subaltern throws at the orderly. He had never been questioned, and, the precedent being absent, he had never questioned himself. Why should he? We live by quest
ed to own completely. He would give anything away with
st respiration of its breath, and if it is dead I cannot permit a mortgage on it. Have you a c
ured a sufficiency of money to enable him to regard the future with calmness and his fellow-c
oice of a large supply, he shortly discovered a lady whose qualifications were such as would ornament any, however exalted, position-She was sound in wind a
le second act, and beyond that, and to infinity, action and interaction, involution and evolution, forging change for ever. Thus he failed to take into consideration that the lad
e. A wife in the house is a critic on the hearth-this truth was daily and unpleasantly impressed upon him: but, of course, every man knows th
sband.-But while he entirely forgot that his wife had been bought and paid for, she did not forget it: indeed, she could not help remembering it. A wrong had been done her not to be obscured even by economics, the great obscurer.
took her to the opera, he gave her jewels, he went to Church with her twice every Sunday, and once a
her. He never said that one touch of her lips would electrify a paralytic into an acrobat. He never swore that he would commit suicide and dive to deep perdition if she threw him over-none of these thin
tsiders. This was his attitude to her: Give me your admirations, all of them, every note of exclamation of which you are mistress, every jot and tittle of your thoughts must be mine, for, lacki
a very angry young man, with many hatreds and many ambitions. His employer prized him as a reliable and capable worker, liked his manners, and paid him thi
confined to his bed. This clerk, by order, waited on him to see to hi
religion. Is it in man only the satisfaction of self? Egotism standing like a mountain, and demanding, "Give me yourself or I will kill myself." And women! is their love the degradation of self, the surrender and very abasement of lowliness? or is it also egotism set on a pinnacle, so careless and self-assured as to be fearful of nothing? In their eyes the third person, a shadow already, counted as less than a shadow. He was a name with no significance, a something without a locality.
er by purc
u for drives in the sunshine. In the nights we will go to the opera, hearkening together to the tenor telling his s
ne of his clerks had not arrived-this angered him; when he returned home