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IV. How Blackstick Was Not Asked to the Princess Angelica's Christening

Word Count: 713    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

er's name was Gruffanuff, and he had been selected for the post by their Royal Highnesses because he was a very tall fierce man, who could say "Not at home" to a tradesman or an unwelcome visitor wi

ly sitting at the open drawing-room window, Gruffanuff not only denied them, but made the most ODIOUS VULGAR SIGN as he was going to slam the door in the F

ame out again in a fury, swearing in the most abominable way, and asking the

ically; and Gruffanuff, coming out of the door, straddling before it with his great calves, burst out laughing, a

ach, he felt a dreadful pain there, and was pinned to the door; and then his arms flew up over his head; and his legs, after writhing about wildly, twisted und

ainst the door. And the King and Queen (Princess and Prince they were then) coming home from a walk that evening, the King said, "Hullo, my dear! you have had a new knocker put on the door. Why, it's rather like our porter in the face! What has become of that boozy vagabond?" And the housemaid came and scrubbed his nose with sand-paper; and once, when the Princess Angelica's little sister was born, he was tie

and in debt to the tradesmen, it was supposed he had run away from all these evils, and emigrated to Australia or America. And when the

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