rted; "I will take you to the four little cottages that have been bought for you b
at fun!" exclaimed Dick, cu
two to the west. Nice little cottages they were, each with a small garden behind it. The two that fronted the west were thatched with golden-coloured straw, and the glass in the litt
d Matty, with a smile of delight; "it has the brightest thatc
gest!" cried Dic
the golden thatch above them. The children went in and examined the inside of the dwellings one by one. Each had four little rooms-parlour, bedroom, kitchen, and spare roo
etween the cottages, in which they had left Mr. Learning standing, "I
ch of you shall possess one. Every morning you will find in them a certain number of pieces of silver and copper money,-men name them hours and minutes. A few you will employ in paying for your lodging and food in that large dwelling hard
. Every bright coin had the stamp of a pair of wings on one side, with the motto, "
like too many amongst us, they did not know their value. Lame Nelly ve
town of Education, for I'm in a desper
ed with his gold-headed cane to a spot where some smok
der through the tre
aid Lubin. "I hope that you don't e
uble or fatigue. The way is very straight and direct. You must go down this hill, which is called Puzzle; it is not long, but tolerably
do when we get t
st that you will reach when you come to the end of the lane. Then you will doubtless look out for grates, and other needful articles of hardware; they may be had at reasonable prices from Mr. Arithmetic,
o, will want looking
rds the two little girls, "who have garden walls with a western aspect, on which the fruit-trees of needlework can grow, must buy plants from Mrs. Sewing,
s to do with our m
mile. "Think of the pleasure which it will give your mother if she find each of you, on her return six months hence, comfortably settled in a well-furnished house of your own! If any additional motive for e
e!" thought Dick; "I'll
mother be pleased with my cottage!" A fear was on the little girl's mind that she should manage her sh
e, promising to return some day to watch the progress of his charges. Lubin, though not lame like Nelly,
ittle Matty, shaking her fair locks, "that I almos
to co