img Legends That Every Child Should Know  /  Chapter 8 CHEVY CHASE | 42.11%
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Word Count: 1478    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

r long our

and safe

unting onc

y Chase

deer with h

cy took

may rue th

ing of t

earl of No

o God d

e in the Sc

mmer day

t harts in

and be

gs to Earl

and wher

arl Percy

prevent h

earl not f

he woods

n hundred b

en men o

ll well in

eir shaft


the fal

they beg

ight did

fore high n

d fat bu

dined, the

the dee

mustered on

ble to

des all with

were guar

n swiftly thr

le deer

ir cries the

shrill d

y to the

the tend

arl Douglas

to meet

ought he wou

r would

brave youn

the earl

doth Earl

in armou

hundred Sc

hing in

f pleasant

the Rive

sports," Ear

your bows

ith me, my

age forth

as never ch

and or i

did on hors

my hap


to break

on his milk

ke a ba

most of h

our shone

aid he, "who

t so bol

ut my conse

my fall

an that did

ble Pe

We list not

whose m

spend our d

est harts

s swore a s

in rage

I will out

s two sh

well, an e


me, Percy,

t offenc

se our gui

have done

and I the

our me

he," Earl

m it is

a gallant s

gton was

I would not

our king,

y captain fo

tood lo

arls," quoth

a squir

he best th

ave power

power to wi

with hear

archers bent

ts were go

t flight of

score Scot

deer with h

bade on

moved with

ars to sh

full fast on

ess there

a gallant

ing on t

t was great

man chose

blood out of

like wa

e two stout

ains of g

wode, they

e a crue

until they b

s of tempe

own their ch

kling dow

e, Percy!" D

ith I will

shalt high

our Scot

m I will f


e most cour

er I di

," quoth Ear

ffer I d

t yield t

r yet wa

here came a

an Engl

Earl Douglas

and dea

id more word

, my merr

y life is

cy sees

g life, Ear

man by

arl Douglas,

had lost

my very hea

ow for t

more redo

could ne

ngst the Sco

Earl Dou

in heart di

he Lor

ntgomery wa

a spear fu

ed on a ga

ly through

e English a

all drea

Earl Percy

his hate

vehement for

y he di

n through th


oth those

age none c

archer th

e earl w

good bow

a trus

of a clot

ard head

ir Hugh M

full rig

se-wing that

art's blo

rom break of

ting of

ey rang the

e scarce

arl Percy th

hn of

arcliff and

, that bo

r George an

hts of go

ph Raby ther

wess did

ngton needs

n dolefu

s legs were

t upon h

l Douglas th

gh Mon

es Morrell, t

would n

euer of Har

er's son

ambwell, we

d he cou

d Maxwell,

glas he

undred Scot


n hundred

e but fi

Chevy Chas

e greenw

did many

sbands t

eir wounds in

would no

, bathed in

e with t

them dead a

were clad

s brought t

land's kin

Earl Doug

an arro

ws!" King J

d may wi

t any cap


gs to King

s short

y of Nort

n at Che

with him!" s

will no

have withi

red as go

ot Scots nor

ll venge

venged on

Earl Per

e king did

n Humbl

fifty knigh

s of grea

rest, of sm

y hundr

the hunting

the Ea

king, and b

ty, joy,

nceforth tha

ble men

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