img The Boy Scout Camera Club or, The Confession of a Photograph  /  Chapter 3 WHAT THE BOX CONTAINED | 12.00%
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Reading History


Word Count: 1993    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ake a throw at finding him, anyway! He may be in th

and undertake the search suggested, while Ned, Jack, Frank

rty to go into the att


nts sent him about on errands. He is a han

thing as we are accusing

u don't think that he was beaten up by the man who secu

the boys are looking for the Chinaman in the outbuilding

f the house without the use of the disguise," rea

man," Ned suggested. "In that case he might have taken t

d the staircase to the attic and entered the room directly over the Black Bear Patrol clubroom. It was

ong row of boxes and packing trunks occupied the floor at the north end. The rug, which had been thrown down on the floor near the hol

s rug taken fr

the last time I sa

e?" Ned continued, examin

? It was dusty, of course,

od?" Ned went on, dragging the rug under the

little den off the library, but father became

g ago wa

I can't be exact as t

glass and indicated a ce

at?" he asked. "What

d it is wet, too! What do you make of this, Ned? Wa

t looks as if Chang Chu wouldn't be found on Pell or Doyers street. W

take it. I never lo

nd throwing up the cover. "What do you think now?" he asked, as a huddled figure st

nd feet, the cruel gag removed from his mouth. His blue blouse was gone! Chang Chu tumbled o

!" he said, with his

a word of slang," J

d for anything when he

you, Chang?" he cont


o his nose significantly

lared, sniffing at th

es, when he had been struck and seized from behind by a man he described as a giant for strength, stripped of his bl

acted the attention of the servants at once if it had been administered in the open air. Then his taking th

!" Jack complained.

s very strong," Ned replied. "But there are ten thousand peo

ow he is tall?

could only listen, for the cut was made so as to be hidden by the ornamental brass piece that circles the rod from which the chan

the large box aga

claimed, in a s

ith him," Jack exclaimed excitedly. "Th

gton has leaked!" N

demanded Jack. "

n the abductor. My instructions have all come in cypher, and some of t

lood had come, and tottered off toward the staircase. As he did so, Ne

cue?" asked the boy. "

neck pull-dam!" an

had been hidden and began taking out th

d naturally throw it into the box before shutting down the cover, as th

d lifting out a rag and smelling of it. "Here is

Ned answered. "A worn

?" asked Jack, pass

t his hand smeared with oil. Then he grasped this white cloth fiercely, and there you are! See! The mark of the thumb couldn't b

ar on the thumb!" laughed

g to know how he got in

mouth," Jack muttered, "we wouldn't have

er as Washington knows. We might put this chap under ten feet

abducted?" asked J

a moment. When he went back to continue his morning ride the automobile and the boy were nowhere to be seen! This was before nine o'clock Monday mornin

catch him, th

horities kept everything quiet! I presume they thought the thief didn't know that

" laughed Jack. "He'

house had been searched-in vain, of course, for the boys had encountered the Chinaman on his

th it, all the same," declared Jimmie. "He o

back to the conversation he had had with Ned in the attic. "Why d

shington, and they are virtually inaccessible to known officers of the law-at least so it is reported. The mountains run fr

down there!" Teddy grinned. "We will if they

tinued Ned, "and the prince may have been taken

n a motor boat?

horses for the wild country, with mules to tote the baggage. In the eastern par

o climb mountains. We'll have to have a relief expedition sent after

dodge the game laws! Also a few wildcats are reported to have been seen there. And there is said to be

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