img Shallow Soil  /  Chapter 4 No.4 | 13.33%
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Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 1092    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

usiness men shut themselves in their offices, light their lamps, take out papers, open heavy ledgers, note som

follow each other, whistle after girls, and dart in and out from gateways and basement stairs. Cabbies stand at attention on the squares,

both eagerly stepping out to reach her first. Then two youths with cigars at an impertinent angle, hands in

e swarm into the streets. The winches are still groaning along the docks; cabs roll through the streets. But inside the hidden offices one old business chief after

y saunter down the street with coats wide open, canes held jauntily under the arms, and hats slightly askew. T

loud and eager: Was Norway a sovereign state or not? Was Norway perhaps not entitled to the rights and privileges of a sovereign state? Just w

the remaining two take another turn down the street, stop outside the Gra

time, it is me for Australia. In th

le and void of expression; he squints as if he were near-sighted

greatly. It is all one to me." And Ojen shrugs his shoulder

says Milde. "By the way, have

once. "I am waiting to get off to Torahus so I can start

forget next Thursday evening in my studio. By the way,

his coat and

help me a little with the arrangements-Good Lord, silk lining! And

and pooh-poo

thing nowadays but

for a coat like that?" And Mil

res; that is out of my line. I put all my tailor

tional system, most practical. For

f course, if I ever get rich, then-But

sten, seriously speaking: if y

e Ojen unbut

oets, you poets! Where, for i

t is not such a bad occupation at times. I take an exquisite pleasure in satiating my vision

fer human beings. Don't you at times-flesh and blood, h

ke for instance the sweep of a solitary, deserted st

its own beauty, its own charm, in its kind the highest charm imaginable. B

terest in human beings; he had calumniated himself. To the very first hussy who hailed him he gave, absent-mindedly, every penny he had left, and contin

. From afar, nobody knows from where, comes the sound of a single footfall; the gas flames flicker

s here and there; now and then a poli

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