physician, the second one married a magistrate; but the third, who w
r husbands, to wish them long life and happiness. The parents-in-law prepared a meal for their three sons-in-law, and put the bir
e of us must invent a verse, one that rimes and makes sense, on the words: 'in the sky, on the eart
w felt embarrassed and insisted on leaving. But the gues
began: "I will make a start
the phenix p
the lambkin
hrough an anci
I softly cal
ne continued
he turtle-dov
the ox paws u
ne studies the
e maid she swe
nd nothing to say. And when all of them ins
-flies a le
h-stalks a
-lies a pair
-I call the
w clapped their hands an
o not make sense. A leaden bullet is no bird, the stable-boy does his wo
er raised the curtain of the women's room, and stepped
et will shoot your phenix and your turtle-dove. On the earth our tiger-beast will devour your sheep and your ox. On the ta
know how to talk! If you were a man you would have had your degre
a fairy-tale tradit