img Monsieur Lecoq, v.1  /  Chapter 10 No.10 | 40.00%
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Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 4603    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

no proofs can be produced against him, it is a yet more arduous task to make a woman, similarly situate

greatest possible care by M. Segmuller, who was as skilful in ma

f the opinion that the old hag knew everything. "It is almost certain," remarked the magistrate, "that she was acquainted with the people who came to her house-with the women, the victims, the murderer-with all of them, in fact. I am positive as

have to question every one of the eleven hundred tho

he magistrate, despite his preocc

e to make a clean breast of it at h

ut she

lude himself with false hopes, and he had noticed between the Widow Chupin's eyebrows th

nfesses. Now, a woman scoffs at evidence. Show her the sun; tell her it's daytime; at once she will close her eyes and say to you, 'No, it's night.' Male prisoners plan and combine different systems of defense according to their social positions; the women, on the contrary, have but one system, no m

foot. He had many weapons in his arsenal; but none

tell me what powerful interest induces her to remain silent? Is it her own cause that she is defend

, sir, such a theory would prove that the idea we entertained a short time since is altogether false. If the Widow Ch

nvinced M. Segmuller. "What

te hesitated? He understood well enough that his position necessitated extreme reserve; hence, it was in the most modest tone that he replied: "Might not th

the smiling clerk

threshold, his heels in a straight line, his right hand raised to the peak of his

me to inquire if he is to keep the Widow Chupin in s

allow this woman to associate with the other prisoners, she will certainly find some opportunity to communicate with parties outside. This must not be; the interests of justice and truth

t heel, and wheeled around. Goguet, the smiling clerk, then closed the door, and, drawing a large envelope fr

e the seal, and rea

a state of excitement that we have been obliged to keep him in a strait-waistcoat. He did not close his eyes all last night, and the guards who watched him expected every moment that he would become delirious. However, he did not utter a wo

peared, "If I were in your place, sir, I would o

lerk-make such a proposition! Ca

No, certain

ne that betrayed superlative confidenc

ally did place himself behind it; but after Goguet's display of fear, he would have blushed to have taken the slightest measure of self-protection. Accordingly, he went and sat down b

urned pale behind his table, and Lecoq advanced a step forward, ready to spring upon the prisoner and pinion him should it be requisite. But

strate," repli

he oth


me to question

Yesterday, after leaving you,


to take

seemingly given way to stupor. His features, hitherto contracted wit

e in a benevolent tone; "if you are to

entary gleam flashed from his eyes. "Many thanks for your kindness," he replied,

nce you have e

so saying he pointed to Lecoq-"brought me

u like to ta

ld be so kind-I should

t have some

prefer p

hen replenished and he drank again, this time, however, more slowly. One might have supposed that he

plan of defense, which they have conceived during their preliminary confinement. Innocent or guilty, they have resolved, on play

ly betrays his plan of defense as an index reveals a book's contents. In this case, however, M. Segmuller did not think that appearances were deceitfu

ated himself at his desk. Here he felt stronger and more at ease for his back being turned to the window, his face was hal

f an eyelid could escape the magistrate's attention. He seemed to have completely recovered from his indispositi

better?" aske

l very

ow how to moderate your excitement. Yesterday you tried to destroy yourself

ger threatening voice. "I was attacked, and I defended myself. Any one has a right to do that. There were three men against m

," was a contemptuous sna

quickly, if you don't wish to suffer.' So I tried to strangle myself. My death wouldn't have caused the slightest sorrow to any one. I have neither wife nor child depending upon me for support. However, my attempt was frustrated. I was bled; and then placed in a strai

spoke with all the seeming sincerity of a man giving expression to some deep emotion or conviction. As the magistrate and the detective he

explains your first act of despair; but later on, for instance, e

uddenly brightened, he gave a comical wink, and finall

hat, so I closed my lips as tightly as I could. Then he tried to force my mouth open and push the spoon in, just as one might force a sick dog's jaws apart and pour some medicine down its throat. The deuce take his impertinence! I tried to bite him: that's the truth, and if

he had described, for he now burst into another hearty laugh, to the g

at last, "to attach any blame to these men, who, in confining you in a strait-waistcoat, were merely obey

ver, and if I had one of them in a corner-But, never mind, I shall get over it.

u will only remain calm, you shan't be put in a strait-waistcoat again. But

ison with nothing to do. If I had some comrades with me, we could laugh and chat, and the time would slip by; but it is

comrades" had attracted his attention, and he proposed to as

"you will soon be released: but it i

t I do to

truth: answer my question

e spoke the prisoner lifted his hand, as if

y intervened: "Prisoners do

e man with an astonishe

e, his tone of voice, his looks and gestures. M. Segmuller had, moreover, done his utmost to set the culprit's mind at ease, to quiet

tion; and do not forget that your liberty de


our Christ


s impos

If I were a liar, I could easily tell you that my name was Peter, James, or John. But lying is not in my line. Really,


I was with Father Fougasse, I was

his Father

ke! Lions, tigers, and bears, serpents as big round as your thigh, parrakeets of

that M. Segmuller and Lecoq were equally in doubt. As for Goguet, the

ted the magistrate

r forty-five

were yo

tany, pr

could detect a hidden ve

way your chances of recovering your liberty will be greatly

nt in his face. "Ah! I meant no offense, sir," he sighed. "You questioned me, and I replied. You wil

is intentions or his thoughts; without, in short, revealing more or less of the secret he is endeavoring to conceal. All criminals, even the most simple-minded, understand this, and those who are shrewd prove remarkably reticent. Confining themselves to the few facts upon

eing the medium of accomplishing his own decapitation. He did not hesitate like those who are afraid of misplacing a word of the

n," said M. Segmuller in answer t

in his own way. His eyes sparkled and his nostrils dilated as if with pleasure. He sat himself dawn, threw his head back


atrical paraphernalia, and the members of the company. Well, soon after passing Chatelaudren, he perceived something white lying by the roadside, near the edge of a ditch. 'I must go and see what that is,' he said to his wife. He stopped the horses, a

the prisoner made a l

ince his mother has been so wicked as to abandon him by the roadside. I will teach him; and in five or six years he will be a credit to us.' They then asked each other what name

er of his listeners, as if seeking some sign of approv

e had found a child, and, for this reason, although I was living, I did not legally exist, for, to have a lega

a soldier.' I had a horror of military service, and a positive dread of bullets and cannon balls. Later on, when I had passed the proper age for the conscription, a lawyer told me that I should get into all k

ted, the murderer had found that accent. Voice, gesture, glance, expre

r, coldly, "what are yo

y open at the conclusion of his narrative. "I have a profession," he replied plaintively. "The one that Mo

in the prisoner's armor. "You say you hav

as with M. Simpson's company, I traveled

n athlete. How is it that you

examined them with evident complacency. "It is true they are pretty," sai

ou, then, for

turning a compliment, in making things pass off pleasantly, as the sayin

considered that a prisoner had committed some grave blunder. "In

ently supposing this to be a jest on

please," insist

strate's desk, and, flourishing it wildly, began as follows, in a shrill falsetto voice: "Silence, music! And you, big drum, hold your peace! Now is the hour, now is the moment, ladies and gentlemen, to wit

agistrate. "You can speak like that in

e the language o

rted M. Segmuller, whose

t hesitation began to speak as follows, in very emphatic tones: "Mit Be-willigung der hochloeblichen O

With the permission of the local authorities there will now be present

o conceal his chagrin, and added: "We will send for an int

modestly stepped forward. "I

. You hear

most ponderous tones he exclaimed: "Walk up! ladies and gentlemen, walk up! Long life to the queen and to the honorable mayor of this town! No count

. Lecoq, standing in front of the prisoner, could not conceal his as

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