nowing from experience, that sucklings grow and become men,
dy will become firmer and longer. The muscles that animate these bones will likewise increase in size. The same will happen with regard to his eyes, ears, nos
oes not know all this from exper
er's breast a white juice called milk, and out of this milk all the constituent parts of the child are manufa
air? Can you make nails and teeth out of milk? Do you wish to persuade me, that milk may be changed into eyes?
t, bones, hair, teeth, nails, flesh, blood, veins, nerves, skin, juices, and water are manufactured; all this is made from milk, and during the first months of the child's life from n
hooks, pins, spokes, and knobs there may be in this factory; more especially would he wish to know, whether
ontinually developing; it becomes larger and heavier like the child's body itself; moreover, the factory does not consist of iron or steel, nor of gold or diamonds, but it reproduces itself at every moment; it does so merely from the milk that the chi
l, nothing but milk; and that milk, again, is nothing but a means of nutrition;
attention, while, in a few articles, I speak