img The Eagle's Heart  /  Chapter 3 THE YOUNG EAGLE STRIKES | 14.29%
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Reading History


Word Count: 2407    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

of primitive passion reveals the tiger, the ram, and the wolf which decent and orderly procedure has hidden. Cases of mu

married man and the leader of the choir in the First Church. Some of the people when they heard of it, said: "I do not believe it," and when they were convince

re productive of interesting conversation than a case of embezzlement or the burning of the cou

ng day after day in a hammock reading "domestic novels." The young girls drew together and conveyed the news in whispers. It seemed to

Harry Excell!" Yes, there was Harry; for a moment, for the first time,

hand convulsively clasping his bloody shoulder, rushed into the central drug store and fell to the floor with inarticulate cries of fear and pain. Out of his mouth

arrow alley where the encounter had taken place. He was white

he demanded, as the officer ru

plied the constable, drawing a p

ed Harold; "I'm not going to r

ut his face was terrible to see, especially in one so young. In every street excited men, women, and children were running to s

more than any curse would have done. He had suddenly become their dramatic entertainme

ee. "Let me alone! I'm

struggled till his captors swayed about on the walk, and the little b

or coat and wearing slippers, came running down the

he boy

f the sheriff from the boy's arms; the gesture was bearlike in power. "Wh

has kill

u l

tabbed Clint Slocum. He ain

t true,

s sullen glance. "He s

ed as if in silent prayer. Then he turned. "Free the boy's arm. I'll guarantee he w

his pastor, fell back. The sheriff took a place by his side, and the father and son wal

u use. I will not tell you to conceal the truth, but you need not incriminate yourself-that is t

e were many of his parishioners in the streets, and several of the women broke into bitter weeping as he passed, and many of the men imprec

y-tell me the truth-did you strike

laid a broad, gentle hand on his

was striking me; I struck ba

ve you, Harold. He is older and stronge

s people, the minister bowed his proud head and put his arm about his son an

and he is my only son. Deal gently with him.-Harold, submit to the law

deep breath, and a cry of bitter agony broke from

uscular fellow, rather given to bullying. A heavy carriage whip was found lying in the alley, and this also supported Harold's story t

d at me. The horse got scared and yanked me around, and just then Harry got his knife into me. I saw he was in for my life and I threw down the whip an

e minister, he said: "That is Clinton's side of the case. My son mus

he sullenly refused to make any statement, even to his

't understand that boy of yours. He seems to be in training for a contest of some kind. He's quiet enough in daytime, or when I'm around, but when he thinks he's al

yes. He knew well that H

of the jail yard, but I dassent let him have any liberties. Why, he can go up the

ou misread my son. He is not one to flee from p

k." This was one of the morbid fancies jail life had developed; he thought everybody had turned against him. "Now, I want to tell you something-we're chums, and you mustn't give me away. These fools think I'm going to try to escape, but I ain't. You see, they can't hang me for s

ly diminished in value, but some shrewd gossip connected the two events and said: "I be

Harold's favor. Clinton was shrewd enough to say very little about the quarrel. "I was just givin' him

to hold the trial in the opera house in order that all the townspeople should be able to enjoy it. A cynical young editor made a counter suggestion: "I move we charge one dollar p

prosecution, and old Judge Brown and

regard for him. Lawyer Brown believed the boy to be a

rosecution will make much of that. Our business is to show the extent of the provocation, and secondly, to disprove, so far as we can, the popular conception of the youth. I can get noth

him in plain and simple words, without any assumption. His voice was kind and sincere, and Haro

t remember much about it, my mind was a kind o

strike you w

e was a black

y that to him?" p

that's wh

thing to you whi


t wa

osed his lips and Bra

mething. Did you have anything t

ed Harold d

in the raid on Brownlow

was a

s see you duri

Jack up in the

in some of these thin

ied to destroy thing

n belongs to you, and I wish you'd just tell me the whole tru

me. They're all down on me anyway," he slowly said, and B

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