img A Little Girl in Old Boston  /  Chapter 4 OUT TO TEA | 16.67%
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Chapter 4 OUT TO TEA

Word Count: 4417    |    Released on: 04/12/2017

it look lik

a day off, and the use of the chaise and Jack, to show the little co

omplaint among children, and people were careful through the long cold winter. A strip of beaver fur edged the front, and went around the little c

was to be. There were still the three elevations of Beacon Hill, lowered somewhat

winding cove called The Wash. Boston is sort of set between two rivers, but it is fast of the mainland, and doesn't look so much like

with disdain. "Why, you

lland, but it's t

d city. We shall have to dike and fill in and bridge. I have a great regard for t

ven if she could make pillow lace and r

of the bay. And over there a grand battle was fough

rself, Warren Leverett," said

ut grandfather and ever so many relatives were, and father knows all

e acres and acres of low ground, we are not likely to be overflowed, unless the Atlantic Ocean should rise a

nd by bridges. And cows were still pastured on the commons and in several tracts of meadow land in the city. Many people had their own milk and made butter. There were large gardens at the sides of the houses, many o

es of this and that place, and wishing there was

mer. It is confusing to see so many places at once. And mothe

rican history in her quiet home. War seemed a dreadful thing to

went down through t

they are so crook

asked Doris

when people began to come over from Charlestown he sold out for thirty pounds English money. Grandfath

nd churches and everything. Come, do get

and you had to make a curve to get into the next one. From Main they turned in

ies connected with it. And just down there is fath

any such foolish thi

ble," returned the oracular young man. "And I have heard the longest way rou

g. I should laugh if we found

r father, and something

hat was to grow more famous as the years went on; then

blow you to shreds. Now we will take Marlborough, and to-night y

mmon Street, and there was the great tract of ground that would grow more beautiful with eve

ng porch upheld with round columns. Betty sprang out on the steppi

elcome them, and smiled down

s your mothe

to meet father. We have been driving up around C

u have not grown homesick sighing for Old Boston. For if you should reach the threescore-and-ten, things will have


ous dimensions, and a high-backed chair stood on each of the nearest corners. There was a bookcase with some busts ranged on the top; there were some portraits of ancestors in military attire, and women with enormous head-dresses; there was one in a Puritan cap, wide collar, and

elcome. Her forehead was high and rather narrow, her brown hair was combed straight back and twisted in a little knot high on her head, in which in the afternoon, or on company occasions, she wore a large shell comb. Her features were rather long and spare, and she wore plain little gold hoops in her ears because he

ing you about, Recompense-Cousin Charles' g

hy, she isn't very stout or rosy. She might have been born he

ssion of pleasure, as Recompense

black?" rather

t blue you can imagi

than mine, and haven't done so much trotting round. Lay them

explanation and skip

the little girl. It was covered with thick crimson brocade, a good deal faded, but it had a warm, inviting

indulged him, as there had been no mother to exercise authority. But Doris was different. She was alone in the world, and had been sent to him by a mysterious providence. He knew the responsibility of a

t a few were left to cling about her neck over the lace tucker. Her slim hands lay in her lap. He glanced at his own-yes, t

m the back door. For a few moments there was quite a confusion of

en with a teasing glance over at Doris. "We have been lookin

e to be fed in White Bread Al

say Warren d

woman baked

reat many places," returned Un

n't mean j

dor's mother,"

ered for sale in Boston, and little John,

n didn't make them famous

th cocked hats and small clothes, bowing to each other," sai

man who liv

makes your

n with chee

g Levi Punch

f the tea were drawn up in the old tavern. It was

to drive all aro

Or, like the Hollanders, we might do it on skate

s that she did not. But she could ri

arties when we do go out rowing. At

ds some mis

e hands

tty la

ting," appended Warren. "There's neve

Boston," inquired Miss Recompense. "And w

The idea of Miss Recompense

something about the little girl-perhaps it was the fact of her hav

oris modestly, "except the farmer's children. The

ve sisters," said Miss Recomp

er of one's very own. There were Sa

archly. "There are the weddings and the nieces and ne

cle Win, as if he would fain co

c sweetness. He was a little p

Your mother and father wil

nds, neither dropping over the andirons. Then he pushed

l!" and Doris lea

e smaller split pieces. They began to blaze shortly. He pick

one," remarked Miss R

a fire," said his uncle,

d," commented Betty. "And I shall get a ba

edless," said M

ittle darker. The sun is going down, and the fire is coming up, and just see how they are fightin

one of the wonderful fleet ablaze from the broadside of her enem

you really think there will be w

erely h

ld go to pieces like that one," nodding his head over to the scene, growing more vivid by the re

not know so much about America, except that you

t, and now we are citizens of a great a

ere destroyed by English men-of-war, and then a terrific stor

now, Warren, maybe you can tell about the Fr

Oh, there was the French and English

nies in 1745. The French resolved to destroy all the towns the col

ense. "That is almost seventy years ago. My father was called out for the d

mada!" said Wa

twenty transports and thirty-four frigates and eleven ships of the line. Quite a formidab

ot know the history of our own city, aft

France, and some steered for friendly ports in the West Indies. The Duc died in less than a week, of poison it was said, unwilling to endure the misfortune. The Governor General of Canada ordered the Vice Admiral to proceed and strike one blow at least. But he saw so many difficulties in the way, that h

and I must hunt it up. Curious that both s

erposition of Providenc

ings then, and it certainly looked like i

nd the steps of the tardy ones were heard on

med Mrs. Leverett. "I waited and waited for your f

start for China in a few days, and there was

ould have started. It has blown off cold. Didn't y

oris, her eyes shining. "And

nd warm and com

I don't know what you

re not used to it. But we mus

those days people ate with a hearty relish and had not yet discovered the thousand dangers lurking in food. If it was good and well cooked no one asked any farther questions

der, where Indian troubles were being fomented. There were some unsettled questions between us and

e high prices of dry goods and the newer scant skirts that would take so much less cloth and the improv

d if it would be right to like Uncle Win any better than she did Uncle Leverett, and why she had any desire to do so, which troubled her a little. Uncle Win was the handsomest. She liked the

more paintings. There was a beautiful young woman with a head full of soft curls and two bands passed through them in Greek fashion. A scarf was loosely wound around her shoulders, showing her white, shapely

an old escritoire that was both carved and gilded, and in the center of the room a large round table strewn with books and writing materials. At the windows were heavy red damask curtains, lined with yello

Weaving them was quite a business, and numbers of women were experts at it. Sometimes it was in a hit-or-miss style, the rags sewed just as one happened to pick them up.

ed to walking, and the two men would not mind it. Betty could drive Jack by night or day, as he w

little more of your new home," said Uncle Winthro

eight to twelve. And she is so young there is no real need of her b

ch. It would be a

of the exercise," returned Betty laugh

ere a girl was concerned, yet when he glanced down into her soft, wistful eyes

en they had said all their good-nights, and Uncle Wrin ad

on. Jack tossed up his head and trotted a

Uncle Win lived. He liked the quiet and the old house, the great trees and his garden that gave him all kinds of vegetables and

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