able was about the last. But for the stake I had at issue--to save Althe
egler was right, and the German Government were really contemplating some move against England, my old journalistic work would
might easily find myself in an ugly fix. I must be careful also not to be drawn in too
; and then, I could leave Berlin and, as
ask upon me. Borsen had confirmed the statement von Felsen had made to her as to h
y close to giving her consent. Self-sacrifice had become a sort of second nature with her, and sh
ng I could do before I told her--tackle von Felsen himself
mise I had given von Felsen on the previous day to hold my tongue about his
me was an ample justification for my taking back my promise; but I
closeted with my sister, and they appeare
d. "Tell him, Herr Bernhoff." She was ver
" I asked tu
the honour to betroth herself to me," h
oubt given yo
rest, Herr Bernhoff," c
o that extent a member of your family, and so concerned to help you in
ease," I sai
certain t
them," I
stable," he said, lifting his
en this--this gentlem
and he
e a word or two with him alone." She got up at
ss it with you, Mr. Bas
d I opened the door for her and prevented his leavi
ly and stared
in reply you have hinted that you will tell certain suspicions you entertain if she does not retract her refusal
to glare at m
an inconvenient
same dogge
ully my sister. You are an officer, and belong to a regiment in which the other officers at any rate are gentlemen. As for your suspicions, you can go and
nd began to protest. "I did n
eant. It's what you have done. I know your Colone
ngrily. "It is your action which matters. Th
ished now, and he was as l
the kind. If you like to make this
a way out for you. You can convince your Colonel that you did not
esult would be, and so did he. "I am very sorry," he
n the door. "As for your suspicions, tell them
ven, he slunk out with his tail well bet
of unofficial "delegate" in Althea's affairs. There was a tacit agreement that I was to have some li
at my club and make some inquiries about the inner working of this Polish Irre
cted Nationalists subject to occasional spurts of violence, so Germany will always have a Polish question. But her policy
party and other sections, in the hope that eventually the combination would become strong enough to dictate
Government by worming out all sorts of official secrets the disclosure of which would
channels of information, about certain mysterious happenings, classed as "accidents," to Government property. More than one warship
nown it is not told," he declared; "but it probably is not known. You can draw your own
p with men who were planning a policy of violence, and I resolv
nce and tell him point-blank that I should let Ziegler know the truth. On my way to him I called to see Chalice. She
! Oh, I am nearly beside myself with delight,
s can happen in a
e me uncomfortable," she pouted. She ha
you call it, but I do wish to s
nged a State concert with the Ventura as his Prima. She can't come to it, or she won't or something, and he is actually going to put me in her place. In t
t ungraciously. She had not a thought fo
gs, I wish you'd choose another day for them. Y
ng to do about Pr
im to-day, nor for the whole week. Think of all it m
wet blanket, but
gers in her ears and shaking her head vigorously. "Herr Grumpel sai
u do not listen to me, Fr?ulein," I declared,
ate you! Go away!" s
nd that she could not get rid of me in that way, and then her manner
nything I ought to know which really does co
about Fr?ulein Alt
ht or I should have heard. Has s
all, and she does not know that I
e same thing," she
han I should be. But the fact is that before a week passes you are much more likely to be in the same pl
ey would try to
ration. The one arrest has been decided on because Fr?ulein Althea is the daughter of Baron von Ringheim, you are his granddaughter
nto a storm of tears. "You are cruel! It is infamous! Why persecute me
some of the trouble which she had viewed with such philosophic indifference when it affected only Althea. With all
wn. "Forgive me for having spoken as I did. You are right, of course,
en, and let the Kaiser have his way in r
e me," she wailed. "Wh
uld think of Althea when there was a diff
ught struck her. "You have quarrell
had some words with him because he would not be
s at m
a was being sacrificed for the sake of the secret. But if the truth is not told,
know wh
for you, and you must do as you will; but you
," she cried, catching and holding my hand
the fact that you do not wish to go counter to the Kaiser's wish and will do anything rath
te it. You writ
in writing it. You have just heard of His Majesty
aid, with a ve
l that means to you, and then persuade yourself that your emotion
y," she agreed; and saying that I would see her again
ns of advancing her interests. To me she stood for a type of calculating, callous selfishness; and yet to the Prince she appeared as a veritab
t the coming interview and staring out of the window into the now gloomy street, the electric lights of the room were switched
him as a fellow named Dragen, one of the worst characters in Berlin, the bully and worse of a low g
hat?" I as
nd why do you come to me?" and von Fe
he man have a good sight of me? And how long had th