img One of Our Conquerors, v1  /  Chapter 2 THROUGH THE VAGUE TO THE INFINITELY LITTLE | 18.18%
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Reading History


Word Count: 2017    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

s London Bridge. But if a man's mind is to be taken as a part of him, the likening of it, at an introduction, to an army on the opening march of a great campaign, should plead

urs, when we sped without baggage, when the Impossible was wings to imagination, and heroic sculpture the simplest act of the chisel. It does not advance, 'tis true; it drives the whirligig circle round and round the single existing central point; but it is enriched with applause of the boys and girls of both ages in this land; and all the English critics heap their honou

anding whenever the tender request was urged on him, signified a physical opposition to the control of garments. Mechanically now, while doating in fancy over the couple beseeching him, he loosened the button across his defaced waistcoat, exposed a large measure of chest to flaws of a wind barbed on Norwegian peaks by the brewers of cough and catarrh-horrid women of the whistling clouts, in the pay of our doctors. He braved them; he starved the profession. He was that man in fifty thousand who despises hostile elements and goes unpunish

h a cry disclosing the one error of his youth, the sole bad step chargeable upon his antecedents. But do we listen to them? Shall we not have them turned out? He gives the sign for it; and he leaves his buoying constituents to outroar them: and he tells a friend that it was not, as one may say, an error, although an erratic step: but let us explain to our bosom

favourite sentence, that, judged by the Powers (to them only can he expose the whole s

those awful Powers

hom they, all-seeing, discerning

ustify, the

are not unintelligent of d

it in proof of an adherence to Nature's laws: we affirm, that far from a defilement, it is an illumination and stamp of nobility. On the beloved w

So seductive was it to the Powers who sat in judgement on the case, that th

smile on the

to uplift him. And who, calling her his own, c

d them safe in the locked chamber of his breast, to yield him subservient responses. The world, or Puritanic members of it, had pushed him to the trial once or twice-or had put on an air of doing so; creating a temporary


riumph and gratulation in it. And during the whole passage of the bridge, he had not once cast thought on a secret so palpitating, the cause of the morning's expedition and a long year's prospect of the present day! It seemed to have been kno

ore than the feeling of a thought;-what his friend Dr. Peter Yatt would define as feeling a rotifer astir in the curative compartment o

nt knee, as if it were a novelty to him; unwilling to trust himself to the roadway he had often traversed, equally careful that his hesitation should not be seen. A trifle more impressible, he might have imagined the smoky figure and magnum of pursiness barring the City against him. He could have laughed aloud at the hypocrisy behind his quiet look of provincial wonderment at London's sculptor's art; and he was partly tickled as well by the singular fit of timidity enchaining him. Cart, omnibus, cab, van, barrow, do

too; but it would

erheard?' said a

new the voice, and laughed: 'You?' He straightened his back immediately to cross the road, dismissing nervousness as a

vement, when Mr. Fenellan said: 'I'll tell you,' and

l inquiry following a glanc

or, adding within himself: 'Emptiness! want of food!' to account for

he matter was personal; and the intimation of a touch on domestic affairs c

explain his: need to visit a haberdash

ionate over the 'Poor vi

ient for eating, now that he had spoken of it. 'A basin of turtle; I can't wait. A brush of the coat; mud must be dr

er to reassure his friend, as he intended. 'You wouldn't credit

e the attendants climbed the ladder to upper stages for white-waistcoat boxes, on his being; the first bird of the season; which it

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