hat young gorilla,
villain, a little rogue, very treacherous, and quite untamable. The kinder I was, the worse he seemed to be
o send into the forest for berries and nuts. I wish you could have seen his eyes glisten, you would have noticed how treacherous and gloomy they were. Jack was
in was about six feet long. Then I had a long pole fastened in the ground, and the chain was tied to an iron ring which ha
to extend his arm to get the nice tondo I was offering him, when, quick as lightning, he threw his body on the ground on one arm and one leg, the chain drawn to its full length, and then, before I knew it, he seized my leg, and with his big toe got hold and fast of my inexpressibles, which were rather old, and a portion of them was soon in his possession.
d Joe, the account of which you have read in "Stories of the Gorilla Country," but he was a pretty strong chap, and I should
ves I had given him, and would go to sleep upon t
g one. Some were more fierce or stubborn than others, but all refused food that was cooked; the berries, nuts, and fruits must come from the forest. Though these little brutes were diminutive, and the merest babies in age, they were astonishingly strong,
, and consequently he comes nearer in appearance than the chimpanzee to the African negro. He had, as we have, eyelashes, and the upper ones were the longest. His mouth was large, and the lips sharply cut. The gorilla has no lips like we have; the dark pigment covers them,
r much shorter than that on the body, and in the male g
he leg is about the same size from the knee to the ankle, the short thigh decreasing sli
y are! the nails are very much like ours, and project slightly over the tips of the fingers. See how short the thumb is-how much shorter than the thumb of man; it is hardly half as thick as the
that the foot is used as a hand. The third toe is a little longer than the second, and the others follow in the same proportion; and, if you loo
ke a great deal of noise to awake him. No; these little fellows seem to go "to bed" with one eye open, and at the least noise you see their gray eye twinkle, an