soul was wroth within him at womenkind who could let a man like the one he had just left upstairs slave himself almost into insensibility that they might be gorg
ld not be so hard on them as on the poor little weakling upstairs w
Costly rugs covered the floors. The walls were hung with signed etchings and rare prints. Ordinarily George Wright would have taken great pleasure in such a
r, had even become aware of his presence. She gave a little gasp, sprang from the low ottoman, and faced the young physician, a spirit of antagonism showing from the first in her
aps it might be just as well for me to speak to all of you." The last part o
no gleam of humour now and whose long upper lip was pulled down so far and so grimly that his perfect teeth could
but as she bowed backwards, as it were, that is, jerked
it down?" as
u girls like a Dutch uncle and I m
en icily, consulting her tiny wr
is your e
I choose t
have one, too, but am going to spare a few minutes to talk abou
Carter had always said that Helen was the best child in the world just so long as she had her own way. Fortunately he
ordering her about? She would show him! But in the meant
s physician I feel compelled to have a v
d Lucy, all pertness go
se than die unless he can be allowed to take the
worse than deat
As I told your mother yesterday, a sea voyage would be the best thing for him, a long, lazy trip. When one gets on the water out of sight of land he kind of loses his identity in the immensity of Creation. That is what I want your father
-" fro
ccount of my patient. Your father tells me he has absolutely no incom
tated Douglas. "Father nev
ve you ample allowances
" spoke Nan with her funny dra
and for the first time they became aware of th
ut for you to manage with very little
elen. "We can easily keep house
p house on what?
house! Just go
working, there is no mo
we will hav
and addressed all of his remarks after that to Douglas, who listened attentively and gratefully. She well knew it was no pleasant task for him to plunge into their financial affairs, but he explained to her that it was i
Can I trust you to get them ready, without bustle and confusion, by to-night? They can take the train to New York leaving here at eight.
ery kind," mur
n't know yourselves, the old habit that is as much a part of the whole family as fingers and toes will assert itself, and the burden will fall on him, as usual, and I can assure you I will not answer for the consequences if one more ounce of worry is put on that tired brain. I am going to bring a notary public so he can give you, Miss Douglas, power of attorney to transact any business for him. I am loath to bring even this matter to him, but that is necessary. As for what you are to do with yourselves after your parents leave, that is, of course, for you an
! Don't! Don't!
e meant the young doctor or Helen Car
her--" he
riticise our mother!
from all members of his family, but I think she has a good effect on him. I must go now and get the notary public so you can enter into your office of vice regent. I'll also make arrangements for the railroad trip and long-distance my friend, the surgeon on the st
do my
ense and calmness. He noted with added confidence that Douglas was very like her father in coloring and that the general
elp Douglas all we
g and did not acknowledge the bow that included he
rom the rear before the
' my puddin' an' it'll be ruint if you don't give
nd a rather sharp call descen
t? Whatever it is
done took de bes' fluted bum bum dish fer tow mold his mud pies. I done tol' him not tow meddle in de mud no mo' fo' to-morr
led in spite of the barber's shears, the mouth of a cherub and eyes that were the envy of all his sisters-great dark eyes that when once you looked in them you were forced to give up any anger you might feel for him and just tumble head over heels in love wit
he naughty child by his dirty little hand, he said: "Say, Bob, how would you like to come out with me in my car and hel
much wages d
good, and another kind if
door closed much more softly than it had opened, and Oscar ch