ible to sleep only a certain number of hours if one is healthy in body and mind. And right af
to the breakfast table, where he stood it between his knees as he ate; so now he held it close to him and
that'll carry you both comf'table. I'm summat of an i
it upon, and had bored six holes in it, two holes at each end and two in the middle. Through these holes he had run stout ropes in such a way that the seat could not turn and the occupan
places, Button-Bright at the right of Trot, and then the boy hooked the rope loop to the handle of the umbrella, which he spread wide open.
ella set them down just in front of the store-for it seemed to know just where they wanted to go-a wondering crowd gathered around them. Trot ran in and changed the yarn, while Button-Bright stayed outside and stared at the people who stared at him. They aske
fted the two children into the air and carried them away. They had rea
ourse until it descended in the village, and he was so amazed and absorbed that his pipe went out. He had not moved from his position when the u
y. "It beats ridin' in a boat or-or-in anything else. You feel so light an' free an'-an'
mbrella, however marvelous his tale had seemed to them. "I'll take you on another trip, if you like," said he. "I'm in no hur
Trot decidedly. "An' you mus' tak
I'd like it," proteste
d. You're sur
I'm too
wenty people if they could be fasten
ld on to," decided Cap'n Bill.
You're scared s
t human critters has any call to fly in the air, anyhow.
it made for humans, too, if they can manage to fly in it? We breathe th
sailor. "When I were younger-which is ancient history-an' afore I had a wooden leg, I could climb a ship's ropes with t
another seat, Cap'n, and swing it right under ours.
d have a picnic. Mother is a little cross today, and she wants to finish
asked, shifting on hi
the air-ride back, an' that's the main thing with ME. If you
we car
the bottom
o town and back and had greatly enjoyed the experience. "All right," he said. "I'll risk it, mate, although I guess I'm an old fool fo
e child was perfectly safe with the old sailor, who cared for Trot even better than her mother would have done. If she had asked any questions today and had found out they intended to fly in the air, she might have seriously objected, but Mrs. Griffith had her mind
with the new seat he had made for his own use, which he attached by means of rop
and watch the fleet of fishing boats sail to and from the village. When they came to this tree, Trot was still trying to think of the most pleasant place to picnic. She and Cap'n Bill had been every place that was desirable and nearby, but today they didn't want a nea
's go to that island for our picnic.
od many miles away, Trot," he said, "
Button-Bright. "The umbrella w
her such chance, Cap'n. It's too far to sail or r
uired Button-Bright while th
s if it was half in the sky. We've been told it's a very pretty island, and a few people live there and keep cows and goats and fi
e way," observed Cap'n Bill
in' over the land, we'd drop there. But nothing's goin' to happen,
boy. "I've always flown above the land so far, an
long journey, s'pose we make a little trial trip along the coast. I want to see
Button-Bright. "
turn 'round an' come back. If all's right an'
sat in their places and Button-Bright spread open the Magic Umbrella. Ca
huckle of glee. "But hold fast the ropes,
ant to go as far as Smuggler's Cove and then turn around in the air and come back here," he said. At once the u
in a voice that proved he was excited by his n
called back. "I
the ground the umbrella began moving along the coast toward Smuggler's Cove, which it soon reached. Looking downward, Cap'n Bill suddenly exclai
and then started straight back the way it had come. "It's no use, sir," said Button-Bright to the sailor. "If I once tell it to
, that has its advantidges, an' its disadvantiges. If your ol'
are safe back again. Wasn't it jus' the-th
l. "Beats them aeroplanes an' things all h
y as well start right away," said But
he sailor. He fastened it so it would swing underneat
" asked
r go, m
Trot had given him. The umbrella started promptly. It rose higher than before, ca