one or both might have shown the white feather.As it was, however, and I have since noted the fact on every similar occasion, there was no opportunity for
turn at bay; when, as a matter of course, the end would have come for us.We had shown them what a man could do whose cause was just, and it would have been folly to continue on to the useless sacrifice of our own lives.We turned about, as I have said, in obedience to my uncle's signal, and rode to the rear faster than we came, for now was there fear some of the cowardly foe might shoot us in the back, and before drawing rein we came upon General Marion and Captain M'Cottry.These two were, like ourselves, far in [57] advance, and by reining in his horse the general forced us to halt.Now occurred that which I shall ever remember with the most intense pride and satisfaction so long as the breath remains in my body.He who was to be afterward so well-known as the "Swamp Fox," he who was the bravest among all the brave men in the Carolinas, leaning forward in the saddle held out his hands, one to each of us lads, and said in a tone so hearty that there could be no mistaking the sentiment in his heart:"I have ever believed the members of the James family to be true to their country, their friends, and to themselves; but never before had I expected to see two boys ride at their kinsman's call straight into what seemed certain danger. I am proud indeed that you were eager to seek service under my command, and promise that if my life be spared you shall have fitting opportunity to show your devotion to the Cause." [58]We lads were unable to speak because of the pride and pleasure which filled our hearts to overflowing; but my uncle, taking off his hat with more of homage than I had ever seen him bestow upon any other man, made reply:"When General Marion is pleased to speak such words to members of my family, he places under obligation every one of us.""There can be no sense of obligation, Major, when the praise has been won so handsomely.""In that I agree with you, General, and more particularly because neither of my nephews had a charge of ammunition. After the first rush they followed bravely, although virtually weaponless, and I am happy to be able to call them my sister's sons. The ride is completed, and we now await your orders.""Have all the force escaped?" the general asked."Ay, sir, all save those who may have [59] been rendered unable to continue the retreat. They are in Pedee Swamp where it would be worse than folly to make any attempt at following them."The general wheeled his horse around, motioning Percy and I to ride by his side, and together we returned to where the main body of our brigade was halted.Here after a short time we learned that a captain and nine men had been killed from among the Tory force, while our loss amounted to only two wounded, and it was safe to say that many days would elapse before Major Gainey's regiment could be got into fighting shape again.There was no reason why any of us should longer suffer from hunger, for we were in possession of the Tory camp where were provisions in abundance, and during an hour we feasted, Percy and I, as only lads can who have been without food nigh on to four and twenty hours.Then, when believing it would be possible to return to our home for a short time—and [60] we were eager to tell our mother of the proud distinction we had won—word was brought by one of the troopers that General Marion would speak with us.I venture to say there was not a man in the brigade who did not envy us two lads as we went toward that portion of the thicket where the commander was seated under a live oak tree with his officers clustered about him, and I am also quite certain that of all the force, we two had the least right to be praised or singled out for preferment.Among those who served the Cause in the Carolinas there were no cowards; it appeared much as if the timorous ones turned Tories because, by professing to serve the king, a colonist is not required to bear so many hardships or encounter so many dangers, as those who would throw off his majesty's yoke. Therefore it was that when an officer like General Marion selected two from among all that gathering, it was indeed a great distinction, and [61] we understood by his sending for us that we were like to be called upon for an especial service, as he had already intimated.Although unused to such a life as we had so suddenly embarked upon, Percy and I contrived to salute the general in something approaching military fashion, and he, returning it, asked in the tone of a friend rather than of one who commands:"Are you lads minded to set out on a venture which has in it much of danger?"Percy looked at me as if to say that I should act as spokesman, and I replied more readily than perhaps was courteous, fearing lest it might be fancied we hesitated:"Aye, sir; that we are, and the more of danger the more readily do we set out. I say this last not in a boasting manner, but to show you, sir, that we are right willing to lay down our lives for the good of the Cause which our uncle serves.""It is well spoken, young sir. I had [62] no doubt of your willingness; but rather made mention of the danger that you might have an opportunity to draw back honorably, if it so be you shrank in any degree from the task, for it is one through which little honor can be gained, although the service must be performed.""We are ready for whatsoever pleases you, sir," I said, and Percy laid his hand in mine that it might be understood he repeated the words."Between here and Dubose Ferry—the precise location you must yourselves determine—one Captain Barfield lies encamped, having under him a force not less than four hundred strong. Our purpose is to advance upon him immediately; but having learned that there is a possibility his men may far exceed ours in numbers, it is necessary we have full information before venturing an attack. Are you minded to seek him out, and learn all that may be ascertained within a few hours, returning to us before nightfall?" [63]"We will set out at once, sir. Captain Mouzon lent us horses that we might join in the march, and perhaps he will allow us to use them in this service," I said, turning toward the captain, who replied readily:"That you may, lads, and in welcome. I am right glad that the Mouzon stables can furnish mounts for such riders as you have shown yourselves to be.""Then we will set out at once, sir," I said to the general. "The horses have already been cared for, and should be able to make the journey without distress.""There is no time to be lost. You yourselves are to decide how the information we desire can best and most safely be obtained, for it would be unwise to hamper you with advice or commands. At about noon the brigade will set out at a slow pace in the direction of Dubose Ferry, and I hope you may be able to meet us several