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Reading History

Chapter 3 SAKYA MUNI

Word Count: 2656    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

from the outer room. Beeton clutched the foot of the bed, and the structure shook in sympathy with his wild trembling. That was

us. For suddenly, with one accord, we three turned upon the bed,

I followed, and close upon his heels burst into the disordered sitting-room. The outer door had been closed but not bolted, and what with the tinted light, diffused thro

w figure, a slim, crouching figure, wearing a sort of loose robe. An impression I had of jet-black hair, protruding from beneath a little

trie!-you saw hi

o the yellow haze of the corridor, tripped, and, uttering a cry of pain, fell sprawling upon the marble floor.

said, rising to his feet;

was a small metal chest, evidently of very considerable wei

ir! That was what he came for

, his horror-bright ey

Smith, turn

t he's been guarding this past two weeks, night and day, crouching over it with a loaded pist

w, Smith bearing the coffer in h

ce the day we came here he hasn't spoken to another living soul, and he's lain there o

r that damned woman!' But although I'd begun to think I could hear something, I

six times a night he'd have me up to listen with him. 'There he goes, Beeton!' he'd whisper

nown no peace since we left China. Once we got her

had never lain in his bed until to-night, but what with taking no proper food nor sleep, and some secret trouble that was killing him b

ook convulsively. He had evidently been greatly attached to his master, and I found something ver

no man could have done his duty better; but forces beyond yo

surprising expression of

carry out your master's wishes, will be done now. Rely up

dazedly, and with one hand raised to his head he went, o

u are a medical man, we can devote the next half-hour, at any rate, to a strictly confidential inquiry into this most perplexing case. I p

em of the dead man's belongings, and in every way bore out Beeton's statement that Sir

ascribe his end to sheer inanition; and a cursory examination brought to light nothing contradictory to that view. Not being prepared to proceed further in t

a few petals of some kind of blossom, three of th

ppreciable to me. Then I began to wonder. The petals (which I was disposed to class as belonging to some species of Curcas or Physic Nut), though bruised, were fresh, a

oor carrying the mysterious fragments in my

case which he had placed upon a chair, turned-and h

n the face of any man. Even in that imperfect light I saw him blanch. I

down--there, on th

or something in his manner ha

ot break t

nd it as y

smelled th

d upon me with the strangest expression in their

, the words Sakya

scarce creditin

e rapped. "Do

said, in ever in

ghed unmi

"Renew the water at least three times." As I turned to fulfill his instru

room as I entered the bathroom, and whist I proceeded car

en brought into the

hing has ever been brought in her



t up the me

bottled stuff to last us for weeks. Sir Gregory sent me out to buy it on the day

ng tugging at the lobe of his left ear

lephoning for Inspector Weymouth? Also, I should be glad if you

bout to qu

to M. Samarkan," he added; "no

here was a telephone in every suite. However, I was not indisposed to avail myself of an opportunity for

guarded night and day? Something associated in some way with Tibet, something which he believed to

could the flower, which my friend evidently regarded with extreme horror, have been intr

y steps bore them company; so that all at once I became aware that instead of having gained the lobby o

a heavily curtained archway. Irritably, I pulled the curtain aside, learnt that it masked a glass-paneled door, o

. From a second curtained doorway, close to my right hand, it came-a sound of

s seemed audibly to form

nd upon the drapery ... when a wo

idered with raised white figures of birds, thrown over her head and shoulders and draped in such fashion tha

xpression within them which struck me so forcibly

e faced one a

same time extending her arms across t

ld ivory hue, were laden with barbaric jewelry, much of it tawdry silverware o

of this grotesque Oriental figure only increased my anxiety to pass the doorw

er right hand and pointing to the door whereby I had

the fact that I was, beyond doubt, a trespasser! By what right

ust see," I said, realizing, however

snapped back uncomprom

me, continuing to poin

ed the glance of those

antly recognizing her, that still I hesitated. Whereupon, glancing rapidly over her shoulder into whatever place l

ng. If her object in intercepting me had been to co

truly sorry figure in the e

d was busy with that taunting memory of the two dark eyes looking out from the fo

m I sought an

' h?tel in Cairo, and now host of London's newest and most palatial khan. Portly, and weari

y attention. I dropped no hint of foul play, but M. Samarkan expressed profound (and professional) regret that so distinguishe

ave you Oriental guests

eur," he a

Oriental lady

slowly sho

s seen one of the aya

s resident in the Ne

just possible, o

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