Helwyse took his feet off the camp-s
his secret of
ut I assure you that only a man of intellect-of genius-has in him the intelligence, the sublime reach of soul, which could at
ters the problem of absolute sin would
ical person's discretion, and his views as to the claims of the august Being who has so long controlled the destinies of the human race, how much the existing order of
. "Why is not Satan, who must possess this all-
erker blood, which boiled only at heaven-and-hell temperature, was beginning to stir i
s but as the power of a dream. Were a Satan to arise in the flesh, so that men could see and touch him, and hear his voice with their fleshy ears,-there were a Satan! Already has the Incarnation of goodness appeared to mankind, and, though the world be moved to virtue only slowly and with reluctance, mark how mighty has
nto imbecile inertia. But when before now did a sane human brain let itself be dup
able sin is ignoranc
er himself, to put his hand to evil or to good alike, and to remain impartial and impa
must learn the nature of opposites. The soldier will not join battle without studying the tactics of the enemy. Wit
of God, if from no other cause, I should suppose you
is too dark here for either denial or acknowledgment to b
y. Lucifer, speaking through He
at is the
hat Helwyse asked is not so easily disposed of. It met, indeed, with full recognition. As for the subtile voice, having accomplished its
ofound knowledge, it can only be communicated by leading the learner, step by step, over the g
e broad earth, the sunny sky, the beauty, the sound, the order and sweet succession of nature? Was he a shadow that had dreamed for a moment a strange dream, and would anon be quenched, and know
an the doubt. The tone was not quite the same as heretofore. The smooth mockin
, warm and sanguine! He isolates her from sight and reach. He pries into her nature with keenest delicacy,-no leaf is unread. Being learnt, he works upon it; touches each budding trait with gentlest impulse. N
eal than hypothetic
ng, for evil is the sweeter food; it is rich earth to the plant. She never knew that evil existed, yet evil was
o initiate her into the k
purpose. To make her a devil, without the chan
cable in twenty ways. A soul cannot be so influenced. Devils a
It ceased not to mutter to itself while he
er! Plunged into life, with nothing to hold by, no truth, no divine help; her marvellous powers and passions in full strength,-all trained to drag her down,-not one
e voice, uncanny though it was, counteracted the spell wrought by its purely intellectual depravity. Helwyse was
recall the past, to speak of the dead wife,-the lost child,-her baby ways and words. I lure him on till imagination has fired his love and given life and vividness to his memory. Then I whisper,-She lives! she is near! in
of madness. But Helwyse was full of scorn and anger, born of that bitterest disappointment which admits not even the poor consolation of having worthily
r through his child, until you have become as blind as you are vicious! As for the girl, you may have made
ous business,-not less piteous than revolting. But Helwyse felt no pity,-only ugly, hateful, unrelenting anger, needing not much stirring to blaze forth in
gasped the voice; "my
mber the earth! Shall I do it?" Helwyse mutter
r. But at that moment the hurried flash of a lantern on the captain's bridge fell full on the young man's face and shoulders, gleaming in his eyes, and lighting up the