che with desire, and in lieu of black legs he husked the cocoanuts that fell from the trees in the compound, kep
uch a terror did he make himself that Sheldon was forced to shut him up in the living room when, for any reason, strange natives were permitted in t
vitation (that would be delivered nobody knew when) to Tom
ou get to Sydney?" Sheldon
eceived information, by bush-telegraph, that that third assistant understrapper
was all. You see, with the loss of the schooner and . . and all the rest . . . you understand . . I was thinking that if-a-if-hang it all, until you could co
he regarded her irritabl
emanded, with a show of he
th battle, the curve of he
, man-god, superior fashion. Naturally it counted for nothing, my telling you that I had no idea
curiously, as though he were
it is no more than one white man should expect from another. Shipwrecked mariners are always helped along their wa
do you int
pe the indignity of being patroniz
ughed, but the strain in his voice destroyed the effect of sp
sir. And if it is impossible,
not continu
ere are at least four hundred acres, and every foot of it good for planting. Being an island, he says I won't have to bother about wild pigs destroying the young trees. All I'll have to do is to keep the weeds hoed until the trees come i
ours. I know more about cocoanut-planting than you do. You speak like a capitalist. I don't know how much money you have, but I don't fancy you are rolling in wealth, as you Americans say. But I do know what it costs to
he previous clash between them was already forgott
quite eight tho
need, as you said, at least fifty boys. Not counti
s fifteen a month,
red dollars. Very well. It will be seven years before your trees begin to bear. Seven times fifteen hundred is ten thousand five hundred dollars-mor
gravely. "You'll have
I'll buy in to the extent of my money as a small partn
such genuine dismay that sh
, only you are too polite to say so. Yet as you said yourself, it was impossible for me to go away, so I had to stay. You wouldn't let me go to Tulagi. You compelled me to force myself upon you. But I won't buy in
it in Sheldon's clenched hand and
. "Please don't mind me. I'm-I'm gett
l you how preposterously insane and
m with delibera
to be considered as a man. I didn't come down here to trail my woman's skirts over the Solomo
there lurk in her the insidious unhealthfulness of unwomanliness? Or
recruiting on Malaita is impossible for a w
our Admiralty charts. I am a navigator, and that is more than your Solomons captains are. Captain Young told me all about it. And I am a seaman-a better seaman than you, when it com
de a hopel
sh your hands of me. But as Von use
discussing it. Let
; but before the disc started, and while he
ll your life. That's why you don't understand me.
speaking, till he saw her take a rifle from the s
going?" he aske
be too terribly-er-indecent for you to tell me why I
, started toward the door after her, t
rom the veranda, and as she went down the steps her rippling