img Desert Dust  /  Chapter 10 CHAPTER IX | 40.00%
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Chapter 10 CHAPTER IX

Word Count: 3156    |    Released on: 06/12/2017


e affair upon the floor was apparently past history-if it merited even that distinction. The place had resumed its

for the opportunity. "If you can't draw quicker you'd better keep your hands in your pockets. L

by and see him strik

uns, in these diggi

New Yor

im. You haven't been long

ng enough," I mise

gh to be p

eover there was something strong and kindly in the hearty voice and the rough

f my la


apped me. The hotel had robbed m

? Wall, what

the hotel part

different proposition. I'd rather take chances among Injuns than among white men. Why, you could throw in with a Sioux village for a year and n

?" I q

outfit I fou

led into following the lead of the rest of you," I reminded. "Now I see that there was a trick, although I don't yet understand. Aft

ved it. When you buck the tiger, look out for his claws. But I reckoned he'd postpone the turn till next time. He would have, if

r? Which w

e shoulder, a capper bent that there card, a capper tolled you all on with a dollar or two, and ano

er?" I

hat purty piece who damn nigh lost you yo

dy with the blue

dy! Oh, pshaw! Where'd sh

kindness itself. The only part she has played to-night, as far as I can see, was to chaperon me here in the Big Tent;

se. And she befriended y

est. I had a little setto with Mr. Daily, when he annoyed her whi

ture. Might call it mendin' his pocket and his lip. And you don'

? Who's

same spieler who trimmed

zed. My heart pounded. I must h

hotel. "I imagined-I had reason to suspect that

but he uses her and some day he'll kill her. You're not the fust gudgeon she's hooked, to feed to him. Why, she's known all back down the line. 135 They two have been followin' end o' track from North

ed to t

fellow Jim

e suckers like you. 'Tisn't his money he plays with;

"That is the mystery. It was the

oots with her tolled you on straight for Montoyo's table; teased you a leetle along the trail, no doubt, to keep you interested." I nodded. "They promised you winnin's, easy winnin's. Then at Montoyo's table

self?" I retort

stakin' the big roll, and then I pull out. But you-all slapped down the stuff in a stampede, sartin you had him buffaloed. On his last shuffle he'd straightened the queen and turned down the eight, usin' an extra finger or two. Them card sharps have six fingers on each hand and several in their sleeve, and he was slicker'n I thought. He might have refused all bets and got your mad up for the next

more than I deserved. Such a wave of nause

k his woman I don'

ave heard her. And she showed which was

ext time she'd have steered you to the tune of a hundred or two and cleaned you proper. You hadn't been worke

e me, sir, I think I'd better go. I-I-I thank you. I only wish I'd met yo

own, sit down, man.

riving in Benton I've had more than e

were yo

ay there until to-morrow. Thank Heav

" said he. "A



ome with." To write for funds was 138 now impossible through ve

ut clear to end o'

in the Far West, high and dry." I gulped at his

e to pay for eddication. You're not wolf meat yet, by a long shot. You've still got your hair, and

e the transportation," I reminded. "My rev

r breeches fust. Either way y

y. I'll not stay in Benton-no

on. I believe you're straight goods. Can't believe anything else, after seein' your play and sizin' you up. Let me make you a proposition. I'm on my way t

ng west, you m

ghtin' across.

I'm not in shape to stand hardships," I f

you've slept under a wagon to Salt Lake and l'arned to sling a bull whip and relish your beans burned, you can look anybody in the eye and tell him to go to hell, if you like. This roarin' town life-it's no life for you. It's a bobtail, wide open in the middle. I'll be only too glad to get away on the lon

k it over to-night, and let you know

ome of us Gentiles have thrown in with. Ask for Cap'n Hyrum Adams' train. My name's Jenks-George Jenks. You'll find me

e him my hand;

"You've set me upon my feet, Mr. Jenks, for I was desp

d ripe; the buzzards scented you. Now you go straight to your hotel, unless you'll spend the nigh

med. "At present I'm no

," he rejoined. "But if you'll u

one word will face a man about when for lack of that mere word he was drifting. Of the games and the people I wi

will at least

used, reply


ould have d

not to be blamed. Please let me help you. I don't know what you'v

n. With such as she, a vampire and yet a woman, a man

gly persistent imprint of moist blue eyes under shimmering hair, and startled white face plashed on one cheek with vivid

n the Spartan boy's bosom; and once in my room, which fortuitously had no other tenants at this hour, I had

up-pillaged, dishonored, worthless in even this community: a young fellow in jaunty frontier costume, new and brave, but really reduced t

ark spots, where lights had been extinguished, but the street remained ablaze and the desert without winked at the stars. There were moving gleams at the railroad yards where switch engines puffed back and forth; u

th Platte River; and peering between the high canopy of stars and the low stratum of spect

ew back, wrestled 143 out of coat and boots and belt and pantaloons, tucked them in hiding against the wall at the head of my bed and my re

reet seemed scarcely abated, as if down there sleep was despised. But when I finally

olested. The world outside was strangely quiet. The trail was open. So with no attention to my roommates I hastily washed and dress

counter a clerk sat sunk into a doze. At

id shortly. "Number T

ammered. "You'll be ba

You'll find

e, Room Six, you say. Pulling your freight, are you?" He 144 scanned the register.

," sa

I have a message for you." And reaching behind him into a pigeonhole he extracted an envelo

e del

. Beeso


from Alb

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