that now and then follows a stroke of extraordinary brilliancy. Now and then he whispers a criticism in Arden's ear. There are many vicissitudes in the game. The players have entered
single break. A burst of prolonged applause follows, and, during the
a boy-a Frenchman, a good-natured little soul, and I advised him to back Hood, and I have been trembling up to this moment. But I think he's safe now to win. Mark
because it will put three hundred and eight
ent, hushed as a cathedral before the anthem; and Markham kno
ained, lasted for nearly five minutes. The assemblage had, by this time, descended from the benches, and crowded the floor in clusters, d
doors at the far corner of the room. Men are looking back and beckoning to their companions; others are shoulderin
he point where the crowd is thickening, not knowing what to make of the matter. But soon there runs a rumour about the room-"a m
look in. All the people are looking up the room. You can see nothing but hats, and backs of heads, and shoulders. There is a ceaseless buzz and clack of talk and conjecture. Even the policemen are looking, as the rest do, at the body. The man who has mounted on the chair near the door, with the other beside him, who has one foot on the rung and another on the seat, and an arm round the first gentleman's neck, although he has not the honour of his acquaintance, to support himself, can see, over
an, Pierre Lebas, who was talking s
broidered with green leaves, red strawberries, and yellow flowers, which, I suppose, was one of the finest articles in the little wardrobe that Madame Lebas
and a papier-maché snuff-box. If that dumb mouth could speak but fifty words, what a world of conj
those within, and transmitting, over their shoulders, particulars, eagerly repeated. On a sudden there is a subsidence of the buzz and gabble within, and one voice, s
o-night. I had not seen him since I was a boy almost. Seven children and a wife, he told me, dependent on him. I say there are two things wanted-first, a reward of such magnitude as will induce exertion. I promise, for my own share, to put down double the amount promised by the highest subscriber. Secondly, something should be done for the family he has left, in proportion to the loss they have sustained. Upon this point I shall make inquiry myself. But this is plain,
l-pox, rather pallid, who was smiling lazily, with half-closed eyes, as Mr. Longcluse declaimed; and when he alluded pointedly to the inadequacy o
an inspector. Laroque faints when he sees his murdered friend. Recovered after a tim
er now quite into their