hought that Lightfoot was hunting the hunter instead of the hunter hunting Lightfoot. You see, Lightfoot was behind the hunter instead of in
e scents, even though they be very faint, and tell just who or what has made them. So, though he makes the best possible use of his big ears and his beautiful eyes, he trusts more to his nose to warn him of danger. For this
orest that morning he had first of all made sure of the direction from which the Merry Little Breezes were coming. Then he had begun to hunt in that direction, knowing that thus his scent would be carried b
with the greatest care, holding his terrible gun ready to use instantly should Lightfoot leap out. Presently he
now what he has done; he has circled round so as to get behind me and get my scent. It is a clever
was none of the dreaded man-smell among the scents which the Merry Litt