on her, and took her hand, and went on up the hall to the dais, following his father and the old man; as for him, he was of the kindred of the House, and was foster-father of Iron-face and of his sons
looking down the hall, for the meat was now on the board; and of the others there were so
of meat and drink. There was bread and flesh (though not Gold-mane's venison), and leeks and roasted chestnuts of the grove, and red-cheeked apples of the garth, and honey enough of th
but been speaking softly to the Bride as one playmate to the other: but the Alderman said: 'Scarce are the wood-deer grown, ki
ut Gold-mane reddened and said: 'So is it, kinsman
ou been to the Woodland-Carles? are
'Nay, father, I saw not the Wood-carles, nor went to their abode; and on no day do I lust after their women. Moreover, I b
r such big men as are thou and I. But I rede thee take the Bride along with thee t
that wood-lawn ye wot of, I wandered up and down with my bow unbent. So it was that I fared as if I were seeking something, I know not what, that should fill up something lacking to me, I know not what. Thus I felt in myself even so long as I was underneath the black boughs, and there was none beside me and before me, and none to turn aback to: but when I came out
into his hand after she had kissed the rim, but
ing soft and kind by my side, and the bold lads I shall one day lead in battle drinking out of my very cup: now it seems to me that amidst all this, the dark cold wood, wherein abide but
and look on the Plain and its Cities, and take and give with the strangers? To whom indeed thou shalt be nothing save a purse with a few lumps of gold in it, or maybe a spear in the stranger's band on the stricken field, or a bow on the wall of an alien city. This is a craft which thou mayst well learn, since thou shalt be a chieftain; a craft good to learn, however grievous it be in the learning. And I myself have been there
ill not go, for I have no lust for the Plain and its Cities; I love the
t spake not. Sooth to say her heart was sinking, as though she forebo
tone-face took up
ieftains, though this Alderman that now is hath been free therefrom, which is well for him. For, time was this longing came over me, and I went whither it led me: overlong it were to tell of all that befell me because of it, and how my heart bled thereby. So sorry were the tidings that came of it,
and their whores and their runagates. But as for the wood and its wonders, I have done with it, save for hunting there along with others
nd there wander the dwarfs and the mountain-dwellers, the dealers in marvels, the givers of gifts that destroy Houses; the forgers of the curse that clingeth and the murder that flitteth to and fro. There moreover are the lairs of Wights in the shapes of women, that draw a young man's heart out of his body, and fill up the empty place with desire never to be satisfied, that they may mock him therewith and waste his manhood and des
le spake, and a cloud gathered on his face a whi
and set thy fiddle-bow a-dancing, and cause it draw some fair words after it? For my cousin's face hath grown sadder than a you
l: a man tall, thin and scant-haired, with a nose like an eagle's neb: he reached out his ha
nd the Bride, and the love that lieth between
is hands again), and reached his hand to the wall behind him, and took down his fiddle hanging there in its case, and drew it out and fell to tuning it, while the hall grew silent to hea
orning, ye maids
meadows yet fre
west wind the
mint, the white b
Portway where p
your gown-hems th
the grass and the
the willows the
he moon-daisies d
grass and the wh
the rock-wall the ho
the wheel-way is
way shall we wal
eth here, and sweet
old days the Burg
er weapons the
aliens their prou
threshold they s
even the steel-
our mothers th
e morn of the e
Mighty that w
r warding of orch
s be merry as ol
hey had overthrown a great host of aliens on the Portway betwixt the river and the cliffs, two furlongs from the gate of Burgstead. So now two weeks before Midsummer those maidens who were presently to be wedded went early in the morning to that place clad in very fair raiment, swords girt to t
lithe with her; and she reddened and trembled for pleasure, and called to mind wedding feasts that had be
on the two from time to time, and
hat fair Dale so happy were the years from day to day that there was but little to tell of. So deepened the night and waned, and Gold-mane an
the cup of good-night, and men dran