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Reading History

Chapter Four

Word Count: 1352    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

ship had appeared to him above the fog to the time when the last tangle of wreckage was cut away by his watchmates below. When relieved at f

wland," he said, "and g

ense in manner, seated at a table, and, grouped around him, the whole of the watch on deck except the officers, lookouts, and quartermasters. The cabin watchmen were there, and some of the watch below, among

ch they had just shown the captain - dry. Every face, from the captain's down, wo

ngine-room, sir; and there's n

How about the steerage? Is that man back?" asked

said. Then a quartermaster entered w

passed into another room, followed by a watchman, who presently emerged and went on deck with a more pleasant expression of face. Another entered and came out; then another, and another, until every man but

answered. The cap

u were in the crow's-nest when th

ported the ship as

course, that nothing could be done, either to aver

an hour in a thick fog, sir." The capta

paid at Liverpool, a package addressed to you at the company's office containing one hundred pounds in banknotes. This, you w

it. On the contrary, sir, I shall speak of th

as not an ordinary circumstance. In the watery eyes was a look of shock, and horror, and honest indignation; the accents were those of an educated man; and the consequences hanging over himself and the company for which he worked - already complicate

that you will stand alone - that you will be d

is room for any offense you wish to imagine. And I know that an unwitnessed, uncorroborated entry in your official log concerning me would be evidence enou

cause your conviction by a log-book entry; nor could you, fro

olis. Your equal in

e interest a


and - which can do you no possible good, t

e two countries as will forever end this wanton destruction of life and property for the sake of speed-that will s

g the floor as Rowland, with flashing eyes a

ore him, "but beyond your power or mine to accomplish. Is the amo

nd your company is not

without ambition; bu

elf-contemptuous laugh. The captain reached down a decanter and two

owland's eyes glistened as he poured ou

ff the liquor; then Rowland, who had waited, said: "I prefer drinking alone, captain," and dr

reach soundings. Meanwhile, I request - not require, but request - that you

ctive conscience; but is not the man to buy or intimidate: he knows too much. However, we've found his weak point. If

ng, he found a pint flask in the pocket of his pea-jacket, whi

he law. I'll save you your drugged Dutch courage for evidence." But it was not drugged, as he learned la

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