fo

I tell you of his attack upon the officers in the tanning-yard, and his summoning us down in the dead of the night to await the second coming, you can judge for yourselves the lengths to which his belief would carry him. For the rest, he was an excellent man of business, fair and even generous in his dealings, respected by all and loved by few, for his nature was too self-contained to admit of much affection. To us he was a stern

spirit. She came of a Church stock, and held to her religion with a quiet grip which was proof against every attempt to turn her from it. I imagine that at one time her husband had argued much with her upon Arminianism and the sin of simony, but finding his

t industry. She made salves and eyewaters, powders and confects, cordials and persico, orangeflower water and cherry brandy, each in its due season, and all of the best. She was wise, too, in herbs and simples. The villagers and the farm labourers would rather a

ed by the fear of their father. These, with Martha the serving-maid, formed our whole household during those boyish years when the pliant soul of the child is hardening into the settled character of the man. How these influences affected me I shall leave for a future



Chapter 1 Of Cornet Joseph Clarke of the Ironsides Chapter 2 Of my going to school and of my coming thence Chapter 3 Of Two Friends of my Youth Chapter 4 Of the Strange Fish that we Caught at Spithead Chapter 5 Of the Man with the Drooping Lids Chapter 6 Of the Letter that came from the Lowlands Chapter 7 Of the Horseman who rode from the West Chapter 8 Of our Start for the Wars Chapter 9 Of a Passage of Arms at the Blue Boar Chapter 10 Of our Perilous Adventure on the Plain Chapter 11 Of the Lonely Man and the Gold Chest
Chapter 12 Of certain Passages upon the Moor
Chapter 13 Of Sir Gervas Jerome, Knight Banneret of the County of Surrey
Chapter 14 Of the Stiff-legged Parson and his Flock
Chapter 15 Of our Brush with the King's Dragoons
Chapter 16 Of our Coming to Taunton
Chapter 17 Of the Gathering in the Market-square
Chapter 18 Of Master Stephen Timewell, Mayor of Taunton
Chapter 19 Of a Brawl in the Night
Chapter 20 Of the Muster of the Men of the West
Chapter 21 Of my Hand-grips with the Brandenburger
Chapter 22 Of the News from Havant
Chapter 23 Of the Snare on the Weston Road
Chapter 24 Of the Welcome that met me at Badminton
Chapter 25 Of Strange Doings in the Boteler Dungeon
Chapter 26 Of the Strife in the Council
Chapter 27 Of the Affair near Keynsham Bridge
Chapter 28 Of the Fight in Wells Cathedral
Chapter 29 Of the Great Cry from the Lonely House
Chapter 30 Of the Swordsman with the Brown Jacket
Chapter 31 Of the Maid of the Marsh and the Bubble which rose from the Bog
Chapter 32 Of the Onfall at Sedgemoor
Chapter 33 Of my Perilous Adventure at the Mill
Chapter 34 Of the Coming of Solomon Sprent
Chapter 35 Of the Devil in Wig and Gown
Chapter 36 Of the End of it All
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