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Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 3331    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

ot Tha

tess de Coude. Often he met other members of the select little coterie that dropped in for te

e than friend, but with the suggestion implanted by the evil words of her brother she had grown to speculate much upon the st

own age. Twenty is shy in exchanging confidences with forty. Tarzan was but two years her senior. He could understand her, she felt. Then

d been added to his hatred for the ape-man a great fear that he would expose him. He was but waiting now until the moment was propitious for a master strok

ed Porter party. He enjoyed the pleasant social intercourse with Olga's friends, while the friendship which had sprung up between the fair countess

lga and the count. Occasionally De Coude dropped in, but the multitudinous affairs of his official

ight, but in this he was doomed to disappointment. On several occasions Tarzan accompanied the countess to her h

is own, Rokoff and Paulvitch put their heads together to hatch a plan that woul

aper made brief mention of a smoker that was to be given on the following evening by the German minister. De Coude's name w

that arrived. He had not long to wait before De Coude descended from his car and passed him. That was enough. Paulvitch hastened back to his quar

t D'Arnot?" he asked, when h

zan, if he will be so kind

te there w

eur Ta

vice of the Countess de Coude. Possibly monsieu

ssage from the countess. She asks that you has

not know. Shall I tell madame th

eur. The good God

e receiver and turne

out forty-five minutes. It all depends upon whether the fool will remain fifteen minutes after he finds that a trick has been played u

This is for the Count de Coude. It is very urgent. You must see that it is placed in his hands at once,"

host as he tore open the envelope. What he re


e takes this means to warn you that the sanc

ere during your absence is now with your wife. If you go at


obtained a connection with Olga's private line. Her maid

d the maid, in answer to Roko

hat she must arise and slip something about her and come to the telephone. I shall call u

the message?"

way to his home by no

er presence without announcing him. It will take a few minutes for explanations. Olga will look very alluring in the filmy creation that is her nigh

k we have planned marvelously, my dear Alexis. Let us go out and drink to the very good health of Monsieur Tarzan in some of old Plancon's

a's, Jacques was awaiti

In another moment he had opened a door, and, drawing aside a heavy curtain, o

desk on which stood her telephone. She was tapping impatiently u

said, "what

d him with a lit

e you doing here? Who admit

but in an instant he rea

d not send f

night? MON DIEU! Jean, do yo

come at once; that you were

o in the worl

r service. He spoke as thou

employ. Some one has played a joke

ster 'joke,' Olga," he replied. "T

ean? You do no

e count?" he

erman amb

count will hear of it. He will question the servants. Everyt

eyes was an expression that the hunter sees in those of a poor, terrified doe-puzzled-questioning. She trembled, and to steady herself raised her

man. Tarzan took one of the warm little hands that lay on his breast in his own strong one. The act was quite involu

yes, and where Olga de Coude should have been strong she was weak, for she crept closer into the man's arms, and clasped her ow

he made. Everything was quite a blur to him up to the time that he stood on the threshold of his own home. Then he became very cool, moving quietly and with caution. For

gallery to the door of his wife's boudoir. In his h

ust in time to ward with his arm a terrific blow that De Coude had aimed at his head. Once, twice, three times the h

ood, to be flung aside as the now infuriated beast charged for his adversary's throat. Olga de Coude stood a horrified spectator of the terrible scene which ens

f God!" she cried. "You are killing him, you are k

ugh the palace of the Count de Coude rang the awesome challenge of the bull ape that has made a kill. From cellar to attic the horrid sound sea

ve of civilized man. His eyes fell upon the figure of the kneeling woman. "Olga," he whispered. She looked up

u have done. He was my husband. I l

the Count de Coude and bore it to a couch

ndy, Olga

en his lips. Presently a faint gasp came from the

ie," said Tarz

do it, Jean

been better had you known it-this might not have happened. I never saw my father. The only mother I knew was a ferocious she-ape. Until I was fifteen

in which to attempt to work the change in an individual that

mine. You must go now-he must not find you

walked with bowed head from th

re he soon found one of the officers with whom he had had the encounter several weeks previous. The policeman was genuinely glad to see again

t them now, we make it a point to know pretty well where they may be found should the occasion dem

Monsieur Rokoff on a little matter of business. If yo

p of paper in his pocket bearing a certain address in a semiresp

vening's events. They had telephoned to the offices of two of the morning papers from which they momentarily

wspaper men are prompt," exclaimed Rokoff, and as a kno

e Russian's face as he looked into

ted, springing to his fee

d barely catch the words, but in a tone that brou

e same low tone. "It should be to kill you, but because

, and so I shall not kill him so long as I permit you to live. Before I leave you two alive in this room you will h

the newspapers. If you do not do both, neither of you will be alive when I pass next through that doorway. Do

odge them and reach the door, was lifted completely off the floor, and hurled senseless into a corner. When Rokoff commenced to blacken about the face Tarzan released his hold and shoved the fellow back

If it is necessary to handle you

p a pen and com

l, and that you mention eve

a knock at the door.

he MATIN," he announced. "I understand t

lied Tarzan. "You have no story for pu

his writing with an ug

"I have no story f

porter did not see the nasty light in t

" he repea

g to the newspaper man. "I bid monsieur good evening," and he bowed

ky manuscript in his coat pocket, turne

sooner or later I shall find an excuse to kill you

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