it to be. The conception which the ghost has of its own being is fundamentally different from yours. Because it lacks solidity you deem it less re
seldom appear or make any attempt at open communication, doing their work in secret and disclosing their identity only to selected souls. Far from admitting that they are less real than you, they regard themselves as possessed of r
face of the greatest authorities, and have the whole literature of the subject
, "that it never recognised itself as a gh
do you make of the G
events, recognise
ns of playing to the gallery, which is incapable of right notions on this subject. But there is another passage in the
er G
hou, that usurp'st
that fair an
majesty of
ch? By Heaven I c
s. It is
See, it st
hat their hair was standing on end and their knees knocking together. Disgusted at such an exhibition of what to him would appear as a mixture of stupidity and bad manners, he turned up his nose at the lot of them and stalked away in wrath. No self-respecting ghost would ever consent to be so treated; and that may help you to understand why communications from the world of
at some of the ghosts do not be
jority of ghosts the proceedings of the Society are viewed with indifference, and the claim, which is occasionally made, that communication has been established with the beings whom we know as men is treated with contempt. The critics point to the extreme triviality of the alleged communications from this world. They say that nothing of the least importance has ever come through from the human side, and are wont to make merry over the imbecility and disjointed nonsense of the messages reported by the mediums; for you must understand that there are mediums on that side as well as on this. I happen to know of two instan
k, that at this moment these beings may be investigating the reality of my own ex
extremely scornful as to the existence of spirits, is actually undergoing that investigation by the ghosts the results of which, if applied to yourself, you would find so interesting. Some assert that he is a low form of mental energy which has
ly remembered a question which I had sever
be on a familiar footing with th
ry. Come down to my house in the country, stay a fortnight, an