rked, as they went. "We don't like her, not any of us. She's so mean; always telling tales about s
Sarah asked, feelin
tell you about her?" ejaculat
ver told me ab
self don't think much of her!
!" Sarah crie
g her cousin into the midst of a noisy crew, all squabbling round a tea-table. "M
perhaps Mrs. Stubbs didn't s
," put in S
is Sarah?" Mis
ing, under her breath to Joh
made her unruly young pupils dislike her. "I hope we shall be very good friend
away, but she replied, politel
" said May, with a very con
nd; without May I could not endure all the worry and tri
to do likewise, to the infinite amusement of the younger ones, of whom May took
read-and-butter that Sarah's heart stood still for fear of his choking,
without giving Sarah time to reply. "You grow
and ramming it down his throat until even bo
uthoritatively. "If I see you do that aga
hold her own over Tom when he was at home for his holidays. Not going down to dessert meant, not only the punishment of losing
promptly into discreet behaviour, and Mis
at jam for a week," she burst ou
took the opportunity of daubing a thick slice of bread-and-butter with jam off her own plate, and smuggling it into the luckless Johnnie's hand in su
ther lost, began vigorously nudging Flossie, who sat next to him, with his elbow. Flossie, unfortunately, was in the act of raising a large cup of very
r against Flossie; Janey appealed to Miss Clark to remember that at the very moment she was handing her cup in the opposite direction; and Miss Clark began to wring her hands and exclaim that she would ask to have Tom sent back to school
red; and May calmly surveyed the s
Tom. "You get more vulgar every day. Don't take any
s Clark began
I to bear four weeks more of t
ake no notice,
still, May dear. As for Sarah, she is a good girl, a pattern to you," with a withering glanc
ntly that Miss Clark had been please
oo good for her to have been brought up among th
darkly at Tom the while, just by way of reminding him that she had not by any means forgotten. But Tom was unconscious of her wrath--a fresh idea had
at his cousin. "Her Royal Highness Prin
he taunt, and waving his bread-and-butter li