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The Way We Live Now

The Way We Live Now

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Chapter I Three Editors

Word Count: 3803    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

n house in Welbeck Street. Lady Carbury spent many hours at her desk, and wrote many letters wrote also very much beside letters. She spoke of herself in these days as a woman devoted to Literatur

and in nothing more rapid than in the

, Welbec


m Shakespeare. What a wench she was! I could not quite make Julia a queen; but it was impossible to pass over so piquant a character. You will recognise in the two or three ladies of the empire how faithfully I have studied my Gibbon. Poor dear old Belisarius! I have done the best I could with Joanna, but I could not bring myself to care for her. In our days she would simply have gone to Broadmore. I hope you will not think that I have been too strong in my delineations of Henry VIII and his sinful but unfortunate Howard. I don't care a bit about Anne Boleyne. I am afraid that I have been tempted into too great length about the Italian Catherine; but in truth she has been my favourite. What a woman! What a devil! Pity that a

to think that I am writing what none but yourself will read. Do it yourself, like a d

efully and


ngs for men. Of almost all these royal and luxurious sinners it was the chief sin that in some phase of their lives they consented to be pla

tion to her purposes of the good things with which providence had endowed her. She did not fall in love, she did not wilfully flirt, she did not commit herself; but she smiled and whispered, and made confidences, and looked out of her own eyes into men's eyes as though there might be some mysterious bond between her and them - if only mysterious circumstances would permit it. But the end of all was to induce some one to do something which would cause a publisher to give her good payment for indifferent writing, or an editor to be lenient when, upon the merits of the case, he should have been severe. Among all her literary friends, Mr Broune was the one in whom she most trusted; and Mr Broune was fond of handsome women. It may be as well to give a short record of a scene which had taken place between Lady Carbury and her friend about a month before the writing of this letter which has been produced. She had wanted him to take a series of papers for the 'Morning Breakfast Table,' and to have them paid for at

im an excellent little speech. 'Mr Broune, how foolish, how wrong, how mistaken!

ndship, Lady Carbury! O

les of my life; - so much suffered and so little deserved. No one knows them so well as you do. Think of my n

the kiss had not answered his expectation. Mr Broune could not do this, and perhaps Lady Carbury did not quite expect it. 'You know that for world I would not offend

ighbour, who has a private carriage, will escape. She would have preferred not to have been kissed; - but what did it matter? With Mr Broune the affair was more serious. 'Confound them all,' he said to himself as he left the house; 'no amount of experience

nds on the other of employers who looked only to their profits, he had fallen into a routine of work in which it was very difficult to be scrupulous, and almost impossible to maintain the delicacies of a literary conscience. He was now a bald-headed old man of sixty, with a large family of daughters, one of whom was a widow dependent on him with two little children. He had five hundred a year for editing the 'Literary Chronicle,' which, through his energy, had become a valuable property. He wrote for magazines,

et, 25th Feb


ur "New Tale of a Tub" in the "Breakfast Table." Indeed, I am about it now, and am taking great pains with it. If there is anything you wish to have specially said as to your view of the Protestantism of the time, let me know. I should like you to




ronicle" Off

icle.' He would not probably say that the book was accurate, but he would be able to declare that it was delightful reading, that the feminine characteristics of the queens had been touched with a masterly hand, and that the work was one which would certainly make its way into all drawing-rooms. He was an adept at this sort of work, and knew well how to review such a book as Lady Carbury's 'Criminal Queens,' without bestowing much trouble on the reading. He could almost do it without cutting the book, so that its value for purposes of after sale might not be injured. And yet Mr Booker was an honest man, and had set his face persistently against many literary malpracti

metropolis, and to prophesy with wonderful accuracy what would be the sayings and doings of the twelve following hours. This was effected with an air of wonderful omniscience, and not unfrequently with an ignorance hardly surpassed by its arrogance. But the writing was clever. The facts, if not true, were well invented; the arguments, if not logical, were seductive. The presiding spirit of the paper had

tus jurare in

de or by the other. A newspaper that wishes to make its fortune should never waste its columns and weary its

much as a matter of course that it ceases to be objectionable. The caricaturist, who draws only caricatures, is held to be justifiable, let him take what liberties he may with a man's face and person. It is his trade, and his business calls upon him to vilify all that he touches. B

had come up very thoroughly. He had been blackballed at three or four clubs, but had effected an entrance at two or three others, and had learned a manner of speaking of those which had rejected him calculated to leave on the minds of hearers a conviction that the societies in question were antiquated, imbecile, and moribund. He was never weary of implying that not to know Mr Alf, not to be on good t

tness of which was always belied by the sharp severity of his eyes. He dressed with the utmost simplicity, but also with the utmost care. He was unmarried, had a small house of his own close to Berkeley Square at which he gave remarkable dinner parties, kept four or five hunters in Northam


e autumn. But it was fully deserved. I have no patience with the pretensions of would-be poets who contrive by toadying and underground influences to get their volumes placed on every drawing-room

nd a class open in which lessons could be taken by such a poor tyro as myself. Much as I hate the thing from my very soul, and much as I admire the consistency with which the 'Pulpit' has opposed it, I myself am so much in want of support for my own little efforts, and am struggling so hard honestly to make for myself a remunerative career, tha

nture to think that the book - though I wrote it myself - has an importance of its own which will secure for it some notice. That my inaccuracy will be laid bare and presumption scourged I do not in the least doubt, but I think your reviewer will b

ing; - pray come next week or the week following. And pray believe that no amount of



o closed her eyes, as though about to rest. But she soon remembered that the activity of her life did n



Chapter I Three Editors Chapter II The Carbury Family Chapter III The Beargarden Chapter IV Madame Melmotte's Ball Chapter V After the Ball Chapter VI Roger Carbury and Paul Montague Chapter VII Mentor Chapter VIII Love-Sick Chapter IX The Great Railway to Vera Cruz Chapter X Mr Fisker's Success Chapter XI Lady Carbury at Home
Chapter XII Sir Felix in His Mother's House
Chapter XIII The Longestaffes
Chapter XIV Carbury Manor
Chapter XV 'You Should Remember that I Am His Mother'
Chapter XVI The Bishop and the Priest
Chapter XVII Marie Melmotte Hears a Love Tale
Chapter XVIII Ruby Ruggles Hears a Love Tale
Chapter XIX Hetta Carbury Hears a Love Tale
Chapter XX Lady Pomona's Dinner Party
Chapter XXI Everybody Goes to Them
Chapter XXII Lord Nidderdale's Morality
Chapter XXIII 'Yes I'm a Baronet'
Chapter XXIV Miles Grendall's Triumph
Chapter XXV In Grosvenor Square
Chapter XXVI Mrs Hurtle
Chapter XXVII Mrs Hurtle Goes to the Play
Chapter XXVIII Dolly Longestaffe Goes into the City
Chapter XXIX Miss Melmotte's Courage
Chapter XXX Mr Melmotte's Promise
Chapter XXXI Mr Broune has Made up His Mind
Chapter XXXII Lady Monogram
Chapter XXXIII John Crumb
Chapter XXXIV Ruby Ruggles Obeys Her Grandfather
Chapter XXXV Melmotte's Glory
Chapter XXXVI Mr Broune's Perils
Chapter XXXVII The Board-Room
Chapter XXXVIII Paul Montague's Troubles
Chapter XXXIX 'I Do Love Him'
Chapter XL 'Unanimity is the Very Soul of These Things'
Chapter XLI All Prepared
Chapter XLII 'Can You Be Ready in Ten Minutes'
Chapter XLIII The City Road
Chapter XLIV The Coming Election
Chapter XLV Mr Melmotte is Pressed for Time
Chapter XLVI Roger Carbury and His Two Friends
Chapter XLVII Mrs Hurtle at Lowestoft
Chapter XLVIII Ruby a Prisoner
Chapter XLIX Sir Felix Makes Himself Ready
Chapter L The Journey to Liverpool
Chapter LI Which Shall it Be
Chapter LII The Results of Love and Wine
Chapter LIII A Day in the City
Chapter LIV The India Office
Chapter LV Clerical Charities
Chapter LVI Father Barham Visits London
Chapter LVII Lord Nidderdale Tries His Hand Again
Chapter LVIII Mr Squercum is Employed
Chapter LIX The Dinner
Chapter LX Miss Longestaffe's Lover
Chapter LXI Lady Monogram Prepares for the Party
Chapter LXII The Party
Chapter LXIII Mr Melmotte on the Day of the Election
Chapter LXIV The Election
Chapter LXV Miss Longestaffe Writes Home
Chapter LXVI 'So Shall Be My Enmity'
Chapter LXVII Sir Felix Protects His Sister
Chapter LXVIII Miss Melmotte Declares Her Purpose
Chapter LXIX Melmotte in Parliament
Chapter LXX Sir Felix Meddles with Many Matters
Chapter LXXI John Crumb Falls into Trouble
Chapter LXXII 'Ask Himself'
Chapter LXXIII Marie's Fortune
Chapter LXXIV Melmotte Makes a Friend
Chapter LXXV In Bruton Street
Chapter LXXVI Hetta and Her Lover
Chapter LXXVII Another Scene in Bruton Street
Chapter LXXVIII Miss Longestaffe Again at Caversham
Chapter LXXIX The Brehgert Correspondence
Chapter LXXX Ruby Prepares for Service
Chapter LXXXI Mr Cohenlupe Leaves London
Chapter LXXXII Marie's Perseverance
Chapter LXXXIII Melmotte Again at the House
Chapter LXXXIV Paul Montague's Vindication
Chapter LXXXV Breakfast in Berkeley Square
Chapter LXXXVI The Meeting in Bruton Street
Chapter LXXXVII Down at Carbury
Chapter LXXXVIII The Inquest
Chapter LXXXIX 'The Wheel of Fortune'
Chapter XC Hetta's Sorrow
Chapter XCI The Rivals
Chapter XCII Hamilton K. Fisker Again
Chapter XCIV John Crumb's Victory
Chapter XCV The Longestaffe Marriages
Chapter XCVI Where 'The Wild Asses Quench Their Thirst'
Chapter XCVII Mrs Hurtle's Fate
Chapter XCVIII Marie Melmotte's Fate
Chapter XCIX Lady Carbury and Mr Broune
Chapter C Down in Suffolk
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