img The Iron Boys in the Mines; or, Starting at the Bottom of the Shaft  /  Chapter 7 IS ANYONE ALIVE IN THERE | 29.17%
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Reading History


Word Count: 1802    |    Released on: 04/12/2017

acks and raise the timbers bodily. Get a move

the holder on his hat, he had hurried down into the mine and made his way quickly to the sub-level where the accident had occurred. He needed no guide to reach

t Mr. Penton had not addressed Spooner; he had made his inquiries from the men wh

agging and let the roof all the way down. It's lucky the explosion blew ore enough

im exactly what to do. The official showed no trace of excitement; instead, his every facu

r had been placed as a support under those that had been broken and the jacks set to wor

here! Hold

he jacks s

Throw out some of that dirt. We must get an opening as soon a

longing to that shift being in the wrecked drift. A line of pipe had been laid to t

in place. He indicated where the drilling was to be done and a moment later the steady

ounced the drill-man, nod

aw the

nose to the hole thus

y a hole above the shoring.

dles on their caps flickering and swaying from side to side in the faint draft that swirled through the long, dark cavern. Attention was divi

nnounced the d

was withdrawn. Following it came a li

e another hole on the same line but about six feet to the

s promp

oise of the drill had ceased, placed

re! Is anyone

me from the

e use in bothering about

withering glance

re alive until we have learned that they a

sing the lagging?"

free the place of powder fumes. Remove the drill from the pipe and force a little air through the vent holes. Not too much; just enough to di

oceeded with great success. The diggers were gradually

e débris into the drift. It was a small hole, so small that

He had been using a shovel industriously, and when the

if you will let me. I want to get

superintendent. "Better tie a rope to one foot before

nds and knees and examined the opening in the attempt to sa

so much smoke in the drift that he nearly choked as he pulled himself up and began groping about in

iolent shake. Ste

re all r

me to li-lick me?" mumble

s hole. We'll talk about the licking

elf to a sitting

nt to sleep. He may be dead now. Come, w

g; I'll help you out first. You need loo

p wound where a sharp-edged rock had hit him. It was evident, however, that the powder-man w

t I'll help you out

ion first. I'll help you with him. How are we going to

o the best we ca

o you. Tell those on the outside to get hold of your feet and pull w

This end is the smaller. The other is large enough for h

bored industriously

the voice of the superi

. Powder-man badly

the hole, while Steve, as carefully as he coul

ermination. Finally, after moments of wriggling and inch-by-inch progress, the men outside t

ckly as possible, though he felt himself growing momentarily we

e hospital," directe

ill be as soon as I recover from

the powder-man to save y

g hotly. It was the first time the superintend

rself after this boy has saved your life. I know all about it. You will

y expense

et another contract in the Cousin Jack Mine after you have finished with this

m if that's the way you fe

d," answered the su

face and removed to the hospital in the superintendent's ca

o walk, Rush?" ques

r; I-I thin

" spoke up Bob

to the cage and

's strong arm he made his way to the lower level, where the lads c

t this, Jarvis,



something to say to you, Miss Hurry-up," was Bob's parting shot, as he lifted the l

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