sit here after getting so heated up inside the barn. And Sue tol
d to step out in some other way than that silly tango, and monkey climb
m to believe, he'd be terribly humiliated if he learned that he had been under suspicion. I've found out he's quite proud, and that's one reason he hasn't mingled with the young folks much since
ud talking ahead there mean
rt, and held their br
voice I heard just then. If that chap's around this region, he's come out
tart. Somehow, his thoughts instinctively flew to Owen Dugdale, and he remembered what Thad had remarked earlier in the evening about the possib
growing even m
up that way, Hugh," suggested Thad
," the other g
, Nick was aroused, and looking for trouble; when he allowed himself to jump into this aggressive mood, somebody was liable
that might belong to Owen. Then there were also others in the heated argument, some of them apparently
ellows like Leon Disney and several others of the same stripe would be only too well pleased to pair off and attack any other
ore they could arrive on the spot. Both of them were grimly resolved that they
nce, and if she did not wish to accept she would say so. He was not trying to cut anybody out, and if Peggy Noland would rather go home with another fellow, Nick, for instance, she had o
that the boy was made of the right kind of stuff. In build and muscular ability he was no match for Nick L
pants as he raced along; "if that big coward strikes him,
ht be one of the last places in the wide world for a boy to allow himself to be drawn into a brut
ssed it upon his mind years back that no matter how averse a boy may be to entering a fist fight, when it is in defense of a girl
ck ranting as to what he ought to do to a fellow who played him such a trick as
ny?" he roared, and doubtless added emphasis to his w
"All I say is that I had a perfect right to ask any girl to come to the hop with me. Since she accepted, you must look for an explanation from Peggy. I'm sure I don't
ady to take your medicine. Mebbe when Peggy sees your nose all bloody, and one eye close
iscover a group of boys standing there on the moonlit road surrounding the two
ver thus far been able to coax into a row with him had arrived on the spot. He must have judged that this was a piece of double luck, in that he might take revenge upon the one who
me to see me give a good friend of yours a little lesson in politeness. Here's Owen saying how he thinks it good taste to step in between a fellow
nothing of the sort, Ni
e other la
d behind me. Fellers that are tied to their mother's apron strings ain't apt to know a heap about how to take care of themselves in a stand-up fight. Meb
possibly he might have been forgiven had he done so, considering all the conditions. But evidently
s though despite Hugh's grave warning, he meant to attack Owen, come what might,
e must have been taken unawares. The consequence was that the blow landed on the side of his head when he tried instinct
vent him had even done this, trying to strike back in return. The boy was furious because of havi
m, just as another boy less pugilistic in his nature might glory in taking snap-shot pictures, catchin
fighter. Poor Owen went down again in a pitiful heap. He did not have the slightest chance against such a master in the art of delivering heavy blows that could not be parried. As one of the boys who l
ere he knelt trying to recover his breath, and not yet wholly conquered, thou
r safe-keeping. Nick saw his actions with keen delight. Apparently, the hope he had entertained of forcing Hugh
just concluded. "You big coward, I'm going to teach you that there's danger in picking on a boy smaller t