hich they partook with the zest to be expected of boys thoroughly
"it is necessary for us
ght," s
anything t
smarter than I am, a
are on a par here. Neither of us knows much ab
better decid
to talk over my plans with you. First of all, then,
Harry, but I would
. There are three principal localities, Ballarat, Bendigo, and Ovens. We might
all we tr
ar of one party that cleared two
ho was not very well acquainted w
n thousand dollars
f money," said Jack,
be so fortunate. It isn't everyb
tisfied with a
uld you do w
y. But I would fix it so that my s
much of your mother. I wish I had a mother
ow far off Ben
. That is, it is seven
s are twenty-five miles
to travel a hundred mil
ult journey, as far as I can find out. The cou
e can't
h will give a chance to carry a stock of provisions. The
Jack, who was more used to the sea
uld go by wat
, you've got good stout legs, and can get along as well as the thousand
very little of the traveller's curiosity t
ty besides the mud," cont
are t
d of them?" asked
of them last night, but
tack parties of miners and travellers, and unless suc
o meet them?" sa
we stand a chan
to start?" asked
se gentlemen, Jack?" inq
e fun about it,"
ugged his
being robbed," he said. "I would rather th
t out for the mines. The hint of danger invested the journ
ing a rough suit and a slouch hat, appeared to listen attentively. At this poi
o I understand that you are th
rry, surveying his inqu
lk of going
now anything a
nly came from th
you have ther
ack about a hundred and f
ong were y
r we
ty good pay f
ttle or nothing the first three wee
Harry, turning to his companion; "ne
n being a sailor," an
ld say
ect to start?" a
can get ready,"
there. Have y
Harry rather
something fo
e a moderate
gly. "Do you know," he continued meditativ
satisfied with you
left of it," said t
d and fifty pounds in a mon
may have twent
e been living
st of it. I'm so near broke that I may as well go back to
your company, sir. Ma
but I have been out he
t made your
have been unable to kee
from A
That is a country I want to visit bef
re a long way fr
er-Dick Fletcher m
and my friend is
tance. Here, John," addressing the b
, Jack and I will
red at them
drink ale
emperance society,"
g at the mines," said Fletc
uietly resolved that he wo