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Chapter 6 6

Word Count: 3017    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

tive. Fortunately, there are many sources of information for those who want to know more. There are clubs and forums, where you can meet others with the same disease o

with alternative treatment methods, doctors, medicines, and to get practical m

sNet has the newsletters "AIDS Weekly" and "AIDS Therapies." The latter is a directory, updated monthly, with descriptions of standard and experimental treatments for AIDS, along with a guide to treatments for the opportunistic infections (OI) of AIDS. It incorporates all existing and potential new AIDS treatments in one place. On BITNET, check out "AIDS/HIV News" (AIDSNEWS@EB0UB011) and the mailing list on AIDS@EB0UB011. Usenet has (AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, preventi

has a rare disease called Polycystic Kidneys. Here are more details about w

HEALTH" gave the


an Se




Chase (

ation US

pped User




database had more than five million references to articles from 4.000 magazines from 1966 and up to date, when we searched it in 1991. It increases by some 25.000 new references per month. Easy navigation by menus. Easy to search. The AAMSI Medical Forum (MedSIG) is sponsored by The American Association for Medical S

C 21-Sep



in GIF format. If you can get GIF into your CAD or drawing program, you can scale the maps to fit

rate for completing the search was US$9.00. In addition, we paid the normal fees for using CompuServe. From Norway, this amounted to around US$ 40/hour at 2400 bps when logging on through the local Infonet node at that time. Today, it costs less. This gave us up to 10 article headlines, when searching in bibliographi


eferences to and abs

. Covers psychologica


udes critically sele

(Acquired Immune Defi

lated r

- Provides an online

n AIDS available from


ormation Database -

eral public, CHID con

on arthritis, diabe

nd high blood pressur

tensive abstracts of

ical journals worldw

s are onl

rticles, books, repo

h the rehabilitation

dicapped. Re

dexes publications

medicine, educatio

and French with te


es abstracts. Clinical Abstracts - Covers human clinical study articles of major importance selected from leading medical journals. Includes all aspects of clinical medicine. Corresponds to Abstracts in Internal Medicine. Abstracts available. Life Sciences Collection - Abstracts technical literature in the life sciences from journals and other scientific publications worldwide. Medli

arch term: "LIVER AND

"cyst" should match a

our cha

uest gave the follo

g BRS d


tabase Host.


second step)


ned data. This may take several min

BYE. CompuServe reported "Off at 09:12 EST 17-Nov-88 Connect time = 0:35." The two articles arrived Norway by mail a few weeks later. The whole trip, including visits in medical forums, took 35 minutes

ur search strategy while | | connected, which is more expensive than logging off to plan | | the

es. This has prompted me (1993) to join a mailing list for "Organ transplant



CARCINOMA (Cancer Surv


11). CompuServe has a

letter CANCER R

he following message

ember fr

is not anemic. We are very shocked but he is reacting quite bravely and all he wants is to have access to literature on his condition. Are there any

tomorrow. He was informed that chemotherapy is quite effective in this type

e greatly appre

pful replies. This cam

ed S

request for informat

d that you access Ca

ail server on the In

on treatment for leu

Instructions, send

nternet address) cancernet%ici

age, enter "HELP". When you receive the Contents list, request

and General Informat

e Information in th

on centers which hav

abase of cancer treat

ials information for

uick and easy way to obtain, through electronic mail, recommended treatment guidelines from t

ctions and the current contents list. The National Cancer Center in Tokyo Japan has a gophe

e you have difficulties in controlling your movements. You alone decide if others are to know about your personal disability. If you want it to be a secret, then it will remain a secret. Nobody can possibly know that you are mute and lame from the neck and down, that computer communication is your main gate into the outer world, and that you are writing messages with a stick attached to your forehead. Therefore, the online world has changed the lives of many people

sion exchange for issues dealing with the physically/mentally handicapped. Topics include, but

ies Forum has the foll

sabilities, Emotional

Disabilities, Vision

islation, Education/


s devoted to the deve

ose interested in this

ses on "Computer Use

ET is a mailing lis


NET is the "Deaf D

the "Deaf-Blind Disc

a support forum for


TNET, the focus is o



t is an electronic

ll types of issues aff

en from the Usenet n

) and various FidoNe

entTalk, Chronic Pai

everal others. Su


ility-related files and programs. The disk has some 40 directories with 500 or so files covering all

Association of Retired Persons. It does an excellent job covering research about older persons, particularly on consumer issues and health care, by summarizing journal articles and the contents of other published reports. While our "face-to-face"

providing information and discussion on holistic concepts and methods of living which provide a n

ns of Holistic H

of Cons

ole it plays in spir

lthy diet - includi

Rolfing, Trager bod


and Bio

ions and A

ing - Psychic


nnection betwee

f topics relevant t

g else within contex

he w

ng message


Asthma and

recipients of

ellow people allerg

wo of the most all

have proven to be E

oyed have helped man

ree angle. This usua

n of the head facilit

uation gets really ba

chair propped up by

que can take some get

and is kinder to yo


a" tea. This is an

the herbalist ho

he book "Natural Hea

of U of A Med Schoo

ore informati

d. This means not on

ing the house (that

ic to

hniques are importan

is the holistic netw


eed of cat, there is a good chance you will eventually habituate to those you are around over the long term. Good luck, the advice abo


of the Institute of

e interested in ho

ernet online list of health science resources is available by em


ectronic newsletters and journals devoted to health science. Here are some examples

TNET - a discussion


ITNET - Behavioral a


TNET is the "Open D

patient c


for information exc

ed to diseases, diso

rrhoea in huma

T - Support and Disc

ET - Drug Abuse Educ


BITNET - Marital/


ITNET - Wellness,

tips and any type


M.BITNET - Veget

- Medicinal and Aroma

TNET - Multiple Scle


1.BITNET - Dental


BITNET - Exercise an


earchable databases! Mednews is a weekly electronic newsletter. Its columns bring regular medical news summaries from USA Today, Center


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