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Reading History


Word Count: 1405    |    Released on: 04/12/2017

t one of the monsters of the deep had been sighted off the beach, and a

can't we go out and have a look at h

where else," Jerry repl

saw the old sailor beckoning to them. "Av

what he wants?

n that Bob remarked he would wear them out in a short time at that rate. Hi

n what he wants," Ned repl

ich there were quite a number of persons. Several were gett

to do it! Couldn't have done it any better myself!" as Jerry brough

call us?"

so we can kill that whale. Shiver my t

r kill whale

y you don'

sing two very hairy and much tattooed a

eled in th

eled in t


e bigge

llest kind

boys, if you wait a minute I'll go after my harpoon a

n from the dock toward a little shanty that st

risk it,

said. "He doesn't look as if h

lot about the ocean, and we can ask him about the lighthou

carried a tub, while over his shoulder was a long pole. He ra

e's the iron that sent many a good whale, and some bad

e that had seen service, to judge by the look of it. I

nting to the cuts. "I did every one myself. And this tub and line-well they've s

b, with its coil of line in the bottom, at the bow. Then he sat down ne

a nod from the latter, Bob cranked the engine, an

of the old sailor. He did not want t

" the sailor replied, not looking up from the delica

remarked Bob. "All the other boats are ahead of

f they're within seeing distance. Put her right between the two points, lad, there's less c

gh the water. Ahead was quite a flotilla of sail and motor boat

self that the harpoon was sharp enough. "Almost as fast as the Dolly Gray, in which

at care in this, and Ned and Bob watched him curiously. The

remarked. "If it snarls why it's

e any danger?" asked

board," was the sailor's r

later had overhauled some of them. Ten minutes more and she had passed the

eze to ruffle the surface. There was a long gent

stand in the bow, and, skipper, you send her forward or back, as I tell you. If we

y, somewhat inclined to laugh

"Put her out a little more, skipper.

oats, which seemed to be headed for one spot. They were

"We'll point up that way, and maybe we can

He knew the creature would not merely float around on the water, but would dive, and swim be

other boats within a quarter of a mile. The rest were hov

those boats it will be all

ered ahead with his one keen eye. He was as still as though the carved figurehead of a ves

ion in the water. It seemed to boil and bubble. Then som

ter shot up from the surface of the ocean.

she blows!" yelled Sam

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