img The Lost World.  /  Chapter 3 3 | 18.75%
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Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 2407    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

fectly Impos

as a letter with the West Kensington postmark upon it, and my name scrawled across the envel


owever, that you have sinned rather through ignorance and tactlessness than through malice, so I am content to pass the matter by. You quote an isolated sentence from my lecture, and appear to have some difficulty in understanding it. I should have thought that only a sub-human intelligence could have failed to grasp the point, but if it really needs amplification I shall consent to see you at the hour named, thou



e result of my venture. His only remark was, "There's some new stuff, cuticura or somet

y-curtained windows gave every indication of wealth upon the part of this formidable Professor. The door was opened by an odd, swarthy, dried-up person of uncertain age, with a dark pilot jacke

ed?" he


our le

ed the e

enly interrupted by a small woman, who stepped out from what proved to be the dining-room

, Austin. Step in here, sir. May I as

I have not h

s a perfectly impossible person-absolutely impossible. If you

onsiderate of

Several people have been injured through doing that. Afterwards there is a public scandal and i

not lie

tend to believe him, and you may get through all right. Remember he believes it himself. Of that you may be assured. A more honest man never lived. Don't wait an

ronze statue of discretion during our short interview, and I was conducted to the end of the passage

human being. I am sure that his top-hat, had I ever ventured to don it, would have slipped over me entirely and rested on my shoulders. He had the face and beard which I associate with an Assyrian bull; the former florid, the latter so black as almost to have a suspicion of blue, spade-shaped and rippling down over his chest. The hair was peculiar, plastered down in front in a long, curving wisp ov

ith a most insolen

st a little time longer, otherwise her

e an appointment, sir," said I,

rom his desk and la

nd plain English, are you? My general conclusions

entirely!" I wa

uable. Well, at least you are better than that herd of swine in Vienna, whose gregarious grunt is, however, not mor

ave behaved abo

e wall. G. E. C. is happiest then. Well, sir, let us do what we can to curtail this visit, which can hardly be agreeable to you, and is ine

it for a better opening. It had seemed simple enough at a distance. Oh, my Irish wits, could they not help

earnest inquirer. At the same time, it seemed to me that you were a little severe upon Weissmann in

" He spoke with

ll DEFINITE evidence. I alluded merely to the trend of modern though

ward with gre

king off points upon his fingers, "that


egony is stil


sm is different from t

ried, and gloried

ove?" he asked, in a g

" I murmured. "Wh

tell you?


re the damnedest imposter in London-a vile, crawling journalist,

time for amazement at the discovery that he was quite a short man, his head not higher than my

ake a man and your blame can break him? We must all bow to you, and try to get a favorable word, must we? This man shall have a leg up, and this man shall have a dressing down! Creeping vermin, I know you! You've got out of your station. Time was when your ears were clipped. You've lost your sense of proportion. Swollen gas-bag

d opening it; "you can be as abusive as you like

wore. "I have thrown several of you out of the house. You will be the fourth or fifth. Three pound fifteen each-that is how it averaged. Expensive, but very necessary. Now,

sides, a little glow of righteous anger was springing up within me. I had been ho

eep your hands off, si

fted and a white fang twinkled in

for? I'm fifteen stone, as hard as nails, and play center three

uth was full of his beard, our arms were locked, our bodies intertwined, and that infernal chair radiated its legs all round us. The watchful Austin had thrown open the hall door. We went with a back somersault down the front steps. I have seen the two Macs atte

ugh?" he

" I cried, as I gath

ervescing with fight, but fortunately I was rescued from an odiou

. It was the most rational remark which I had heard in Enmore

attacked m

k him?" asked

reathed hard an

king his head. "You were in trouble last month for the same thing. Y


id I, "I

t?" said th

I intruded upon him. H

n snapped up

r's boy, a maid, and one or two loafers who had collected. He clumped heavily down the street, driving this

he. "I've not do

none the less into the house. The man-servant, Aus

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