ast night's tragedy he could get into touch with
and thereupon every person present has to submit to being searched-an exhaustive search! Nothing comes of it. Then Bertillon arrives on the scene, and it seems he has obtained very distinct imprints of finger marks. If they are as distinct as all that, the task of the police will be simplified; but, on the other h
e Palais, Fandor uttered a
not clear about: let us hope Bertil
c department was under the discre
immediate arrest, do they? We are going to have some complica
utes after he found himself in th
t me to tell you?" asked
ery's guests?... Have you obtained such perfect reprints that, in your hasty examination, you can be cert
rposes! That, let me tell you, is because you are not acquainted with our procedure. The impressions I o
or b
r!... But, do be kind enough to tell
urse you know about the affair-how the Pr
ad been rendered unconscious; that the theft of a pearl necklace worn by the victim had been the motive of this criminal attempt; that Monsieur Havard, ca
d did not fi
e investigations had terminated: at the moment when they were about to take the Princess home. She had regained consciousness by this time and declared she knew nothing except that she
ur Havard s
er, an expert in his way, noticed that the Princess had been half strangled by the thief in his haste to secure the pearl coll
ere wer
pe of the neck ... blood had been pressed on to the skin of h
at suff
! The thief must have given the neck a violent squeeze with his hands, conse
s hand to his neck as if he
pressions im
or the colour of his eyes. The curves or rings, the various forms taken by these lines already exist in the newly born and never change to the day of his death. Even in case of a burn, if the skin grows again, the ridges reappear exactly as they were before the accid
"The service your department renders
ainly, irrefutably. Unfortunately, we cannot always obtain
it! I will even go so far as to declare that the fellow who committed the crime has already bee
ell, and asked the of
ed the imprints I
already been measured he
turned t
d for this very month, for the number is a recent one, and I shall know the name of th
tillon was turning over the l
s the 9200
rom his hands, and he excla
at has robbed Princess Sonia Danid
is imp
hrugged his
hy, since the pro
ues Dollo
hief of yeste
aking a mi
ake!... Jacques Dollon
Jér?me Fandor: he coul
know that I am certain-positively certain, t
science sho
lon taken a few days ago, and this made from the impressions obtained this very night, or, to be exact,
the lines of the thumb, all out of shape!... The presentment of the thumb itself is not normal either; it denotes habitual movement in a certain direction:
tely: "Jacques Dollon is dead!
e no impression on
part, I can declare that the man who committed the theft yesterday evening is the identic
Princess Sonia Danidoff were, beyond dispute, those of Jacques Dollon-then the mystery surrounding this affair,
s, of Fant?mas in the depths of mystery, presi
has, as it were, put his signature, his identification mark to this crime!... But Dollon is no
o make
not make an