freshment-table. The cardplayers had risen, and were settling or discussing gains and losses. While I was searching for my hat, which I had somewhere
without paying the fee. The old man discovered the hat before I did, stooped, took it up, extended it to me with the profound bow of the old school, while the other hand, clenched and quivering, was pressed into
mptoms. Here, it is true, I am no professional doctor, but I am
ch I had discovered an anodyne that was almost specific. I wrote on a leaf of my pocketbook a prescription which I felt sure would be efficacious, and as I tore it out and placed it in his hand, I chanced to look up, and saw the hazel eyes of my hostess fixed upon me with
table, which stood near the place at which I still lingered, rested her face on her hand, and seemed musing
ur back towards those people, who a
e had just received. It contained
so distressed. Since
aken suddenly ill, and
send for? Let my serv
g from
Would you much care if I se
! What have I done that y
rld of fools intellect should ally itself with intellect. No; I am
cause for alarm, or if I can be of use, send for me." Resuming the work she had suspended, but with lingering, unc