img The Duke's Prize A Story of Art and Heart in Florence  /  Chapter 6 THE MASQUERADE BALL. | 31.58%
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Reading History


Word Count: 2873    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

s the very


ment, and whether it be gained or not, depends solely upon the shrewdness of him who plays the game. The "king-row" may designate the pinnacle of earthly wishes and hopes, while the various "moves" may show the struggle for that desirable go

rtist in Florence; and yet they all strove to do him honor, at least; so it appeared, orders for his productions crowded upon him from all the nobility, not only of Florence, but of all Tuscany. The private palaces of the environs of the city were th

cely could a Raphael or a Titian have been more respected or honored.

the market with his brush just

ctures! Funny world, this! It is scarcely three mon

he can make as easily as he ca

genius to fill the

n a knife's point-no more,"

ite band resounds already among the fountains and groves of the gardens; already have commenced to congregate the gay courtiers and lovely dames of this land of the sun. The diamond tiaras that sparkle on those lovely brows are less dazzling than the lovely and soul-ravishing eyes that look out from that mental diamond, the soul within; the jewelled stars upon th

tertainments," said the English consu

quently for an artifice to serve h

ish expenditure, but it is a most

h by policy as by his own persona

ing his motives, we may at all ev

asonable, and I most heart

rand Duke, and Carlton the humble artist, was a very different person. He was the observed of all observers; and many a rich belle sought his side-nay, even leaned upon his arm, as he strolled through the gorgeous rooms of the palace. They were sufficiently disguised by their masks to remove any fear of personal recognition; and therefore,


immed with rich ermine, and clasped close about the throat with checks of gold. His silken hose, and velvet shoes faced with silver thread, set off his fine limbs to perfection. A light, graceful dirk hung at his silver girdle, finishing a costume of great simplicity and beauty. On his right arm there now leans the peerless figure of a countess, with whom he promenades and chats in his gay and spirited way, while she is evidently

igh hand," said one young noble

ntenance and favor of the du

said the English consul, who

erican?" asked the first sp

was announced as such when

ke to him," said t

them," ad

larly to affect him, and he may win a

richest heiress in Florence

p 'twixt the cup and

ul, and then

erade will be broken up, and each and all appear before each other in their true characters. Peasant girls will don the attire more fitting their station; kings and queens will descend to

pect, and yet with a degree of familiarity, a tall, manly person of noble bearing, and of handsome features, opposite to whom stands, as partner for the dance, Signora Florinda, the duke's ward. The queenly beauty of her person is the same as when we first met her, so lovely and cap

o his face, drinking from the eloquent eyes that meet her own of the nectar of love, as the Suri rose of Syria sips the dewy treasures of the twilight hour. That par

seur in all matters of the arts, to which he was enthusiastically devoted, and also a most liberal patron to their interest; consequently he lavished all honor on him whom he thought so deserving of it, and the entire court now pointed t

were together. "You challenge me to praise, to reward

too lavishly kind to me

and my ward. I shall have plenty of opposition in that matter

er adding to my inde


more, Carlton, but

rom opposing the object, he even encouraged it in every way that propriety suggested; forwarding its interests by such delicate promptings as his feelings would permit. He loved Florinda as though she had bee

her feet watching with admiration every movement of that beautiful and dearly loved form. He found every attribute there worthy a heart's devotion. Like the w

th him she loved. It was fittingly chosen, being in a retired yet easily accessible angle of the palace; an apartment lofty and large, ye

rniture, the rich and well chosen paintings that ornamented the walls, and in short, the air of unostentatious ric

curious ornaments from the hands of the cunning artificers of the East, most beautifully fancied, and from wh

under which they were manufactured, a most happy conceit of rich and rosy colors. Pendant from the hoops in which both were gathered, hung a bunch of ostrich feathers of s

liant carpet was of eastern ingenuity, and no richer served the Turkish Sultan himself. Two opposite sides of the apartment were ornamented each w

rp of surpassing richness. Here Carlton and Florinda were seated at

une would smile upon thee; thou

eed, and I

ewelled hand that he held affectionately to

ll visit my native land with me a

ever wished to travel! Only to think, Carlton, I have scarcely been out of Italy! I once made a trip with uncle across the sea to Malaga and back

like thy sunny

, And then it is a free, republican government; there are no serfs there

e; and doubly so when thy eloque

gaily, while he thought of the h

all be of thee,

ud I am

a, or thou wouldst never have consented

id the lady,

t marry the h

artist, and pro

given me concerning thee, Florinda! The favored friend of the Grand Duke h

cipation of future joy, foreseeing for them

kle, dearest, and e

er suspicio

but in those relatin

ng on the sunny side

o do so, if one can but

be reminded that there is a shadowed s

its bright s

that you left the heroine of that story you wer

ff by the banditti. Shal


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